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Application Date: September 22, 2021 at 8:00 pm Name: Jane Edwards Contact Number: 0408059750 Email: ewertwards@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pleasure Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: to Age: 10 YO to 20 YO Asking Price: to No Max Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have had horses for 51 years and can provide a very experienced and loving home. I have managed ponies with laminitis and weight issues. Dream Horse: I am looking for a first pony for my 5 year old granddaughter to learn to ride and her 3 year old sister to have a sit on. The pony can be any breed or colour, temperament is the key, the pony can be older but I would prefer a pony under 20 if possible. Riding Ambitions: I would like to be able to lead the pony at the walk and trot for the 5 year old and eventually for her to learn to ride independently. I have a fenced Menage so this can be done safely. I would like the girls to be able to brush the pony and to be safe around the pony while learning all the rules and correct handling. Bombproof, safe with children 24/oct just sent a pony from horse deals advertised a minute ago. Jane having this one vetted. Currently getting one vetted. Spent time searching through shetland sales aus, pony sites, no luck. Sent her one nikki sent through but in tamworth NSW so no interest. 5/10 jane declined black pony and limited her search to Vic only 4/10 sent jane black shetland pony. Quiet paddock pony wanted , super safe, lead rein shetland Spoke to Jane. Really nice and experienced horse owner. Pony for 2 yr old and 5yr old, to walk and trot around on , on and off lead.
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Application Date: September 22, 2021 at 10:28 pm Name: Christine Mark Contact Number: 0403366530 Email: panorama_landscapes@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Pony, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Other Breeds, Paints, Pintos, Ponies, Standardbred, Welsh Height: 14 to 16 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have a 12yr old confident beginner/novice and a 15yr old novice/intermediate both have done long trail rides lots of holiday programs and we have a 12h pony that we are leasing as a short term who is a bit tricky to ride so they are gaining lots of experience my 15yr old also has ridden friends horses but we have moved to a 65acre property and are looking for our first horse Dream Horse: 14h-15.3h standard breed, stock horse quiet but will do 3paces easily, responsive but not go, easy to catch,shoe etc just nice manners good around dogs,cows, sheep Riding Ambitions: We would like a horse just for a leisure, ride on the farm, occasionally trail riding and on roads something that u can pull out of paddock and jump on Quiet first horse 15/1 sent christine gumtree horse 9/1 sent christine 2 horses, one sold, 5/1 sent christine an email to see if she will consider updating her search parameters and consider upping the budget at all. 23/12 sent happy christmas text 5/12 sent ebook via email. 18/11 – sent text not much on market, height range in high demand. Thinking of them.
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Application Date: September 22, 2021 at 10:56 pm Name: Kay langfield Contact Number: 0499455882 Email: kay.langfield@gmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 9 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 2000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Rode my quarterhorse as a pleasure horse until I retired him after 4 years due to arthritis. I was sold a thoroughbred mare by a friend as suitable for a novice – she bolted and broke my collar bone 2 years ago. Now I’m riding a friends Welshie on loan to build my confidence and trust I horses Dream Horse: Sane sensible sound Riding Ambitions: To have fun – I’m not interested in serious competitions Sane sensible chilled 16/3 ring Kay beginning of July 2022. currently having lessons to improve her riding. 3/11 Kay has found a riding school with horses so she is going back to lessons to improve her riding and save more money. Then she can look for a “better” horse. Pause the search for 6 months please. 16/10 messaged kay to let her know nothing has coming up as yet but we are searching our hardest, also informed her the video she was sending me by email has not come through as yet. After ringing sunny is unsuitable. Kay has decided that temperament is the only thing that matter, height, breed, age, sex are irrelevant. Sent kay Sunny the QLD horse from horse deals to ask her her opinion. Sent ad and video. Called kay sat 2nd october just to say hi and remind her to send some photos and they havent found anything suitable as yet.
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Application Date: September 23, 2021 at 9:16 am Name: Sasha Holland Contact Number: 0422994359 Email: sasha@primeps.com.au Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Breed: Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
We are looking for a family horse and best friend I am in my mid 40s and rode for many years – as a child to late teens, I rode competively in the ring/dressage. I am getting back into riding and having lessons to get me ride fit. I am a confident rider. My 8 year old daughter is a beginner and currently in lessons, she is being taught properly in a round yard, no reigns, then no saddle for her balance etc she can now rise and sit trot off the lunge comfortably, stop, start and turn. She will be proceeding to canter after the holidays. Dream Horse: See below – A mare that we could later breed would be a bonus, so good bloodlines. Although gelding also fine. Riding Ambitions: Looking for a patient “been there and done that” pony my daughter is quite tall and is growing like grass so that is why we are looking for pony around 15hh ( a touch smaller could be ok) Clearly needs to be safe/sound and something that she may use for interschools when she begins high school – she has showed some interest in dressage. Please note this will not be a competitive home per say, we are simply looking for a horse that has plenty of experience/education as I enjoy an educated ride, due to my show days and a pony can help my daughter continue to gain confidence and skill – maybe ex show/dressage that maybe ready for an easier life, with weekly rides in the arena/trail, tonnes of love & attention. Notes: oct 29- sending Sasha horses every day pretty much! Oct 8- Vet checking one next week. Tuesday onwards in QLD
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Application Date: September 23, 2021 at 9:28 am Name: Suzie Wilks Contact Number: 0413833896 Email: suziewilks@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 2000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
My daughter has been riding on and off since was was 4 . She is 10 now and very tall . Dream Horse: A pretty kind horse that loves aeration and people. Back with a blaze and 4 white socks ( the dream ) then bay then chestnut . A horse I can trust to teach me and keep me safe . 14.3 -15 .2? I am a tall 10 and a half year old. Riding Ambitions: ( from Ruby who is 11 in April ) First horse to begin pony club with for the first time , trial ride with my mum and new horsey friends out side our house in Main Ridge Start shows and learn to canter properly with out a lung group in a large steam and to canter over jumps! I want to do a water jump one day . Safe ,friendly ,pony club ,pretty , been there done that ! 2/6 – still on holidays ? not sure struggles to reply ro anything. still looking 26/2/23 – ?? Hugo viewed and vetted 20/4 – spoke to suzie, due to health issues she would like to postpone the search until mid end may. She would like us to search for an allrounder trail riding horse for her family to enjoy. Under 15, yrs, 15-16hh , family pet. 28/2 – created a watts ap group for suzie and ruby and touched base to say hello. 14/2 – sent Suzie the older Clydie mare. She mentioned she was looking for more trail riding horses for friends – but it is a mare. 1/2 sent suzie a ripper but she was too slow to reply and so missed out. Still waiting on copper to become available. 24/12 sent suzie happy christmas message.
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Application Date: September 23, 2021 at 2:03 pm Name: Leah Contact Number: 0414419786 Email: lgulam@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Harness, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 15 to 15 Age: to 14 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Grown up and ridden all my life. Grandfather used to breed. Spent some time living in city where there was little activity but living on acreage again for last 3 years and currently own 2 horses for pleasure. One OTT and one Cob cross which was purchased for pleasure harness but proving to be unsuitable. Dream Horse: Feel like I’m searching for the impossible ! Looking for a horse for pleasure harness driving. If broken to saddle that would be a bonus but not a deal breaker. Something between 14.3 and 15h needed to fit my Jinker and Buggy. Not fussed on Breed as long as ready to drive and good ground manners and suitable to paddock with my OTT mare who is friendly but can be bossy/nippy at feed time. Have post an rail fencing so no windsuckers either. If we are talking dream horse I would describe a good looking Black gelding at requested height. But have been looking for quite some time so as long as ready to go, friendly and good manners I am flexible. Riding Ambitions: I only ride for pleasure so something suitable to drive every week and if broken to saddle then will be ridden on average once a week as well. Harness 9/2 LEAH BOUGHT WILSON from Utopia 7/2 sent leah a hello message, checking to see if she wants to expand her parameters at all. 2/2 sent leah a notice that Utopia performanvce horses are back in action. She is waiting on a horse called Thor who is 15hh to come on the market. 24/12 – happy christmas text Have sent leah a text message each week. Sent her an ad from utopia performance horses just to keep in the loop, but the horse was to big. Called 2 nd october to say still looking, no match ther than the black gelding as yet.
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Application Date: September 23, 2021 at 7:58 pm Name: Melia Courtney Contact Number: +61407550662 Email: meliacourtney@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16 Age: to Asking Price: to Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Not Specified Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
82 year old man just up to plodding around now. Dream Horse: Very quiet, no spook no shy and will stand still while dad clambers on. Riding Ambitions: Dad just wants a quiet horse to walk around the paddocks and walk out in the bush Quiet 24/10 sent horse – bought horse Sent melia aus stock horse but was too small. Really needs 15hh to help her dad get off with his hip. Called 2nd October. Told her Tiz is back at shory park and that he is having his first ride on Monday and either myself or nikki will be in touch
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Application Date: September 27, 2021 at 4:25 pm Name: Olga Connolly Contact Number: 0417554760 Email: connolly.o.t@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Andalusian/PRE, Australian Stock Horses, Clydesdale, Cross Breed, Friesians, Standardbred Height: 16 to 17.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Looking for my husband Paul. He has done some trail riding and a bit of riding around the farm. He is soft and gentle with all animals and, while tall and fairly athletic, is not heavy. Dream Horse: Paul needs a friendly, no fuss, safe mount that will become his friend. Experienced, bom-proof, horse that enjoys a trail ride, cuddles and treats. Something that will be happy to bum around a paddock a lot of the time, and then be pulled out and go for a (low speed) adventure somewhere. Must be easy to catch, float, rug, do feet and teeth. Does not need to be super pretty or athletic or classically educated, just needs to be easy, level headed and happy to plod along. Riding Ambitions: Paul’s main goal is to be able to feel safe around his new furry friend. And to be able to take him to cool places and ride on the trails. Notes: 29/10 – search on hold at the moment whilst they work out if the ones they have might suit. 5/10 touched base with olga, she has been in difficult signal. any type suitable for beginner trail riding and multiple riders
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Application Date: September 29, 2021 at 2:34 pm Name: Lucy Cochran Contact Number: 0431220412 Email: lucy.m.cochran@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Eventing, HRCAV, Trail Riding Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Cleveland Bay, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16 Age: 4 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I started riding at age 9, got my own horse at age 12. I was very competitive at Pony Club in everything (games to showing to grade 3 eventing). At 18, I got an OTT and evented level 2. then stopped riding. I returned to riding in my early 30s and had an OTT and a 16.3hh WB who I evented HRCV grade 3 on. I sold him 7 years ago. This year, I have started riding again under instruction on my friend’s WB doing mainly dressage. This has stopped in lockdown though as I live in Melbourne. Dream Horse: 15.2-16hh – nice movement and a love of jumping. Must be good out on trails and rarely refuse jumps. Bonus points for brown or black horses and ones that are a bit smoochy! The dream is the horse has had some exposure or success at events but I am beginning to give up hope of that. Riding Ambitions: I am looking to do a bit of everything. I will be under instruction and will be able to get a trainer to help if the horse is a little green. My ambition is to do ARC, trail riding, low level eventing and straight dressage. I am not a nervous rider but I don’t want a horse that bucks or bolts. The odd pigroot is ok. Bad ground manners ok. Horse must load on the float well. Notes: 9/10 lucys horse passed vet and is being transported to victoria on tuesday 12th. Nikki to call/message and discuss a potential partial refund
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Application Date: September 29, 2021 at 3:14 pm Name: Lisa Tolmie Contact Number: 0410641342 Email: lisatolmie1@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Eventing, HRCAV, Interschool, Off The Track, Performance, Performance Ponies, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Paints, Percheron, Pintos, Ponies, Standardbred, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods, Welsh Height: 14.2 to 16.2 Age: 8 YO to Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Been riding since I was a kid. Currently level 2 hrcav dressage and 65cm jumping. I’m nervous rider since having my kids. Dream Horse: Something quiet enough that doesn’t need to be ridden every day. Happy to trail ride down the road one day quietly, go to riding club the next and then do a comp the next 🙂 no fuss, quiet. Not fussed on age breed gender as long as it’s quiet , sensible. Riding Ambitions: Hrcav dressage, low level eventing, trail ride. Don’t want to go to the Olympic – want to feel safe and have fun with something super safe and sensible. Quiet oct 29- speaking to Lisa daily sending her options Nikki has a horse coming up she sold 5 years ago. Lisa keen to wait for this one and not really hear about any others.
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Application Date: September 29, 2021 at 4:40 pm Name: Melissa Law Contact Number: +61413332966 Email: moucey73@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 12 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I rode when I was little (PC) and then a significant break. I had a standy that I rescued as my first horse back. I have since had a Welsh x ARP and ride quite often on my property (covid) I have been to several ARC rallies and a few shows. Dream Horse: Not too tall. About 15.2 Max. Does not have to be the best looking horse on the lot, but its a MUST, that he/she be able to go on a trail ride and low level ARC. A good confidence builder… Riding Ambitions: Eventually be confident enough to go to more comps, but firstly just enjoy the company of myself and my horse. Bring the joy back to riding again…. Notes: Sent melissa nice paint. Nikki called. She bought it!!
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Application Date: October 7, 2021 at 7:18 am Name: Claire Skeen Contact Number: 0437468217 Email: claireskeen5@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Eventing Breed: Height: 14 to 15 Age: 10 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 2000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Ridding on and off until 11 joined pony club at 13 and compete in all aspects. Age 18 left pony club and compete in grade 5 open eventing at age 23 sadly had to retire my horse I had since I was 17 and haven’t ridden since Dream Horse: A quiet sensible horse that is straight forward to saddle up and easy to get on that is established and brave willing jumper doesn’t have to be show quality or the prettiest horse understanding as I’m not the most balanced rider Riding Ambitions: To mainly ride at home and go to the odd eventing competition at grade 5 level but I don’t care if I don’t place just so long as I can get around the cross country course safely I have enough ribbons for a life time from my old horse budget will grow the longer it takes don’t care about waiting Ring between 8:00 and 8:15 in the morning and 5.10 and 5:30 at night due to work hours can email during the day 12/11 – sent a message to say hi 20/10 Hi Claire, Thanks so much for enlisting the help to find your new mount! We are thrilled to be able to assist you. We will start the hunt immediately and you will be started to send options that may suit! With your budget obviously being a touch lower, I think more the older style with plenty of experience and calm nature but slightly winding down may suit? Hopefully similar to what you were thinking. Please shoot through or feel free to call anytime – we will text / email options as we discover them. You will hear from either myself, Nikki or my co-worker an Match maker extraordinaire Heleni (H) will be in contact soon, Many thanks,
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Application Date: October 7, 2021 at 7:41 am Name: Lisa hardie Contact Number: 0418625044 Email: lisa-hardie@hotmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Other Breeds, Thoroughbred Height: 15 to 16 Age: 4 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 3000 to 2000 Sex: Rider Level: Advanced Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
I have been riding since I got my first horse at age 17 now 57 Dream Horse: My dream horse would be a younger version of Gilbert Riding Ambitions: Would like to continue to compete at dressage ( Would like to get back up to alest novice level) Gelding/ mare Has not paid so moved to unsuccessful 7/11 Messaged lisa – not sure why a delay in application form showing up here. Will call her tomorrow
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Application Date: October 8, 2021 at 12:38 pm Name: Luisa Salvo Contact Number: 0432349640 Email: luisasalvo@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Trail Riding Breed: Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Friesians, Gypsy Cob, Morgan, Percheron, Standardbred, Welsh Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 10 YO to 20 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Weekly lessons last 4-5 years. No regular last two years due to Covid-19. Dream Horse: Bombproof Riding Ambitions: Weekly lessons Bombproof 7/3/23 – going to see bruce Friday, and lolita Saturday 16/2/23 – recomenced search – having a phone call catch up oct 13 – have sent Luisa 2 or 3 to consider. She wants very comprehensive videos if she cannot view in person (fair enough). Happy to buy sight unseen but video must be clear. Budget – would look up to $20k if it was perfect! Doesn’t like Appy eyes (worried about blindness). Ideally just pleasure riding, may expand to ARC if she finds a proper no fuss unicorn. – She’s in metro and would like to ride (Can only go 15km from home). But has friends in regional or would be happy if we could view too. So VIC only. But happy for sight unseen if friend could possibly ride. Lovely lady but has had quite the spook so proper unicorns only, realistically a beginner who is scared to canter.
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Application Date: October 10, 2021 at 11:42 am Name: Sue Bradley Contact Number: 0439468332 Email: suebrad_65@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Beginners, Endurance, HRCAV, Schoolmasters Breed: Height: 14 to 16.2 Age: 6 YO to 25 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Rode as a teen for a couple of years, then rode again in my early 30s for a couple of years. Mostly trail riding and pleasure. Dream Horse: Confidence builder Riding Ambitions: I am a mature age rider looking to regain my confidence in trail riding and some ARC, pleasure riding and natural horsemanship. I am also interested in endurance rides. Confidence builder 10/11 sue found herself a horse messaged 1/11 about ryder horse riding trails horses coming up for sale. oct 22 – sent sue an endurance arab advertised in horse deals.
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Application Date: October 13, 2021 at 3:42 pm Name: anthony mckeown Contact Number: 0408370451 Email: anthony@homeinnovations.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Off The Track, Pleasure, Ranch Horse Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Australian Stock Horses, Thoroughbred Height: 16 to Age: 5 YO to 10 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
“Was a experienced rider “ Dream Horse: easy to handle Riding Ambitions: Moving from Melbourne to farm at Terang in December Notes: 23/4 – sent Anthony a ASH on Horsedeals and checked in. 24/12 – have sent anthony a few and had no reply. sent him a christmas message to enjoy the break. 3/11 rang to check we are starting the search now – yes we are – ready to go.
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Application Date: October 15, 2021 at 6:14 pm Name: Sue Pearson Contact Number: 0408519021 Email: smckpearson@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Clydesdale, Cross Breed, Other Breeds Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 9 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
We have owned our own stock horse gelding that my daughter rode for over 10 years and he has now semi-retired. In that time I had the some lessons on him, but not consistently. He is not a beginners horse and is very sensitive to aids with a very soft mouth, so I am not a complete beginner in the sense that I know how to be a quiet and gentle rider without hanging on the mouth or flapping my legs about, but I have not done much out of the walk so am definitely still a beginner. In the lessons we worked mainly in the walk to establish good seat and leg aids, good riding position, gentle hands/aids, and how to get the horse listening and working calmly. I do not have a lot of riding experience outside of these lessons. I have been handling him and caring for him the whole time we have owned him, so am at an intermediate level for handling and experienced in caring. He is generally a quiet and easy horse to be around (hence intermediate rather than experienced), although can get pushy when food is involved, and also can get nervy when not in work. Dream Horse: I am looking for a unicorn and would love a horse that will take care of me in the saddle and enjoys interacting with people. This horse will be a member of the family and we will be a forever home for the right fit. It must have trail experience, both alone and in company, as I plan on doing a lot of trails. The alone part is very important, as I will often be trail riding alone, and need a horse who is comfortable doing that. As I am a beginner, more woah-than-go would be preferred, and must not be known to bolt on trails (even if the other horses take off), or be spooky. I will also be having flat lessons to improve my riding, so the horse must have a good basic education. While the more education the better, I have no plans on climbing the dressage levels so it’s not necessary to have high level dressage education or anything like that. As long as the horse is more educated than me, I will be happy. One more thing that is very important for me, is that the horse will not be in work 5 days a week. I need a horse who will be okay without consistent work, and who’s temperament doesn’t change if they haven’t been ridden in a week. I need to be able to hope on for a plod down the road, or a little work in the arena without the horse being too hot. Ideally, we would be paddocking the new horse without our gelding. So a horse that is sensible when paddocked together would be great, but we do have room to paddock separately if we had to, so not a deal breaker. No OTT or green horses as I don’t have the experience. Must be good to catch/shoe/float/teeth, and no bite, buck, kick or bolt. Must be sound. I would prefer no windsuckers. Must be good around farm machinery/dogs/traffic. I have put 14.2hh-15.2hh, if closer to 14hh would prefer a stockier breed as I am tall (5 7 but light). I would prefer a gelding, but am definitely open to a mare if she ticks all the boxes. As for breed, I am not set on anything in particular, but would love something with the temperament of a QH or clydie. I would prefer no TBs, arabs or breed that are known to be a bit hotter/require more consistent work. Little managable quirks and personality is welcome, as long as the horse is safe. Safety is my biggest priority. Overall, I need a horse that has been there, done that. Already had the miles put in and exposure. I don’t want a dressage superstar, or anything flashy, just a good honest horse who is happy to have a beginner learn on it. Riding Ambitions: I am a mature woman rider who is a beginner so my ambitions are quite low. I want to do a lot of trail riding, as there are some great places from my front door, and I want to have flat lessons. I will be having lessons to improve my riding abilities, so the horse must have a solid basic education as I do not have the experience to further this myself. I want a pleasure riding horse, where I can enjoy the trails and improve my own abilities, while also having a great companion. I have no plans to compete, to jump, or to show. On average, I will probably be riding 1-2 times a week. We have recently purchased our own property, and the horse we end up finding will be very loved and cared for. I am located in Kyneton/regional VIC, and am willing to travel anywhere in VIC, COVID restrictions allowing, to view a horse. I am not comfortable buying sight unseen. beginner; trail riding 5/1 – sue getting wilson from mitchell park vetted. 24/12 – sent sue to horses yesterday but both are unsuitable. Sent sue a chrsitams message 21/10 called sue and left a voice mail and a text message.
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Application Date: October 17, 2021 at 11:01 am Name: Lynette Fulton Contact Number: Email: nette_m@icloud.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pony Club, Show, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13.2 to 15 Age: 8 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: 5000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
My 10yo son is a confident beginner/novice coming off a small pony (11.3hh). He has been riding for about 4 years, attended Seville Pony Club for 3.5 years (Grade 5), taken part in low level Dressage and CT comps (in the ribbons) and has attended Brenda Mitton Eventing Clinics. Has a growing interest in jumping and also enjoys trail riding. Has had limited experience riding larger mounts, so will be supported by private instruction to help him make the transition. Dream Horse: Looking for a partner in crime – 13.3hh (stocky) – 14.3 hh mare or gelding, 8 – 16 years old. Allrounder type with a bit of exposure/experience to support a junior rider. Confidence builder (probably more whoa than go). Don’t mind a little aged as long as sound and free moving. No vices, no wind suckers, no laminitic ponies (very grass-rich region). Should enjoy jumping (Grade 5/4). Should be happy to receive love and attention from kids. Would love a Welsh-type, but not fussy. Prefer 12k budget unless tack included – can stretch a bit for special candidate. Riding Ambitions: Mount to be suitable for PC, low level comps including XC, the odd show and trails. Rider likes to have fun but is ready for more technical instruction. Confidence builder, children’s mount. Lynette bought love bug from Mitchell Park 29/10 – sent Lynette Roman local horse. keen to check it out over weekend. Just waiting to hear back from seller on availability.
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Application Date: October 17, 2021 at 3:19 pm Name: Ali and Dave Sandy Contact Number: Email: ali.sandy@bigpond.com Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Dressage, Pony Club, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13.2 to 14.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 3000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
We are looking for a new pony for our 12 year old granddaughter. She has been riding since she was 7 and currently has a lovely 12hh mare who she is sadly out-growing. She has weekly lessons with a very good instructor and regularly attends Pony Club rallys. She is a competent but not hugely courageous rider. She currently jumps 50cms in competitions and is training at 60cms. She has done numerous Pony Club shield competitions, some dressage competitions where she did the Prelim 1A test (she won a second place in this a few weeks ago at a local comp) and a few ODEs although she finds the cross country rather scary still! Dream Horse: We are looking for a pony 13.3 – 14.2hh . We want a pony that has had plenty of experience with pony club and shows and that is safe, reliable and kind. It needs to be able to jump and also do some simple dressage. Also, to safely go for outrides to the beach and in the bush. We would prefer a gelding but are happy to consider a mare if it is the right pony. We would also prefer something no younger than 8 years old and preferably not much older than 16 years as it will eventually get passed down to our younger granddaughter. Riding Ambitions: Our granddaughter wants to continue to improve her riding and start jumping a bit higher. She is also quite interested in dressage and would be happy if her new horse could take her a bit further with this too. Most of all she wants to continue to have fun with her pony at pony club rallys and local competitions and be able to safely ride on the beach or in the bush. Pony Club 24/12 29/10 – spoke to Alison> keen for more footage on Geelong chestnut one. We will go view. Quoted her $100 to view as close to home, explained any more would be travel costs included.
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Application Date: October 25, 2021 at 4:39 pm Name: Angela Merrett Contact Number: 0434144927 Email: angela.kirwan@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Australian Stock Horses, Gypsy Cob, Paints, Pintos Height: 14 to 16 Age: to 20 YO Asking Price: 100000 to Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
12yr old Daughter has been riding for the last couple of years. Has been to pony club on and off since the age of 6 Takes fortnightly lessons (where covid allowed) Dream Horse: Quiet Riding Ambitions: Pony Club, rail trail, outings with friends in the bush. Would love a non anxious happy plodder. I think something every mother hopes for. Notes: 25/ 1 – application paused / closed. ongoing health issues with Charlie. – Mum Angela so very grateful of everything tho. expressed her greatest love for what we have done and how we have supported 3/1/23 – seeing Zara – vet checked booked in 21/12 – looking to pass on Bear not sound. 24/ 11 ADDIT No standies, will consider exceptional TB, but ideally still wants a chunky horse type. 7 + year old updated budget to 15K maxed out Novice rider level 4 PC 27/6 – search on pause. Angela would like a chunkier gelding woth a quiet nature and is going to work on a 15,000 budget given the market. Keep in otuch every month to see how she is progressing. 28/3 added Kate to the search group. 21/3 sent angela the grey in winchelsea 28/2 – created a watts ap group for the three of us with Angela. Sent her flo from the match my ride stock page, might be too forward though. 14/2 – sent Angela the details on cuddles. Might be worth a ride. 5/1 – sent angela copper from advertised on the match my ride stock page. 24/12 – sent angela happy christmas message
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Application Date: October 29, 2021 at 2:18 pm Name: Sarah Contact Number: 0433429393 Email: sarahegrigg.89@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Paints Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I haven’t had an extensive amount of time in the saddle. previously owned a thoroughbred 8 years ago, for 2 years, and did most of my learning on him. Went to pony club, had riding lessons. 2 years ago I leased a riding pony to gain my confidence back. had him for 12 months. Prior to any of this, I went on a few trail rides. Dream Horse: My dream horse is a chunky, quiet, fuss free pony. Easy to do anything with and be around other horses. Doesn’t have to be ridden daily, and is confident enough to trail ride on its own. an ideal family horse to ride out with my 5yo daughter and is affectionate. Riding Ambitions: I would love to pursue the western riding pleasure discipline, ride out on trails regularly, have riding lessons frequently, go to Adult Riders Club, ride in the arena and also go down to the beach in the warmer months. My mum and partner would also like to be able to learn on it and have lessons. Breed preference ideally; Quarter Horse, Sex preference ideally; Gelding. Price max would be around $7k. If searching outside Victoria, transport costs would need to be included within the $7k limit. 21/3 sent sarah a message to see if she is ready to ramp up the search again. 28/2 – created a watts ap group for all three of us as I never had and sent her the QH advertised on match my ride page. 24/12 – sent sarah a christmas message. 1/11 Spoke to sarah. Ideal dream type is 15hh QH for trail riding. Not a beginner but lost confidence through a fall and hasnt ridden in 12 months. Under 15 years old. Located boronia, happy to view within VIC and potentially sight unseen. Agistment ready to go. ARC but only level 5.
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Application Date: October 29, 2021 at 3:29 pm Name: Josephina McDonald Contact Number: 0400363292 Email: josephina@hallsgaplakeside.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Beginners, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: to Age: to Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I am a beginner but my husband owns racehorses that live on our property. My daughter and I are looking to start trailing riding (she’s 18). She’s done a number of trail rides and have done lessons but probably stopped about 3 years ago. I haven’t ridden much at all. Dream Horse: Just something that is easy going. Not easily spooked by dogs, kangaroos or other things as we live in the Grampians. One that will enjoy longer rides and is fit enough to do so mostly for trail riding not looking to compete. Riding Ambitions: My daughter is looking to do agriculture or potentially look into equine studies and would love to improve her horsemanship and just be able to ride, mostly on trails. beginner, easy-going 5/12 found josephina a Standie , she went to try it and purchased it 1/11 called and left a message. Messaged Josephina to let her know I will be in touch soon to discuss her application further.
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Application Date: October 30, 2021 at 9:05 am Name: Graeme Clarke – buying for daughter jess Contact Number: 0418382956 Email: graeme@projectclothing.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage, Eventing, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15.2 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
hi im jess im 13 – i have ridden for 4 years – 3 years lesson, i year leasing a pony. i do pony club and can jump 95cm. Dream Horse: eventing horse – for x country, SJ and dressage Riding Ambitions: i would like to get to level 1 eventing we are not in a rush – happy to wait for the right match. ideally early 2022. 21/3 – they have found a horse which is being vet checked this week. Toucj base later in the week to see if they need help processing the vet check. 3/3 – added kate to the watts ap group 28/2 – nikki has sent them huntley – just waiting on the video footage. Started a group to include us all in the search. 24/2 – sent https://horsezone.com.au/category/205/Thoroughbred/listings/99855/Temperament_and_Talent.html 18/2 – sent Graeme Huntley – he is keen to view just waiting on footage. 3/2 – checked in to say Belle is ready to view. 25/1 – sent one ‘sam’ from horse deals that is still available and close to described. I got some footage of it sent to me. 9/1 sent them a horse advertised on MMR stock page 24/12 – sent them a happy christmas message and said we look forward to starting the search in the new year. 30/10 – messaged Graeme to let her know I will be in touch soon to discuss her application further.
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Application Date: October 30, 2021 at 2:44 pm Name: Bridget Caruso Contact Number: 0418597775 Email: Bridget.Caruso@education.vic.gov.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16.2 Age: 6 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Evita is 14, turning 15 on Christmas Day, she is 170cm and weighs around 56kg. She has been riding since she was 6 years old, however a simple whole body shake off her first pony resulted in a broken arm and loss of confidence. She has been on her current 12hh welsh A for the past 7 years and is very confident on her. Evita has also ridden our old TB mare at home in the arena and out on trails around the farm although we had to put her to sleep a few months ago. These are the only two horses Evita has really ridden and she does get nervous on unknown horses. Evita has completed at Ag shows, dressage, showjumping and HT on her current pony (all grade 5). She occasionally gets nervous out on cross country and may pull up to have a walk mid cross country course which usually results in her being eliminated. Her pony can put in the occasional pig-root and spin when a tractor passes, both of which she is happy to handle as she knows the pony, but usually she does not like to ride anything unknown who would do the same. Dream Horse: We would like a sound, fun, easy and straight forward been there done that type with plenty of PC and competition experience and no dirt. Needs to be good to hop back onto after a few weeks off and easy for a young and sometimes nervous teenager to do everything with. 14.2hh – 16.2hh, 6 – 16 years old. Any colour / breed. Pony Club experience to Grade 3 preferred. Prefer Victorian location or Vic / NSW boarder location as we do not wish to buy sight unseen. Riding Ambitions: Evita would like to have a bit of a go at everything pony club offers. She would like to move up the grades with horse trials, showjumping and dressage as she develops confidence. She will have lessons, attend clinics and do some trail riding. Notes: 1/11 spoke to bridget. Located in Swan Hill. True second pony 14.2h-15.2 with experience at grade 3 level. Daughter not a fan of having to kick along. Must try before they buy so vic only. 30/10 – Messaged Bridget to let her know I will be in touch soon to discuss her application further.
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Application Date: October 31, 2021 at 10:21 am Name: Chelsea Pickering Contact Number: 0411496978 Email: picko12@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Companion, Pleasure Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 11 YO Asking Price: 7500 to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Pleasure riding Dream Horse: Quiet but still with life and get up and go Riding Ambitions: Pleasure. Concern over suitability of thoroughbred 17/12 – sent trevor a message congratulating on new horse. Offered them a free lesson at SP since we didn’t find him a match. He was happy. 18/11 – Sent message letting them know I have a really quiet stock horse that may suit arriving next week. Will touch base after a ride.
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Application Date: November 2, 2021 at 1:41 pm Name: Natalie Damevski Contact Number: 0405593326 Email: ndamevski@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Other Breeds, Paints, Pintos, Warmbloods Height: to 15.2 Age: to Asking Price: to 4000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Have always done leisure and trail riding. Looking to share a horse with my 8yo daughter who is only a beginner currently getting private lessons. Dream Horse: Would be a bit of a goof.. must love cuddles and lots of attention. Must be very sound and no buck or rear. Gentle and easy to shoe, catch & float. Riding Ambitions: Pleasure and trail riding Notes: 5/1 natalie purchased buddy 24/12 natalie tried buddy at Mitchell park and is very keen on purchasing. 8/12 Natalie has increased her budget to 8-9000 5/12 – natalie is going to invest in some riding lessons to up her confidence level after being bucked off another horse I sent her to view. She is interested in one at Shory Park so will be in touch with nikki. Sent her the Ebook tonight. 3/11 – poor woman tried a horse which reared up and bucked her off. Her and her 8 yr old sdaughter are a bit scarred after this.
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Application Date: November 8, 2021 at 9:18 am Name: Sandra Cork Contact Number: 0438161973 Email: sandracork@yahoo.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Endurance, HRCAV, Interschool, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to Age: 7 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I am an older person (late 40’s) returning to riding. Dream Horse: Has to be a pleasure to have around – enjoy lots of attention from the whole family – be able to be handled by beginners. Riding Ambitions: Pleasure , ARC, trail riding, clinics, weekly lessons to improve my riding. Notes: |
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Application Date: November 10, 2021 at 9:06 pm Name: Jessica Beattie and Jen Tunley Contact Number: 10 Email: jessf@rocketmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: to Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Have already sent email to Nikki regarding history Dream Horse: Have already sent email to Nikki regarding wish list Riding Ambitions: Both me and my friend Jen will be riding the horse 1-2 times a week – paddock riding, arena flatwork, trail rides along the road – a little bit of jumping and dressage if possible. It would not let me put mobile number in the required section – 0438302113 Notes: 28/12- came to ride Issy at SP and sold pending vet check tomorrow.
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Application Date: November 16, 2021 at 8:17 pm Name: Charlotte Hunter Contact Number: 0488001094 Email: hunteracovr@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 7 YO to Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Ride and owned horses when young. Purchased horse after many years 7 years ago(Floyd – Cremello)first year trail riding, low level jumping and flat work, had bad fall after year then struggled for further 6 years. Dream Horse: Calm relaxed friendly good with other horses or on own. No spook, buck, rear or dominance. Impeccable manners. Riding Ambitions: Wanting 2nd horse to Trail ride with ability to lead 11yr old daughter Mare or gelding 2/12- horse passed vet check flying colours. Off market Pally with Nikki’s friend. Going to have a 2nd ride next week to confirm but looks to be a match! Charlotte has a beautiful farm, weekly lessons, happy with a little forward but no dirt. Lovely hands, good position – fairly confident rider but wanting something ‘easy’.
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Application Date: December 3, 2021 at 5:19 pm Name: Karen troester Contact Number: 0423739665 Email: karen.troester@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Breed: Height: to Age: to Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Rode school horses for 12 years in Germany between the age of 8-20. Mostly dressage. Started back in January 2021 with a riding school, Jolong park, where I ride 3 times a week. I bought a OTTB in June but unfortunately he bucked and was difficult to handle on the ground. Sold him to a horse trainer who said that he is suitable only for a very advanced rider. Dream Horse: Quiet and forgiving when rider makes mistakes. 15.0 to 17.0hh. I am ok with all breeds, as long as the temperament is ok. Age up to 18. Not green. No bucking or rearing. Riding Ambitions: Arena in lessons, very light jumping, trail rides on property. Notes: 21/3 – karen has purchased the horse she was trialling. 24/2 – sent Karen this one https://www.horsedeals.com.au/listings/beautiful-wb-gelding-4b474d23-091a-411c-8ffa-451d5637a590 19/2- karen tried cuddles and loved her but missed out too slow. 15/1 – vet checking WB I found. 24/12 – sent karen a happy christmas message.
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Application Date: December 5, 2021 at 8:22 pm Name: Abby Sangiorgio Contact Number: 0409366929 Email: absta@hotmail.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Andalusian/PRE, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Friesians, Percheron Height: 16 to 17 Age: 6 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I’ve ridden since I was 3 ! However as a mum now I’ve had the last 20 years off and lost confidence . I’ve ridden occasionally in the last 12 months and getting more confidence each time! Dream Horse: I’m really looking for a Clyde cross or something heavy as I’m a bit larger and 6 ft tall. Riding Ambitions: Pleasure riding, trails and lots of horsemanship ground skills! Just looking for a unicorn to regain confidence on and enjoy as a life long best friend. Notes: 19/1 – ABBY contacted us and has found a horse thorugh a friend she has allready purchased. 15/1- Got our name down on Wizard from Reform Equestrian.
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Application Date: December 10, 2021 at 8:49 pm Name: Pippa Henderson Contact Number: 0402522881 Email: pippa.henderson@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Endurance Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15.2 to Age: 5 YO to Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
First introduced to horses in my late teens following high school graduation. Did some very basic trail riding and riding around the farm. First time owning and purchasing a horse in April this year – bought a re-trained STB after working with them in my veterinary training at university and falling in love with the breed – got to know each other and increased our workload to look at competing at low level endurance events (20km / 40km) after being introduced to the sport by a work colleague. Was riding alone on the roads and doing regular 10km training sessions alone to build up fitness. Unfortunately he has damaged collateral ligaments in one of his front feet and is on rest for the next 6-12 months with a guarded prognosis back to riding. Now getting regular lessons from the coach at my agistment to learn how to sit and ride properly and build a well formed foundation for riding on an awesome warmblood mare who is a dream to ride. Dream Horse: Quiet and easy going with; cars (even ones who zoom past), dogs, tractors, sheep etc – over 15.2 hands as I am tall (around 170cm) Happy to be alone or in company on trail rides (ie no separation anxiety) Suited for endurance, but also happy to dabble in adult riding club events and other things (ie arena work, round yard work, small jumps just for fun while riding etc). But also with suitability/potential to increase in workload if desired (ie 80km endurance rides). A horse with a great conformation (straight legs, no previous tendon injuries) that will tolerate a workload well as well as enjoy the endurance side of things (ie not too lazy) Riding Ambitions: – Endurance riding (20km initially) with hopes to increase to 40km and 80km Endurance focus 1/2 horse in nsw passed the vet to an acceptable level and pippa has transferred the money 25/1 booked a vetting for the horse in NSW that pippa tried. Vetting is booked for 31st jan 9/1 followed up on one for pippa, sounds really promising, She is going to view it on thursday and take for a ride. 6/1 spoke to pippa on the phone, small animal vet, keeps her horses on agistment. Sending me videos of her riding tomorrow. She sent me a horse I have followed up on, going to send the owner the video as owner seems pretty switched on and go from there. 24/12 finally heard back from pippa who has been to busy to call back. have sent her happy xmas message and will email her the ebook now.
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Application Date: December 13, 2021 at 11:08 am Name: Heather Stewart Contact Number: 0408377461 Email: stewart.heather@gmail.com Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Schoolmasters, Show Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 5 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 15000 to Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
Rode (competitively at PC and HOTY/ official dressage) from age 8 to 18, and from 13 – 18 worked at a riding school, taking trail rides and eventually teaching lessons (flat and jumping). After a few years break I started riding again at 30 (6 years ago). My last three horses have been young/straight from the breakers. Dream Horse: Seeking a reliable horse to compete in dressage and showing, hopefully something I can also take to the occasional adult riding club rally or beach ride. While I am competent to handle young horses and acrobatics under saddle, my preference would be not to have to as my confidence has taken a hit! Horse still needs to be in front of the leg and suited for state HOTY level showing and should at a minimum be training novice dressage. Non spooky (within reason!) Riding Ambitions: Over the next 3-5 years I would like to continue showing, and progress a horse to Elementary dressage as well as re-gain some of the joy in trail riding/riding outside an arena! Notes: 28/2 – sent heather a message. 14/2 – sent heather this – still no replies https://www.horsedeals.com.au/listings/beautiful-wb-gelding-4b474d23-091a-411c-8ffa-451d5637a590 3/2 – sent heather Jess Tanish’s WB x TB. $25k she might take $22k
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Application Date: December 15, 2021 at 6:17 am Name: Jemma Contact Number: 0425002256 Email: jemmalovatt@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Interschool, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Show, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Gypsy Cob, Ponies, Welsh Height: 13 to 14.2 Age: 6 YO to 19 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
My 8 year old daughter has been riding for 6 years. She has lost all her confidence and would like a more whoa than go pony . She enjoys horsemanship clinics, shows ,jumping, trail rides, pony club and riding club Dream Horse: Pony gelding between 13 to 14.2hh been there done that. Don’t mind if it’s older than plus as long as it’s happy to go. She is not a fan of riding ponys as they are forward Riding Ambitions: Just after a mother’s dream pony where she can do everything on her own and I can sit back and watch. My daughter is gentle and pony will be going to a 5 star home with a massive sand arena and round yard. There is lots of wonderful bush trail rides around the property for my little girl and pony to explore . Notes: 31/1 bought billy from Shory Park
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Application Date: December 17, 2021 at 11:47 am Name: Ashlyn Hiscock Contact Number: 0417012718 Email: ashlynhiscock@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16 Age: 7 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: 2000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Finley is a 13 year old boy who has been riding since he was 4 and attending pony club and weekly riding lessons during this time. He is currently on a 13’3 school master. This year Finley was selected as a reserve for Team Vic in Tetrathlon for the PCA Nationals, he has also been competing in showjumping up to 75cm and needs the next horse to progress. Dream Horse: ~ Calm friendly temperament Riding Ambitions: Finley is keen to excel in showjumping through the grades competitively. showjumping, school master, calm 19/1 had one vettwed at mitchell park which passed. 9/1 sent ashlyn a possible, 3rd in line but keen to view tuesday if still available. 24/12 sent ashlyna happy christmas message and informed her that nikki would be in touch with her with some more information regarding the paint horse, which they like event though its $14000
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Application Date: December 19, 2021 at 12:28 am Name: Nikki McPherson Contact Number: 0402202791 Email: nikki@g-tech.net.au Location: Queensland |
Disciplines: Eventing, Interschool, Performance, Performance Ponies, Pony Club, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 6 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Queensland |
Riding History:
Horse is for my 11.5 year daughter / it will be her second horse. First unicorn arrived February this year but now has sacroiliac issues and can’t be jumped. Isla has been riding on and of for 5 years. Her chief instructor for pony club describes her as a very confident beginner. Her current horse is a 15.2 Arabian x ex endurance with the sweetest nature and really looks after isla Dream Horse: Anywhere from. 14.2 to 15.3, prefer gelding. Any breed as long as the right match for isla. Lighter colour or chestnut or palomino. Preferably between 7-12 years of age. Good to float, shoe, wash and something her novice parents can handle as her chief assistants and a horse that loves cuddles, kisses and attention. Horses are Isla’s therapy for her anxiety so one that will be kind would be nice Riding Ambitions: Currently jumping 30-50 showjumping and cross country. Hopes to progress to at least 80-90on second horse Prefer geldings but will consider mare if not marey 21/6 nikki found spirit, booked a flight, tried it, just sorting logistics and vetting 11/5 asked us to pause the serach again due to persona reasos. nikki has a chest infection from the covid and isla has found alease horse for the next few months or a year. Drained enthusiam. will be in touch when they need help again. 7/2 sent a check up message to see how they are progressing with COVID. 3/2 still out with COVID so unable to view horses at this stage. 26/1 – ALICE back on the search. turns out not a broken collarbone 12/1 – on hold, daughter has broken collarbone
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Application Date: December 23, 2021 at 11:21 am Name: Jen Goldrick Contact Number: 0407100449 Email: jengoldrick@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 5 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I had horses growing up, mainly standardbreds and am now getting back into riding. I did not have lessons as a teenager, so would describe myself as a novice although confident. I have been enrolled in weekly riding lessons for about a year now and will continue to build on my riding skills with my new horse. Dream Horse: My dream would ideally be a very sweet natured pretty horse who loves his/her people. Calm and quiet, as an older rider I don’t want to a horse that bucks, bolts, rears etc. Between 15.2-16.2, although really open to any suitable height. I am 75kg and 170cm tall. Some schooling would be an asset. Possibly prefer gelding, although open to a good natured mare. Riding Ambitions: I would like to be able to ride a few times per week, trail riding, ARC, low level dressage and maybe a little bit of jumping. I am keen to build on m riding skills so would like to try lots of different things. All rounder, sweet natured, pretty 7/2 SOLD ON THE ASH in melton 24/12 – sent jen a welcome message and a happy christmas message and en email with nikkis ebook.
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Application Date: January 5, 2022 at 2:59 pm Name: Alice Sweeting Contact Number: 0421101224 Email: alice.sweeting89@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pleasure, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16.2 Age: 5 YO to 20 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I grew up with horses, learning to ride at age 5 and competing my ponies mainly on the flat in the show ring, a little jumping and pony club. Growing up on a big property we did however do everything, including jumping bareback, mounted games etc! I’m now 32yo and getting back in the saddle after 15 years off. I’ve been having weekly lessons since November 2021, on a 16.2hh WB dressage schoolmaster who can be a bit lazy/ behind the leg but I can push him along into an active trot. I can steer, trot and canter in small circles in the arena, plus ride out on (mostly flat) trails. I’ve also ridden a variety of different horses over the past month, including a few quiet OTTB and bigger ponies. I’m 157cm and 49 kg so hopefully that helps with options! Dream Horse: Kind, quiet and fuss-free! Easy to handle on the ground, c/s/f is a must. Must be happy to be ridden once a week, occasionally up to three times, but very even-tempered so doesn’t require consistent work. Ideally, established paces on the flat and happy to be ridden mainly in the arena, also out on the trail with friends or solo. Riding Ambitions: Well 32yo me is very different to 12yo me! Right now, I’m looking for a pleasure horse that is happy to be ridden mostly in the arena on the flat and out on the trails occasionally, with other hoses or solo. I wish to continue my own lessons so a horse/ bigger pony that is happy to be ridden in the arena, trotting and cantering (a lot!) in circles. My riding school has a dressage focus, so something very low-level here too would be nice but I have no desire to compete! Just to ride out calmly and enjoy having a horse again! Pleasure; Schoolmaster 3/2 alice found a horse which has been vetted but not through MMR 1/2 vet checking a horse she has found herself through her instructor. 18/1 sent alice a stock horse in melton, she is booked to go and see on friday. Alice headed off to ride griffin at cargill tyson and loved it but they sold it to someone else who didnt want it vet checked. 9/1 spoke to alice on the phone. Straight forward level 3/4 dressage horse that trail rides. 6/1 sent a welcome email with ebook. will call tomorrow.
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Application Date: January 9, 2022 at 1:47 pm Name: Lisa Clark Contact Number: 0409215922 Email: lisaandronnie@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Western Show Breed: Other Breeds, Paints Height: 14 to 15 Age: 8 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I’m am looking for a horse for my 11yr old beginner. He has ridden before and has had lessons. He helps care for our horses but i would still classify him as a beginner. Dream Horse: We are looking for a super safe sound western pleasure trained gelding (will look at mares if non-marey mares) to be part of our family. Registered with either the AQHA or PHAA. Under 15hh that is not herd bound, good to catch and loves to be doted on. Riding Ambitions: At this stage we are looking at doing club level shows until he has gained more experience. Notes: 5/4 sent lisa a check in message sent lisa a messenger to see if she would join watts ap. Checking in https://www.horsedeals.com.au/listings/reining-trained-mare-752d7b9f-ba5c-4f9e-b5f9-d628523a2318 28/2 sent lisa a messenger to check in. 22/2 – sent lisa a messenger to stay we are still searching. 9/2 sent lisa a messenger message to stay we are still on the hunt 15/1 sent lisa one but not registered, she is only interested in looking at registered as they want to show. 9/1 acknowledged receipt of lisa’s application form and requested video via messenger. will call tomorrow.
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Application Date: January 15, 2022 at 2:29 pm Name: Rebekah Brown Contact Number: 0419385556 Email: rebekahruthbrown@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Clydesdale Height: 16 to 17.2 Age: 10 YO to 17 YO Asking Price: to No Max Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I was a horse owner and experienced all rounder rider as a teenager. I am now 50yo and have just started doing trail rides and some basic lessons to get my confidence up – with a 30 year absence from riding. Dream Horse: I am 6ft and 95kg, professional busy mum. I am after a gentle giant, that would be called bomb proof. Does not spook, a horse that has been there and done that and well trained, and a horse looking to be well loved and to become part of my family. A horse my 10 yo daughter would feel confident around and could jump on at times (she is having lessons at present and I will get her a horse in next 6-12 months). Ideally a Clydesdale cross that is bigger than 16H, and has no health issues. The horse has to have no problems with farriers, dentists, floating, being retrieved from paddocks etc. Riding Ambitions: I am seeking a pleasure and trail riding horse. I will continue doing riding lessons on this horse for a while. I found an excellent full-care agistment place that I plan to keep the horse at (where my 10yo does her riding lessons). Notes: Had to refund $350 as she found her own quickly.
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Application Date: January 17, 2022 at 8:47 pm Name: Kate McDowall Contact Number: 0417444971 Email: katemcdowall308@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have previously evented to grade 3, so I have horse experience and confidence once I have established a bond with the horse. But given I have not ridden much in the last year (due to having a baby 4 months ago) I need something that is quiet and and is not going to knock my confidence getting back into riding. Dream Horse: I am on the look out for an quiet allrounder t to plod around the farm/ trail ride ( solo and in company) for a while but then I might look at getting into ARC. Not looking for a serious jumper, just lower level dressage and popping over a few small fences here and there. Riding Ambitions: Trail riding – alone and in company Notes: 14/2 – purchasing Ace the WB – very happy. 2/2 had two lined up for kate. one has fallen through, if the horse andrea is trying today doesnt work out for her then kate is interested in getting to nikki to view on her behalf. 19/1 sent kate a welcome email and the ebook
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Application Date: January 20, 2022 at 8:55 pm Name: isla mullan Contact Number: 0414870351 Email: islamullan2@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage Breed: Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 6 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 15000 to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
-Riding since i was 6 Dream Horse: -6-13yo Riding Ambitions: -I would like to go all the way in dressage and hopefully ride in the young rider classes. Notes: 21/3 – added kate to the group, checked in to say hi and see if she would like anymore information on the horses nikki sent her over the wekeend. 16/2 – Isla has COVID so can’t view for 7 days. Jess Tanish has said she will accept $20k for her WB so now an option.
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Application Date: January 22, 2022 at 5:41 pm Name: Andrea Chittick Contact Number: 0439276292 Email: andrea.j.chittick@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, HRCAV, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I rode a lot as a kid mainly trail riding. I worked for t3 years in a racing stable, i only rode slow work. Dream Horse: Quiet, paint or quarter horse.solid build quiet but reasonable school probably only needs to know correct leads. bombproof for trail rides but brave enough to try working equitation and obstacles Riding Ambitions: to work my way up in working equitation but if we get on well i would also like to try some low level ARC and dressage lessons but mainly working equitation with som cattle work thrown in kind 7/2 spoke to grace and followed up on the two horses. i didnt think that either sounded very suitable. 7/2 following up on two listed with a lady called grae on Facebook. Also sent andrea a pinto I will chat with the vendor about tomorrow. 26/1 spoke to andrea on the phone. Overweight older lady (50’s) who has barely ridden for the last six months. Had a younger horse who got the better of her. Has been riding a friends. Gets nervous when trying horses as she doesnt like riding infront of people.
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Application Date: January 24, 2022 at 12:09 pm Name: Katie Beresford Contact Number: 0427420414 Email: katie@katiedeveau.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 12 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 3000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
The horse is for my daughter Charlie who is 14 and has been riding for 18 months. She currently has a coach (Angela Hays- Karelia Riding) and has been with Angela for 9 months. She is leaning basic dressage, jumping and horse care. She has attended four camps with this riding school including dressage and show jumping. Dream Horse: Charlie needs a schoolmaster. Well educated and forgiving and eager to please. Charlie doesn’t want problems to fix as she hasn’t got the skills. She needs a confidence booster. Her dream horse is her best friend- not light grey as her last horse was and she is a bit traumatised from the experience. Riding Ambitions: Charlie wants to work with horses for her life. She struggles with school as she is very dyslexic and suffers sensory overload. Charlie want to study equine therapy and also compete in dressage and other competitions. She wants to own her own property and use horses to help people to flourish as people and as riders. Prefer gelding 24/2 – purchased and LOVE Barb ! Happy match 7/2 sent a watts ap to katie to touch base and let her know er are still looking 24/1 nikki spoke to her briefly.
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Application Date: January 26, 2022 at 7:28 pm Name: JoAnne Christodoleas Contact Number: 0405969419 Email: joanne.christo@icloud.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pony Club, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15 Age: 5 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Rider is Aella. 11yr old girl. Riding since 3. Member of pony club. Grade 5 eventing, E grade jumping. When pony wasn’t injured (kissing spine) rode 4x week. Also spends 4-5weeks a year at horse camps riding Clydesdale cross horses so has been on many different horses. Very good rider but not confident on anything that pulls or has any shit in them. Needs quiet horse Dream Horse: 14-15hands Riding Ambitions: Grade 4 eventing Notes: 9/4 – picked up mate. Sent them an email requesting feedback and a review. 5/4 jo looking at getting mate vet checked. 21/3 – restrict search to VIC only and concentrate on 14.2hh 3/3 added kate to jos match my ride search group 28/2 followed up wth jo to see if they had made the visit to mildura to see summers pony. 9/2 FOLLOWED UP ON if jo made contact with summer 7/2 sent jo summer halls pony anzac 27/1 – spoke to jo about her daughter aella. setting up a watts ap group.
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Application Date: January 29, 2022 at 6:48 pm Name: Vivienne Turnor Contact Number: 439431485 Email: turnorv@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage, HRCAV, Pleasure, Schoolmasters Breed: Arabian & Arabian Derivative, Ponies, Welsh Height: 14 to 14.2 Age: 10 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 4000 to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Riding own horse 15 years Arabian gelding at dressage clinics Dream Horse: 14 – 14.2 Arabian Gelding about 15 years old with good groundwork & experienced at dressage or adult riders Riding Ambitions: Resuming riding after 5 years gap Happy to attend clinics and lessons with R+ riding coach not looking at competing at this stage Notes: 14/2 – viv vet checking little arab nikki sent her 10/2 – Sent viv this and she’s keen on it for more details. have left a message with vendor https://www.horsedeals.com.au/listings/brilliant-allrounder-part-arab-pony Sent Viv this (above budget) but to get feedback. 31/1 spoke to viv on the phone. Located mornington but happy to travel 2/3 hours or to albury where she goes on work. weekends easier than weekdays.
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Application Date: January 30, 2022 at 1:05 pm Name: Sandra Cork Contact Number: 0438161973 Email: sandracork@yahoo.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Endurance, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Standardbred Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: to Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I am 48, stopped riding when I had my son 15 years ago and started riding again in the last 2 years (interrupted by COVID). Dream Horse: Primarily has to be a pleasure to have around with excellent ground manners and who likes attention from the whole family. Riding Ambitions: ARC/Trail riding/clinics/lessons/obstacles/low level fun stuff. Notes: 11/4 sandra sent the WB gelding at shory park. 5/4 updated sandra on horses we had been discussing. 21/3 checked in with sandra, asked her if she would consider expanding the height range up or down. Also added kate to the search group. 7/2 sent sandra a message to check in. Followng up with monivae park standard breds on a few they have coming through. 2/2 spoke with SAndra on the phone. Actual budget is close to $10,000. this is her first horse. She just wants to do it right and get something she can enjoy.
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Application Date: January 30, 2022 at 7:04 pm Name: Sue Gleeson Contact Number: 0407680316 Email: farm@spencerthomas.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13.2 to 15 Age: 10 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Level 3 ARC. Ridden for years. Current horse sadly not sound (Ringbone) probably need to be retired but will stay with me forever Dream Horse: 14.2hh approx gelding 10yo or older. Plenty of experience at PC/ ARC/ trails, Quiet all rounder for older small adult rider Riding Ambitions: Level 2 ARC (Maybe L1). I don’t jump Quiet, reliable 28/2 sue informed us she has found her own perfect match. 28/2 – sent a text message to sue to check in and say we are exploring some options. 14/2 – sue keen to see Cuddles Wednesday 31/1 called. Located in Hamilton, happy to travel 4 hour radius of that. Older light weight, small lady looking for a nice allrounder specialising in dressage. Must float well. MUST BE A GELDING AROUND 14.2hh. More interested that the horse has had lots of outings rather than extensive comp experience. Loved the look of billy.
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Application Date: January 31, 2022 at 8:42 pm Name: Alex Reid Contact Number: 0401310938 Email: aj.reid126@gmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Eventing, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
I am a novice/intermediate rider, at a novice dressage level but fairly new to jumping. Have had many lessons on fairly green OTTBs. I am a capable rider but do occasionally get nervous, so I need a horse who won’t take advantage of that or misinterpret it for excitement. Dream Horse: – 15.1-16.1hh My perfect horse would be 8-10yrs, 15.2/15.3hh, Elementary trained and comfortable eventing up to 1m. They would also have a comfortable trot/canter. Riding Ambitions: Wanting a horse for equal parts novice/elementary dressage, low-level (EvA) eventing, and trail riding, along with the occasional bareback ride and liberty work. Doesn’t need to be super competitive, just safe and responsive as I plan to compete more for fun and self-improvement than to win ribbons. Notes: 11/4 – alex sent WB at shory park. her local riding school is closing down so she is considering her options there also. 21/3 alex been sent multiple options, just not quite there yet. 28/2 sent alex a message saying we will chase footage of huntley. Told her following up on a few options. 16/2 FINALLY spoke to alex, super hard to get hold of, tried koby at shory park, loved the paces and conformation but found him argumentive. 12,ooo budget sent a welcome email and complimentary e-book
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Application Date: February 13, 2022 at 6:26 pm Name: JENNIFER ASHLEY Contact Number: 0417009737 Email: jen@imagerider.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, HRCAV, Performance Ponies, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Showjumping Breed: Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 7 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Started at 30 yo in 1989 when I immigrated to Australia from USA. Since I’ve had years of natural and traditional horsemanship training and regular dressage lessons. Have done low level EA and HRCAV comps and pleasure riding. Dream Horse: Petite older lady rider looking for a large pony or small horse to do low level EA dressage, HRCAV, small jumping, trail riding and generally to have fun on. Must haves: Experience (any one or more): If no EA or HRCAV, ridden experience at shows and outings to different and busy environments equally acceptable. Height/Age/Sex: Any candidate must be SANE SOUND SENSIBLE & SAFE. No: The home: Riding Ambitions: EA Prelim to Novice. HRCAV grade 3. Working Equitation. Notes: 21/3 – vet check scheduled for Bob on 22/3 15/3 – jennifer scheduling a vetting for Bob. 28/2 – created a waats ap group including all three as I couldnt see i had started one. 15/2- spoke to jennifer on the phone. had a bad accident, broke wrist off a clydie cross, doesnt want to purchase another clydie x. 14/2 – rang left a text and sent a welcome email
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Application Date: February 17, 2022 at 8:54 pm Name: Emmeline Contact Number: 0409865495 Email: emmelinerawson@yahoo.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Western Performance Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13 to 14.2 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 15000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Have had horses all my life Dream Horse: Buckskin gelding Riding Ambitions: Looking for a confidence booster that I can enjoy, that is quiet and well educated for farm flatwork and clinics Notes: 21/6 emmaline sourced herself a 13.2 brumby gelding. she is going to lease it first and get back in contact if it doesnt work out. 13/5 – emmlaine now looking for two kids ponies for a 3yr old and 5yr old. 21/3 – Emmaline would like to postpone her search until May due to some fencing issues taking the money out. 3/3 told emmaline about pally coming up in VIC. 28/2 – sent a message to touch base. 21/2 spoke to emmaline, really nice woman, hasnt done much riding, wants smaller, current horse is 16hh to big. Want to take part in horsemanship clinics, liberty, trail riding. Can get nervous. Happy to buy sight unseen if we test ride it for her. 20/1 – emailed emmeline to say hi, set up watts ap and sent her the ebook
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Application Date: February 18, 2022 at 12:23 pm Name: Tanya Burford (daughter is Heidi who’s is 11) Contact Number: 0412001701 Email: tburford75@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Had a pony when I was young and currently having lessons to increase my confidence as I’m 46 now. My 11 year old daughter has had lessons for the past 2 years so we are looking for a gelding to ride together with the mare that we currently have. Dream Horse: A horse that catches us, friendly, barefoot and no feet issues, hassle free personality, non spooky, loves some jumping for pony club, not too forward, stops really well, loves trail riding, loves kids, doesn’t mind tractors and motorbikes. Riding Ambitions: Keen to go to Neerim pony club with my daughter and so some jumps and beach, forest and trail rides. We will only be riding about twice a week. Notes: 21/3 – booked in to see louie at Mitchell Park Farm tomorrow at 10.30am. 3/2 tanya would prefer to search for horses more around the 14hh mark. Added kate to the search. 28/2 messaged tanya, sent her more video footage of flo and followed up on one advertised in horse deals for her. 21/2 – spoke to tanya. search area three hours from mentone/neerim. Barefoot, 15 hh gelding for light riding 1/2 week, mainly trails, some pc. Must ne able to live with mares, no seperation anxiety. 20/2 sent the ebook with a welcome email, asking to set up watts ap and end us some video.
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Application Date: February 19, 2022 at 2:38 pm Name: Connor Contact Number: 0458471596 Email: connorkaempkes@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Polocrosse, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 6 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 4000 to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I am a confident beginner rider. Nearly 12 years old. I have been having weekly arena lessons with an instructor at Acheron Hill Horseriding for about 6 months but with a few breaks for lockdowns and summer holidays. Also done a one-day clinic at Avoca Park. I have ridden a few different school ponies, and friends horses and horses I’ve trialled but haven’t been right for me . I can walk, trot, canter, have done poles and small jumps in the arena (up to 50cm). Have had a few paddock rides on friends horses and one short trail ride. Dream Horse: Australian Stockhorse around 15hh quiet and friendly to handle, confident trail riding in the bush and safe for a beginner around sheep and cattle and motorbikes. I would prefer a black but burnt buckskin and chestnut are also some of my favourite colours. Riding Ambitions: Keep learning to ride. Ride my horse around our farm by myself, go trail riding with other people. maybe try polocrosse or campdrafting. Mum’s mobile 0418532724 (Jennifer Wood) Notes: 11/4 connor tried sharon the polo pony at Yaloak and has decided to purchase. Resent the ebook as requested and checking horse transport has been arranged. 5/4 sent connor, sharon, greg keytes horse for sale but it is proced at $10,000 so waiting to hear if that is out of budget. 21/3 – jennifer sent us some more vidoe footage of connor. Really need to send some options for connor. 28/2 sent connor/jennifer a message to say we are still on the hunt sent connor the ebook with a welcome email. asked for the start of a watts ap group and some current video
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Application Date: February 21, 2022 at 10:23 am Name: Alison Sandy Contact Number: 0409567169 Email: ali.sandy@bigpond.com Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Dressage, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Advanced Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
I have been riding off and on since I was 10. I had my own pony/horse until I was 18 and then went to college, got married, had children etc. I started riding again in my early 30s and since then have always had my own horse. In the last 10 or so years I have been having regular dressage lessons with a qualified instructor. Dream Horse: I am looking for a horse to do some low level dressage on – up to elementary is ideal – as well as trail riding. The breed is not as important as temperament – I want a willing, calm and experienced horse who is not over-reactive to different situations. A horse that has had lots of exposure to different situations is ideal. Riding Ambitions: I would like to compete for fun in some low level local dressage competitions as well as to trail ride in the bush and on the beach with my husband. Mostly my ambition is to keep riding safely for as long as possible (I am 69 this year) and to continue with my regular dressage/flat lessons. Dressage 21/3 – been sent multiple options. Chasing footage of the queenstown horse for her. 28/2 found alison a horse in yass, nsw which may suit pending the outcome of another viewing today. 21/2 spoken with alison, asked her to set up a watts ap, it was just via text last time. 15-16hh elementary level dressage.
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Application Date: February 21, 2022 at 4:12 pm Name: Sharon Cheeseman Contact Number: 0497149935 Email: sharoncheeseman71@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 15 to 17 Age: 7 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Jacinta, 14 year old female, been in Pony Club 6 months, weekly lessons 1 1/2 years, trail rides. Also, currently leasing an unrideable horse learning ground work. We purchased 1st horse (Percheron x Appy) mid last year. Rode/cared for him for 2-3 months. She fell off 7 times (spooking, horse shy), on 8th time, concussion. He was sent to 2 trainers, was told by both he wasn’t trained well, and on-sold to appropriate home. Dream Horse: Appy, ASH, Cross breed Arab, QH, 15hh plus (Jacinta is 5’6), calm but can still go. A horse that is her best buddy (with herd mentality in mind). No thoroughbred unless amazing. Riding Ambitions: No competitions at this stage. Jacinta would like to use horse for her current lessons at Jolong Park and Pony Club (at Jolong Park). Would like to be able to do trail rides (in groups) and ride in arena with other horses. Has enjoyed low level jumps, so would like to do a bit more of that. Horse would be housed at Jolong Park, which is a busy-ish agistment. Notes: 21/3 shaorn keen to see the stock horse in katamatite nikki sent her 28/1 sent sharon a message sying we have not quite found the match for her daughter as yet. 22/1 tried calling Sharon – left a message. Sent ebook and welcome email
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Application Date: March 2, 2022 at 10:49 pm Name: Sally Laudet Contact Number: 0410248447 Email: sally.lauder@me.com Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 9 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 15000 to 1000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
I am in my late 40s & from the UK and grew up riding. My mum ran a riding school so I had my own ponies, two older smaller ponies and then I had a 13.2hh 6yr gelding Sparky and we grew up together, pony club, hunting, and show jumping at shows and winning lots of rosettes. All my ponies were honest, a bit naughty from time to time but genuine. I had a particular bond with Sparky – we trusted each other and he rarely put a foot wrong. He was especially precious as my parents were divorced, he was my therapy. I then had a mare who was lovely. In the end we sold her when I hit my late teens and didn’t have the time to commit due to exams. It was heart wrenching. I then went to University etc. I’ve since ridden every opportunity I’ve had – friend’s horses, riding holidays. When we first arrived in Australia I leased a 19yr schoolmaster eventer who was awesome. I did dressage lessons and trail rode him. I leased him fir about 6mths until I got pregnant. In the last two years I have been having pole clinics with an instructor on school horses. I started riding a young warmblood who I fell in love with and was going to buy him but he turned out be really green on our first trail ride (very looky with rearing) and we had a nasty accident. This was late November 2021. Long story short – Wrong horse, wrong time, wrong place. Also I do think the instructor / seller mismatched was more interested in selling him rather than working out if he was the best fit for me. Regardless of that I consider myself a competent, confident rider but probably a bit green from missing so many years of adult riding. Dream Horse: Just the usual unicorn!! I’m 165cm & around 62kg so around 15.2hh, 10yrs+, experienced, honest, genuine. Enjoys fun solo trail rides and competent jumper. Nicely put together, absolutely no rear, buck, bite or bolt. Easy to handle and no vices. Forward going, not a plodder but not a loose cannon either. If I had to choose I’d say more whoa than go but I don’t want to have to push it forward constantly. Riding Ambitions: In the first instance, trail riding, trips to beach, clinics with an instructor, then maybe look at show jumping/eventing or hunting. No set ambitions really other than to really enjoy trail riding. I really dislike dressage and only school by necessity. Notes: 11/5 sally asked to pause the search 5/4 touched base with sally to see if she wanted us to follow up on any for her. Sent her a show horse type to see if the show horse bling fitted her criteria. 21/ 3 – sent sally a few options. curently her sun has covid. sally is exploring sight unseen so we can send her options outside of south australia. 3/3 sent sally a welcome email with complimentary ebook.
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Application Date: March 20, 2022 at 4:13 pm Name: Anna Agius Contact Number: 0405379468 Email: claudia.agius@ymail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pony Club Breed: Height: 11 to 12.2 Age: to Asking Price: to Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Anna has had lessons on and off since she was five years old. She is now 7 turning 8 in August. She is trotting and cantering but has only just started little jumps. Dream Horse: Seeking a schoolmaster pony for an almost 8yo beginner, capable and neat rider. Riding Ambitions: As above Notes: taking billy to pony club on the 24th of april. 5/4 anna has had a test ride on billy and is going to take him to pony club in the next few weeks. 28/3 – to clarify Claudia is anna mother (tanyas sister), budget is around $10,000 but flexible. Claudia is not horsey at all so needs us to steer her in every direction. Claudia does not ride but would like to learn. Pony will be kept on agistment. Anna eill have regular lessons. 21/3 – created the watts ap group for Anna. Emailed her the ebook. Will have a phone conversation this afternoon.
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Application Date: March 26, 2022 at 8:10 am Name: Maggie Jones Contact Number: 0402081591 Email: maggiemareejones@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to Age: 8 YO to Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Adult rider getting back into it, having ongoing lessons. Riding friends’ horses. Haven’t owned a horse since I was 18, now 34. Can get nervous. Trail riding, no comps to date. Dream Horse: Tolerant of rider making mistakes, losing balance and giving confusing signals. Happy and safe to go out on trails and new environments and be sensible, honest kind, good ground manners. Safety above everything else Riding Ambitions: Trail riding maybe some ARC Notes: 11/6 back on the search but only 2 hours radius from phillip island 21/4 – maggie is back on the search. Horse may stay with her instructor initially to cement the bond. 29/3 – Had a chat to Maggie on the phone. Located Bass coast, near phillip island, search area is a 4 hr drive from her home location. Limited to viewing on weekends and the occasional wednesday. Maggie has been looking for over a year now. Maggie has multiple sclerosis leading her to have balance issues on the ground and also when trotting. she requires a horse that is clam when she looses her balance and does not react. Her budget if firm at $5000 or $6500 if includes tack and gear. Explained difficult within her budget and may need to look at older horses. Ideally 16-17 would be her max ut will consider older. Maggie is 165cms and 70 kilos, doesnt feel great on 15hh, ideally 16hh and no upwards limit, 17hh is fine. 28/3 – called maggie and left a messge. Sent her an invite to join watts ap. Sent welcome email with ebook.
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Application Date: April 20, 2022 at 6:59 pm Name: Corinne Contact Number: 0448866200 Email: corinne@madameflavour.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Eventing, Interschool, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 7 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
It’s for my 15 year old daughter. She has riden on and off for years- the neighbors pony . More regular lessons the last 12 months as I agist at Jolong Park. She has a little anxiety, can doubt herself until she knows the horse.. We bought her first horse this time last year who turned out to have back issues. Dream Horse: An all rounder schoolmaster that she can start her jumping eventing journey on and take to pc days, clinics etc Riding Ambitions: She is 15 ( 5 foot 8) and keen to start to jump and event taking regular lessons. Notes: 11/6 bought a horse and successfully vet checked. 21/4 sent a welcome email, will call her 22/4.
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Application Date: April 26, 2022 at 4:27 pm Name: peta Contact Number: 0402867774 Email: russo@iprimus.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Eventing, Pleasure, Pony Club, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 6 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Bonnie has been riding 5 years she is 14 years old but after a nasty accident 2 years ago has lost a little confidence and can be a bit nervous which tends to pass onto the pony Dream Horse: 14.2 to 15.2 ? Riding Ambitions: would love to compete at horse trials , show jumping or just hack out at the river or at home Notes: 11/6 has a viewing booked in on sunday 19th at 3 pm. Kate to confirm closer to the date. 27/4 – had a chat to peta. Up to $10,000, two hours radius shepparton although possibly further. tues/thur and sun ideal to view. Horse wil live at home with two others, be ridden twice a week, mostly in the arena. Would prefer to kick on. 26/4 – sent a welcome email – will call 27/4
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Application Date: May 1, 2022 at 4:38 pm Name: Amy Contact Number: 0400531765 Email: amy_stewart1985@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: to Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Horse we are seeking is for 11 year old daughter. Has been riding since she was 1 years old. Capable riding and handler, however lacks confidence and suffers anxiety. She is also autistic. Dream Horse: Genuine quiet and safe all rounder for a special girl. That can and will do it all. Riding Ambitions: To continue building confidence and progressing through to competing in broad range of activities. Notes: 2/5 – maybe stretch budget to $15,000 if needed. Peyton needs a best friend to help her with her issues. Live in leneva which is five mnutes from wodonga. Prefer 6 hours search radius. Only really availble to view on Sundays. Horse must be weight appropriate for peyton, so can go smaller if stockier breed. 2/5 called and left a text. Sent welcome email
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Application Date: May 15, 2022 at 8:26 pm Name: Cathy Marmo Contact Number: 0416631011 Email: cathrinemarmo@yahoo.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Breed: Height: 13 to 14 Age: 10 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Been riding for only 12 months with almost weekly lessons
Dream Horse: Just for my 12-year-old daughter to be able to ride around in paddock, roads, and trail riding …as we live in the mountains of Mitta Mitta Victoria. Notes: 21/6 – cathy found herself one, arriving on 1st July. 11/6 checked in with cathy so see if any search parameters can be changed. Pony will be living all on its own. no other horses so must be happy with that. 16/5 – sent welcome email and ebook. Will call tomorrow.
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Application Date: May 27, 2022 at 12:51 pm Name: Eliza Smith Contact Number: 0477277833 Email: adsmith55@hotmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 12.2 to 14.2 Age: 10 YO to 25 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
See below Dream Horse: Gus Pony -12.2H to 14.2H Proven mustering and pony club pony for a seven year old boy. Who has ridden independently since he was 5 and loves the canter command. Has messy unbalanced hands that we will work on over the next year. Attended two jamborees under seven jumps E grade 45cm currently rides a 12H 22 year old grey with cushings and cancer who is just starting to get over the canter command and knocking up mustering in the hills. I’m looking for the first ridden with the gears of 2nd ridden a educated patient schoolmaster with a big default stop. We live on a 10,000 acre cattle station, ponies are ridden out mustering most weekends they muster 200 head of cattle at a time and see deers, pigs, kangaroos in hill terrain. So no shy or nervous behaviour and nothing strong behind cattle. Arena ponies won’t work for us. Horses are kept shod, rugged and fully body clipped in spring ready for the pony club season from September to January. It gets down to -10 here so they are normally fluffy by July. They can run alone or in company whatever they prefer they are paddocked at my back fence checked daily but not stabled. Not matey and ties up to the float all day. Happy to cop someone running up the back of them at pony club, goes to sleep in troop line, teams of four experience a bonus. Safe if not ridden all the time he gets busy playing footy in winter. Mum is horsey happy to lunge or canter out on a Friday before competition but absolutely no dirt tolerated. Aged is fine experienced home in keeping the greats going. Including corrective shoeing, cushings. As long as price reflects this. This pony will do its days out in my family many nieces and nephews to take over. In it’s twilight years can be used as a leadline forever. Would love to ride before we buy but have brought sight unseen before with success. This horse won’t be advertised and we will have to convince the owners we will love him forever which I can do. Can provide references and videos in need. Have one in my paddock for my nine year old girl just need one more …the elusive unicorn! Budget will reflect proven videos. Up to $15,000 Colour, looks not fussy safety is the most important just don’t like arabs otherwise open to them all. Not in a rush understand this could take us a while to find. I’ve looked and brought twice and got it wrong so thought I would ask a pro😊 Riding Ambitions: See above Notes: 27/5 Mother Eliza, very horsey and experienced. Will jump on anything around 13hh and give it a go. Angus the kid has just turned 7. Eliza says the videos whichare 6 months old make him look better than he is. the two poinies she has bought have been too much for him and really exposed hes not ready for that second pony type pony. The dream height is 13-13.2h. Realistically unless a uncicorn 14 hh to big.
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Application Date: May 28, 2022 at 5:50 pm Name: Kate ferguson Contact Number: 0408578321 Email: katchasam@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage, Eventing, Interschool, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Australian Stock Horses, Clydesdale, Cross Breed Height: 15 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
For my daughter charli: attended All things brumby school from the age of 7, was incredibly confidant and happy with riding, then we made the mistake of buying our first horse (a stock horse x qtr horse mare) who was a horrible turd! She would roll when ever charli tried to ride her, constantly bite her and push her around and finally kept trying to kick her. After that charli’s confidence was non existent (we should of sold her way before we did). We then brought our current qtr horse mare Ruby, who is mega sweet and wonderful but doesn’t like jumping and about 6 months ago started reversing when charli tried to jump her. Unfortunately charlis confidence is now not great! She has jumped to 60cm and want to go higher, however with Ruby’s aversion to jumping (and puddles) it’s made it very hard to progress Dream Horse: 15-16hh, don’t care about the breed, would prefer something a bit chunky. Riding Ambitions: Eventing (dressage, jumping and XC) Notes: spoke to kate 30/5. Based in ballarat and happy to view anywhere in VIC (potentially nsw as well).
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Application Date: May 29, 2022 at 8:18 pm Name: Catherine Smit Contact Number: 0418855673 Email: catherinesmit82@hotmail.com Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Eventing, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 20 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
Ridden now as an adult for 18 months. Broke my pelvis in 3 places from a fall off a horse in March 2021. Been back riding since august 2021 on a school horse who keeps me extremely safe Dream Horse: School master in all disciplines. Low level is fine as I’m not going to break any records, just have fun with a safe and sound equine partner Riding Ambitions: Low level eventing Notes: 30/5 spoke to catherine. get hers gallbladder removed on 6th june so we can start a search before then or during her recovery must be 1 hr radius of hanndorf so her instructor can try it.. when shes better happy to view in SA and VIC. she lives in hanndorf. 14.2 if chunky, no bigger than 16h. true beginners horse.
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Application Date: June 4, 2022 at 4:08 pm Name: Hannah Jennings Contact Number: 0467231930 Email: hannahjennings509@gmail.com Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pleasure, Ranch Horse, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Pony, Australian Stock Horses, Brumby, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Gypsy Cob, Morgan, Paints, Percheron, Pintos Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 9 YO to 19 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
Always had a bombproof 15.2 Appaloosa and he was old I had him until he passed then had four years off riding and got another near bombproof standardbred who has taught me lots and I’m now looking to retire him after I’ve had him for 6 months and he has shown me the ropes of getting back into riding! I enjoy trail riding, the odd stockmans challenge, riding out alone and hunts every now and then. Dream Horse: Coloured if possible, Or anything that looks a little quirky is what I love! But super quiet, forgiving and safe. Something anyone could jump on and isn’t matey at all. Something suitable that in a hunt if I decided to hold back he would be okay with a group running off from him. Prefer a gelding but non marey mares are okay too! Must be good on farms! Exposed to everything. An absolute been there done that type with absolutely no buck bolt or bite and no spook or look! Riding Ambitions: To keep going at what I’m doing which is trailing out by myself and taking my new horse to the beach, hunts, trails and horsemanship clinics. Notes: 27/6 hannah found her own horse to buy through a friend.
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Application Date: June 8, 2022 at 12:13 pm Name: Cristy Fader Contact Number: 0417362500 Email: cfader@fader.com.au Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Show Breed: Warmbloods Height: 16 to 17.2 Age: 5 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 20000 to 5000 Sex: Rider Level: Advanced Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
Competitive show rider, competing at Royal level. Confident but not gutsy Dream Horse: Over 16hh, Riding Ambitions: Royal level showing Budget $35k 2/6 – Still looking budget of $45K 5/1 – vetting horse today. 3/1 HNY message sent 24/11 NO TBS
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Application Date: June 16, 2022 at 7:58 am Name: Bek Harper Contact Number: 0433114752 Email: Rebekah.h@carelliconstructions.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 16 Age: 3 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Own 4 horses, 3 now retired due to age and injury. Dream Horse: Horse that we can share for Pony club and ARD and trail riding. Riding Ambitions: Pony club Notes: Bek going away until the 7th July. Check in on her return. Wont be able to view until they get back. 19/6 daughter – ruby – is coming off a 13hh pony so will scale the height back to 14-15hh. Mum isonly 5’3. They live near hastings/ Mornington peninsula and are happy to travel vic wide for the right horse. can view any day but wednesday around school hours. Horse will be at their property and ideally will be paddocked with others but could live alone. Any age or breed. Pretty firm on $7500 – was going to chat to her husband so see if any more. Bek is currently getting qualified in equine therapy.
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Application Date: June 19, 2022 at 1:39 pm Name: Kerry Thomson Contact Number: 0438302127 Email: olgum@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to Age: 4 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 7500 to Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Most of my riding was approx 15 years ago when I worked for Wandin Riding Academy working horses and teaching children to ride. More recently I ride my daughters riding ponies (but they are too small for me. I have owned horses for most of my life from Welsh ponies, Standard Breds to Thoroughbreds – I’m fine with the horse having some quirks. Dream Horse: My dream horse will be quiet, reliable and do some dressage at home with me (really would like the horse to already work in a frame). This horse would be quiet enough to put my teenage daughter on (lunge if required) and be more whoa than go (preferably but not essential). The horse will need to put up with a little bit of imbalance while I get my muscles back. Riding Ambitions: I would like to do some dressage at home (undercover arena) and riding around our farm. Maybe some low level ARC or pony club. To be honest I hoping this horse builds my daughters confidence (and she ‘steals it off me’). I’m happy for the horse not to be ‘perfect’ and have some quirks. Notes: 2/6 – Kerry struggles to reply to a lot of messages when horses sent. has been sent a nice WB within budget. just got back from holiday, horse needs to be safe for young teenage daughters to ride. 7/3/23 – sent multiple horses, replays to some and not others horse must be over 15hh – 16hh wouldn’t consider smaller, have sent previously but they are all tall MUST be suitable for her novice teens to move onto and ride at times open to age, Sex and breed. happy with a nice TB BUDGET can now go to 10K Current issue: Flooding 20/6 – emailed kerry, will call tomorrow 21/6 spoke with Kerry. Budget is firm at $7500. They are based on a farm in swan hill. Really limited on viewing time as she works full time and has three teenage kids. Horse is primarily for her 15 year old daughter who is a bit timid with the horses. Kerry will also ride this horse and keep it for herself if the daughter looses interest. Number one priority is quiet. Would love something that works in a frame but not a deal breaker.
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Application Date: June 20, 2022 at 6:05 pm Name: Theresa Contact Number: 0405185635 Email: theresa.nepia@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13 to 14 Age: 8 YO to 10 YO Asking Price: 5000 to 1000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Only riden on paid trail rides. Dream Horse: Looking for a horse for a 11 year old beginner daughter Riding Ambitions: Be able to ride in farm paddock beach, trails Notes: 3/3/23 – unable to get in contact for months. have paused application 25/ 1 – sent lots of stuff no reply whatsoever ?? can’t get onto her at all 13 -15hh FIRM BUDGET $5,500 max Vic based only 20/6 have emailed, will call tomorrow 21/6 Theresa and Hawea (daughter) have bought 7 acres in Portland and are moving there in December and want a pony. Hawea has had several rides whilst on holidays and loves it. Not currently riding. Hawea can steer and stop unaided but pretty basic. Pony will be leadline at the start. She is currently 155cm and growing. Happy to go with aged. Budget firm at $5000.
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Application Date: July 8, 2022 at 7:39 am Name: Lauren Pearson Contact Number: 0434227324 Email: acespace@outlook.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Eventing, HRCAV, Interschool, Performance, Schoolmasters, Show Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Ponies, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15 to Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Open and HRCAV Showing and dressage 20+ years. Competed up to Royal/HOTY level. Competent rider, but presently lacking confidence. Dream Horse: WB or WB x Riding Ambitions: Main focus is showing and dressage, but something that would kindly pop around 60-80cm SJ/XC would be a bonus so I could broaden my horizons a little bit (but not essential) Notes: 8/7 – sent welcome email. Will call later Lauren found herself a horse the day after she signed up.
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Application Date: August 4, 2022 at 9:57 pm Name: Sue Green Contact Number: 0408 096 385 Email: suegreen21@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 16 Age: 7 YO to 19 YO Asking Price: to 4000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
First pony at 9yo, pretty much self taught. Basic rider, rode for pleasure until early 20s, returned to riding 5 yrs ago at 46yo. Trail riding, some formal lessons with EA level 1 general coach, couple of horsemanship clinics, work full-time time & agist so only ride on weekends when I can Dream Horse: Safe, sensible, easy to handle especially to float. Don’t care about colour or looks, must be ok to pull out of paddock & go after a spell. Happy to ride alone or in a group, tolerant & happy to be loved. Prefer gelding ( paddock mate will be a 9yo mare). Not looking for a standie. Older horse is fine as long as sound. Riding Ambitions: Trail riding ..wanting to do some overnight rides in the future. Looking to improve my skills with more formal lessons & horsemanship clinics, and possibly try some new things. Not looking to compete in any discipline Notes: 7/8 sent welcome email with e book and watts ap instructions. Will call tomorrow.
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Application Date: August 7, 2022 at 2:23 pm Name: Debra Contact Number: 0404409590 Email: debrajohn@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Eventing, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 3000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
We are serching for my daughter’s first horse. Georgia has been riding school ponies for 7 years. Currently she’s riding once a week at Wallington Park Equestrain centre. When riding the schoolies Georgia is an intermediate rider and has a good understanding of horses. The class is jumping 20-45cm but she has jumped up to 75cm in the past. She has been taught basic dressage and has done a few tests within the school. They also do an hour of theory each week to learn about caring for horses. She would now like to move forward to do pony club and eventing and therefore needs to move onto her own horse Dream Horse: We would like a well behaived quiet horse that is willing to please. One that can jump and has been to Pony Club and Events. Preferably something from the age of 8-15yo. 14.2h to 15.3h would suit Georgia best. No nasties or unhealthy habbits, an easy keeper (as in food) would be nice but we’re not too fussy about that Riding Ambitions: Georgia would like to attend pony club and events. She would like to jump more consistently and higher (80cm to 100cm eventually). Wants to improve on dressage, jumping and possibly a little bit of cross country. safe, calm, sent ebook and welcome email 7/8. spoke with Debra on the phone 8/8. they are currently living in highton/geelong. horse will be kept in inverleigh until somewhere closer to home has availability. georgia 13 wants to join PC and do lots of jumping. Grade 5/4 unicorn . No room to move on $5000, that the absolute max. Can be a mare or gelding, 14.2-15.2. Can be aged but they looked at one recently who was 20 and decided that this was too old. they have been trying TB’s as thats what has been available within their price range. can view weekends or weekdays after 4.30pm.
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Application Date: August 24, 2022 at 9:10 pm Name: Prue Curtotti Contact Number: 0404113563 Email: prue.curtotti@yahoo.com.au Location: Australian Capital Territory |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Show, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Australian Capital Territory |
Riding History:
I was a show jumper and trail rider up until I was 15 years old. In 2018 I started riding again. I started lessons and have been have lessons sporadically due to COVID. I started trail riding at a local riding school a year ago. I have a trail ride each week. I can walk, trot and canter (when I am confident with the horse. Dream Horse: A 14 – 15hh black / very dark bay who is quiet with a little sass but no dirt. A horse who can cope with me if I get a little nervous or unbalanced. A horse who likes trail riding (alone or with company) and doesn’t mind being plaited and washed for the show ring (for fun). Riding Ambitions: I want this horse to help me gain confidence for an OTTB I am having retrained. I would like to trail ride and go into show classes at our local ag shows. Notes: sent email with ebook
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Application Date: August 30, 2022 at 8:07 pm Name: Jorja Lillecrapp Contact Number: 0409616658 Email: jorjalillecrapp@gmail.com Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Beginners Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
I’ve done about 10 riding lessons, I can walk and trot, and am learning to canter, however I have more experience on the ground. Dream Horse: My dream horse would be one that is willing to give anything a go, and that is friendly and easy-going. Riding Ambitions: I’d really like to continue learning more about riding and gaining more confidence both on and off the ground. Later on I’d like to learn to jump. Notes: emailed 4/9 13/9 – steph chatted to jorja.
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Application Date: September 1, 2022 at 12:39 pm Name: Tara Kechagias Contact Number: 0488651320 Email: tara.e.kechagias@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Companion, Dressage, Eventing, Interschool, Pony Club, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
This horse is for my daughter Ivy. She is 11 years old and is currently taking lessons at Jolong Park. She has been riding for ~4 years and is described as a confident beginner. She has only ridden school horses and the odd trail ride. Dream Horse: Our instructors have recommended a gelding no younger than ~ 8 years old. As new horse owners (with intent to utilise Jolong facilities and care until we know what we’re doing), we’d like a horse that is gentle and currently in work. Ivy is ‘the animal whisperer’ in our family (the chook, dog, cat & cockatiel all love her). Riding Ambitions: Ivy would like to ride in Interschools and is particularly interested in show jumping. Ivy is also interested in dressage and would like to attend Pony Club. Notes: ? maybe purchased one. if not now considering 13-15hh emailed 4/9
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Application Date: September 2, 2022 at 9:15 am Name: Kirby bernardo Contact Number: 0432641304 Email: kirbybernardo@outlook.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Paints, Standardbred, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 16 to Age: 3 YO to Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I rode for years when I was younger, popping over poles and general arena work. I have since had 13th are off and just began lessons again at a school. For 2 months I have been riding a 16hh OTT mare to relearn how to ride and try different disciplines. I will continue to do lessons once I have my own horse to continue learning as well. Dream Horse: I am looking for a quite 16hh or taller, must be sound on trails and used to noise, other animals and children. I would prefer a stocky or WB but open to TB if it was bombproof. Ideally a buckskin but I know how hard they are to come by. So colour doesn’t matter, just preferably not chesnut. Gelding over mare. Riding Ambitions: I want to continue learning different disciplines and have a pleasure horse that could come along as I learn. Most importantly I want a sound trail partner who I can take to the national parks near me Notes: emailed 4/9 spoke to kirby 5/9. lives in clyde north, will keep her horse locally at a friends. Primarily floating to trails on the weekends. Search area 3 hr radius max. works mon to friday. has had 7 horses lined up to view and they have all bee sold by the time she has been able to view. This will be her first horse, needs to be quiet and nuffy proff. Could go to $15,000 ideally with gear. Sges never even tried a horse before so we will need to go over the process when we get her a viewing and guide her every step of the way.
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Application Date: September 2, 2022 at 2:40 pm Name: Anita Killmier Contact Number: 0402 739 827 Email: anita.killmier@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Paints, Pintos Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 10 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I am a 66 yo and have not ridden in over 30 years. Wanting to get back into it. Previously grew up with horses but I was never interested in the show ring. My sister owns Chalani Australian Stock horse stud in SA and I rode as a teenager with a small amount of pony club, a few clinics and mainly pleasure riding. Cousin is Dr Kerry Mack Grand Prix dressage and owner of Mayfield Farm in Whittlesea. I bred my 4 horses but last one passed in 2009. Dream Horse: I am after 2 horses. Riding Ambitions: I have done a substantial amount of trail riding esp in the high country and this is what I want to get back into. I have bought 10 acres in Cherokee (base of Mt Macedon) but am there on weekends only till I retire. Horse will NOT be in regular work so must be able to hop on and ride preferably without lunging first. Nice comfortable ride over all paces, soft mouth, willing but no bolt buck, kick or shy. I will be joining the Kyneton Trail riding group and possibly an Adult riding club in Gisborne. Will take a few lessons to brush up skills and see how the body holds up! Notes: emailed 4/9 5/9 – anita has not touched ahorse in 30 years. Ive told her we will help her try and find somewhere close to macedon to ride and get back in the saddlre.
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Application Date: September 2, 2022 at 11:00 pm Name: Emily Dunbabin Contact Number: 0401653567 Email: emily_mrc@hotmail.com Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Performance, Performance Ponies, Show Breed: Andalusian/PRE, Australian Pony, Australian Stock Horses, Baroque, Cleveland Bay, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, German Riding Pony, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Morgan, Other Breeds, Percheron, Pintos, Ponies, Thoroughbred, Trakehner, Warmbloods, Welsh Height: 14 to 15 Age: 3 YO to 10 YO Asking Price: 20000 to 5000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
Eventing to 1* in a past life. Dream Horse: So looking for a mount that will do Pony dressage. The big horses in stressage are way too boingy for me. Riding Ambitions: Like to represent Tassie in the Pony Dressage state squad. Show hunter small Galloway with bling Purchase Nobu 21/12 – vet checking pony of Sam’s 24/11 OPEN TO AGE to 10 likes the paints, buckskins, colour types, flashy bays & chestnuts ect Called 7/9 Looking for straight dressage pony 14-15HH 3-10 yo happy to have something green broken as long as straightforward and established good foundations willing to travel AUS wide, can view anytime. can’t go supersede due to hip bursitis, capable rider doesn’t mind forward just not hot. open to most breeds prefer not hot riding ponds or Arabs. 20K budget including travel costs around $1500 to Tas. Happy to pay extra vetting on top of this figure tho. . emailed 4/9
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Application Date: September 4, 2022 at 6:53 am Name: Fiona Moore Contact Number: 0459673189 Email: moorefiona67@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Show Breed: Arabian & Arabian Derivative, Australian Stock Horses, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 4 YO to 10 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have been riding for 51yrs. Competed with wins at elementary dressage and level 1 hrcav. I like to do a bit of hrcav showing and have won champion level ribbons. I used to enjoy jumping and eventing but don’t have the nerve for this anymore. I do like to still pop over little jumps for something different to do than ride around an arena all the time. Dream Horse: I have my dream horse but she is unsound. Looking for her replacement- pretty with eyecatching movement. Potential to get to medium level dressage. Forward moving but sane and not spooky. Easy to do anything with on ground or in saddle. No separation anxiety. 100% sound. Good to float. Riding Ambitions: I want to have a horse that could take me to medium level dressage. I want to learn flying changes. I want to win an open rider class at a show. Notes: emailed 4/9 5/9 spoke to fiona who sounds very competent and knowledgeable. She has four paddock horses that she has bought and are now unsound, even though they have had full vet checks. She lives in grovedale and keeps her horses in connewarre. Would like to restrict the search to 2 hours radius of geelong. Maybe a little further for the right horse butdefinately no interstate travel.
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Application Date: September 4, 2022 at 11:34 pm Name: Haylee Tickner Contact Number: 0478137836 Email: haylee-jane@live.com.au Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Pleasure Breed: Appaloosas, Arabian & Arabian Derivative, Australian Stock Horses, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Friesians, Gypsy Cob, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Paints, Warmbloods Height: 15 to 16 Age: 7 YO to 17 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
Between 2002-2008 consistently rode horses. Between 2008-2011 sporadically did lessons and trail rides. 2011-now a few lessons but nothing consistent. Dream Horse: A quiet horse that loves attention pays and cuddles and can bring out the best in each other. Riding Ambitions: To regain my confidence, refresh my skills and then improve them are learn basic dressage. Notes: called 7/9
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Application Date: September 10, 2022 at 3:15 pm Name: Jen Jardine Contact Number: 0433442208 Email: jenjardine8@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Show, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 5 YO to 9 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Ride growing up the had kids. Back riding again for about 8 years. I enjoy HRCAV showing and dressage and would love to trail ride too. Dream Horse: Calm temperament with no sensitivities to sound etc. able to take to new places without being hot and stressed. Between 14.2 to less than 16 hands. Less than 10 years.. Balanced. Minimal quirks. Something that I could compete in open shows and has EA dressage potential. No Clydie crosses, TB’s or Standardbreds. Relaxed enough for a trail ride on our own. Riding Ambitions: Compete in Open shows and EA dressage. Initially will do HRCAV though Notes: steph – 12/9 Currently doing novice/elementary. on 10 acres yarra valley, stables, loose boxes, equirope electric fencing, 10 acres. Temperament number one. Happy to look interstate but would rather Vic.
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Application Date: September 16, 2022 at 6:05 pm Name: Carol Rangi Contact Number: 0439112729 Email: rangi.carol@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Eventing, HRCAV, Interschool, Performance, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 3000 to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, Not Specified Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
riding since very young (4 or 5) Dream Horse: Proven experience in ARC, Pony Club, eventing, show jumping Riding Ambitions: Adult Riding Club Notes: 21/12 – horse purchased. awaiting transport to VIC steph called 21/9
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Application Date: October 11, 2022 at 11:39 am Name: Michele Lumsden Contact Number: 0425817037 Email: michelekate0301@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, HRCAV, Off The Track, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: to 15 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Not Specified Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Started riding as 10yr old, lots of pony club, showing, state level PC dressage. Last horse was a thoroughbred owned him for 16 years. Ridden infrequently over last 20 years. Started back with regular weekly lessons at Jolong Park in last few months. Dream Horse: Prefer Gelding Riding Ambitions: Firstly to be riding fit, with regular riding and lessons Notes: Michele has recently signed back up. We found her a quiet OTT from Lou Abbey and he has not settled into the busy life at Jolong. So she is now wanting an educated schoolmaster. VERY quiet and proven off property – something older fine. She will be ok if it doesn’t vet perfectly I think. Just need great easy nature – especially at Jolong as its a mad house! Budget around $25-30K sent email to michele 14/10 – in lessons walk, trot and canter. not a nervous rider.
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Application Date: October 13, 2022 at 4:24 pm Name: Leanne Norman Contact Number: 0434554145 Email: ljnorman5@hotmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Coloured Breeds, Paints, Pintos Height: 14 to 15 Age: 8 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 15000 to 7500 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Looking for my 13 year old daughter. Dream Horse: Must have wonderful. ground manners . Nice and soft.. We are not competitive. ..! We Are into natural horsemanship and trail riding. Riding Ambitions: At this stage is to gain confidence and have fun.. Diamond in the rough. 🥰 sent email to leanne 14/10
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Application Date: October 16, 2022 at 6:42 pm Name: Claire Wilson Contact Number: 0458829689 Email: clairewilson.cwc@gmail.cm Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 9 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: 2000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I started riding from scratch 2 years ago and fell in love with it. I am working on EA Prelim dressage A test and have scored 61% for 2 tests so far so I am still working on basic skills such as maintaining contact and developing my seat. I have also taken part in 2 jumping shows at 50cm and managed a clear round for each of the them. At the moment I have lessons 3-4 times a week, 3 flat lessons and 1 jumping/poles lesson.. My new horse would be agisted on my instructor’s property so there will be someone to help me with lessons and general care. Dream Horse: A gentle, reiiable easy going horse that enjoys dressage (and possibly a bit of low level jumping. I’m looking for a kind and friendly soul mate that would stay with me forever. He/she should be around 15 hands to 15.2 hands (My hight is 5ft 2 so a smaller horse would suit). Riding Ambitions: I want to progress from the preliminary level to Elementary or even much later Medium dressage level. I have a long way to go. But hopefully with hard work that can happen. Prefer a gelding but would consider a reliable mare 25/1 – vetting a horse Friday that we found. 3/1 – seeing horse at end of week for second ride used to ride in singapore but started October 2020 from scratch, learning ‘proper’ dressage. currently riding 16hh warmblood x welsh. Riding with Janet Wheeler.
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Application Date: October 18, 2022 at 4:15 pm Name: Norina Sesti Contact Number: 0415499039 Email: ntsesti@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: to Age: to Asking Price: 7500 to Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Mainly Trail Riding however did some riding lessons many years ago. I can go through the paces but not polished at all. Dream Horse: My dream horse is responsive and keen for a bit of a canter or gallop but also one which would be happy to mainly go on some quiet bush rides. Riding Ambitions: To grow and learn from the horse. Do not wish to compete or show at any time. This will be my first horse so may go to riding club. Would like a horse that can easily be floated if need be. Notes: 41 year old adult rider. Looking for a trail riding mount. Novice rider & owner. has on and off ridden over the last 20 years mostly trail riding. Doesn’t wish to compete at all.
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Application Date: October 19, 2022 at 8:26 pm Name: Zarnie Wirken (Parent Warren Wirken) Contact Number: 0487077219 Email: wazntankids@iinet.net.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Interschool, Performance, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Show, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14 to 16 Age: 5 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Has been riding a gypsu cob but is still a nervous beginner Dream Horse: patient quiet all rounder Riding Ambitions: pony club, showing, trail riding, learning to jump and having a best friend. Notes: Zarnie 11 nervous rider has been having lesson for 5 + years, despite this still needs beginner pony, she is quite tall tho. they live in Bendigo. willing to travel all of vic, southern NSW, bit of SA.
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Application Date: October 31, 2022 at 3:46 pm Name: Claire Daniels Contact Number: 0421088150 Email: clairegiles2007@yahoo.com.au Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Looking for a first hose for my almost 13 year old daughter, Plus myself, who is coming back into riding after a break, although have been doing plenty trial rides recently. My daughter has been riding for almost 7 years, shes a very confident intermediate rider, jumping around 60 at the moment. Dream Horse: One that everyone is looking for I suppose, a good all rounder, been there done that. Good to catch, shoe, float etc, do love a bay! Riding Ambitions: Pony club at this stage Notes: 3/1 purchased buddy from short park BUDGET INCREASE 10K located Sutherland shire NSW. needs to be within 4 hours Claire is looking for a horse for her daughter Maisie 14.2 – 15.2, Maisie is only 5 foot tall and her mum is 5.4
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Application Date: November 6, 2022 at 2:21 pm Name: Richelle Duggan Contact Number: 0419137445 Email: richelleduggan7@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Off The Track, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Had horses as a child. Dream Horse: Solid and stable with a very calm temperament. Riding Ambitions: Causal riding. Paddock and trails. Notes: 7/3/23 – tried bruce,didn’t like. 15/2/23 – booked to see Bruce with Chloe Harris on the weekend 3/1 – ? Seeing cinnamon in Colac and maybe donkey as well. ADDIT – 25/1 she has been given contact numbers to go see both horses to arrange viewings as that is the request of owners 21/12 – will see cinnamon in Colac post the new year. located Colac having a couple of rides back during the Christmas period Richelle lives in Bannockburn, this was a gift from her husband for her birthday. they are moving to Colac in January. She can’t really purchase until Jan as she will be an hour + from her horse. She has two little kids. upon discussing application I told her that $5K will struggle to get a true beginners horse, she may have a small amount of flex in that to 6.5 ish she would prefer bin the 14hh mark – 15hh doesn’t mind mare or gelding happy to travel all over vic and ? maybe lower NSW Wagga area / or border SA.
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Application Date: November 29, 2022 at 9:06 am Name: Melanie Clark Contact Number: 0438643857 Email: clark.melanie.a@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: Clydesdale, Cross Breed, Other Breeds Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 7 YO to Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Seeking a new mount for my daughter Sienna (14yrs). Sienna has been riding since she was 4, we have owned several ponies. We sold her last13hh pony 2 years ago so we are seeking her first big mount. Sienna has attended pony club and has attended regular lessons. Sienna has a great relationship with her coach and she would be supporting us with her new mount. Dream Horse: Dream horse would be the mothers dream unicorn, easy to C,s,f. Must be a gelding. More woah than go, would be happy to plod along. No dirt and excellent ground manners. Not fussed on age and older is fine. Riding Ambitions: Sienna is very keen on dressage and wants to return to pony club and regular lessons. Sienna is a gentle rider but is not much into jumping or xc. She would love to do some dressage comps (low level). Mostly she wants a best friend to love and adore. Horse would be kept on our 5acre property in. The Yarra valley. Notes: 3/1 – seeing Harry later in week $6k 21/12 – seeing a horse on Friday 23rd in macceslfield. No leases at all Budget: 5,000 STRICT. odd occasional ride and riding school lessons over the last 2 years with covid. inconsistent riding for 2 years. she’s tall 5’7 & slightly bigger girl looking to do Pony club level ( seville pony club) graded 5 PC across the board. Doesn’t love jumping more dressage focused. Age: 7 – 18 year old maybe older Breed: Open to breeds, NO Arabs, TB’s, STB’s, Temperament is kay, no quirks, no buck, bolt, rear, nasties at all. Must have beautiful ground manners. travel range: 300km range, prefer state of VIC. will be in Deni 11th of December. Emailed welcome pack 30/11
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Application Date: December 4, 2022 at 9:59 am Name: Natasha Duna Contact Number: 0408529144 Email: natashaduna@outlook.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15 Age: 10 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Off and on lessons at a riding school for the last 2 years Dream Horse: Safe, no vice buck or rear and not forward moving Riding Ambitions: Pony club, allrounder, pleasure riding Notes: 3/3/23 – bought Donkey ! from Colac. search over 26/2/13 – vet checking donkey a pony we found 5/12 Have purchased 2 horses in the past, second horse paid 7k was scammed and now have paddock ornament. pony club 300m off thier st. Feel comfortable at 10k if its everything they want. 13yo about 170cm. Happy to spend less (5k) and get an older horse that they have for 2/3 years, would prefer that then spend 10/15k on a horse that shes going to out grow in 2/3 years. No max age also happy to look at young, super open minded.. everything shes been on around 16hh has been flighty so being that high does worry her, happy to look aroun 15.3/16hh if super quiet. not too forward, no bucking or rearing but apparently gutsy if feels safe. No interstate, have to be absolute unicorn to travel more then 2/3 hours, For the perfect horse will drive more. Doesn’t have to have competition experience and doesn’t want to pay the extra $$$$$ for a horse due to competition experience etc, wants something cheaper that has just been training these disciples or going to pony club.
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Application Date: December 17, 2022 at 9:49 pm Name: Liz Marmo Contact Number: 0428568868 Email: lizmarmo2@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Breed: Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 10 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Grandson has been riding around 3 years now, started with weekly riding lesson ..then after 16 months Cody got his own horse … Amazing Amber ! Cody new horse needs to be a allrounder , Cody’s new horse needs to be a very gentle soul, as Cody is autistic and can be a nervous Rider. Dream Horse: Cody’s dream horse would be just a horse that is loving, willing to trust Cody, in his ability as a rider …both to become best mates, a team also no issues going out for to go out riding by their selves! Cody would like to go up to next lever of jumping at the moment cody can only jump 45cm as Amber to just not a jumper , also 18 years old . Cody doesn’t have a preference of colour or sex of his next horse. Riding Ambitions: He is a Novice rider, and at times, his anxiety can make him lose his ability, but he is quite a capable young rider. Open to breed… Just want safe and sensible Notes: application submitted and refunded – found a horse within 24 hours of application submission
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Application Date: December 20, 2022 at 7:07 pm Name: Steph Bower Contact Number: 0401821822 Email: stephbower@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage, Interschool, Pleasure, Pony Club Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 16 to 16.2 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Kenzie is 13 years old and has been having private lessons, once a week for 2 years. For the past 5 months while mum has been injured, she has also taken on working her mum’s horse 2-3 times per week (16.3hh WB X). Her first own horse though. Dream Horse: Well exposed (PC, ARC, comps) been there and done it all and not phased. Loves the arena and flat work. Friendly and affectionate. No high maintenance mares. Riding Ambitions: Starting pony club, dressage comps and trail riding. Or non marey mare! bought Lusty ! from Albury we found him 15/2/23 – Vet checked booked fir lusty in Albury 3/1 – saw a horse with Julie Middleton wasn’t quite suitable . Keep looking 21/12 – sent email + ebook + text will follow up phone call
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Application Date: December 23, 2022 at 12:17 pm Name: Serena tonuri Contact Number: 0468918429 Email: stonuri@me.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Endurance, Off The Track, Performance, Showjumping Breed: Height: 16 to 20 Age: 6 YO to Asking Price: to Sex: Gelding, Mare, Stallion Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
i started having lessons when i was little. i have ridding lessons 4 times a week and going over jumps and working on to improve my canter. i can canter by myself now Dream Horse: my dream horse would be a horse with no vices, a horse above 16hh, be able to compete in high level of show jumping, a horse that has no pre exisiting injuries, a horse that isnt hot, a horse that is good for the farrier, and dosent have any trouble loading in a float Riding Ambitions: i would like to eventually compete in high level show jumping and eventing Notes: |
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Application Date: December 24, 2022 at 10:23 pm Name: Claire Davidson Contact Number: 0407515773 Email: clairedavidson22@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Interschool, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 11.2 to 12.2 Age: 6 YO to 25 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Experienced. Evented 2star now show Stockhorses at Royals and Nationals. My autistic horse mad daughter needs a pony to keep her safe and happy. Dream Horse: A beginner pony. More whoa than go. Happy to tie up all day and be brushed and played with. Will go to PC once child confident only low level. Size matters! Not too big (autistic thing she has going won’t ride a bigger pony!) no bigger than 12.2 Riding Ambitions: Grace wants to start trotting independently and then canter, head to PC and stay safe. More whoa than go. But has loads of love to share. Ugly ok. Notes: |
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Application Date: January 13, 2023 at 12:19 pm Name: Ella Ffrench Contact Number: 0491077353 Email: ella.ffrench@icloud.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Pleasure, Pony Club, Show, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: Andalusian/PRE, Appaloosas, Australian Pony, Australian Stock Horses, Baroque, Brumby, Cleveland Bay, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Friesians, German Riding Pony, Gypsy Cob, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Morgan, Other Breeds, Paints, Palouse, Percheron, Pintos, Ponies, Trakehner, Welsh Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 6 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have been riding for 3 years previously at a riding school but only on quiet lesson horses, I know the basics walk trot and canter and can do small jumps Dream Horse: My dream horse would be a calm experienced horse that is willing to try anything and help me gain confidence and experience Riding Ambitions: I would like to try a bit of everything; dressage, show jumping, pony club, showing , pleasure ect. First horse 2/6 – going to ride a connie that Nikki Sent up on Sunday 4/6/23 waiting to see how that goes. we are really encouraging her to purchase a horse in the 14 hh region as she is a beginner rider and family aren’t horsey at all. 7.3.23 – recommence search Vet check for bruce in Thursday – didn’t want to buy him. moderate risk 14.1/2-15.2 NOVICE rider 1st horse. More beginner / novice $10k budget maybe a touch more if the right horse Ballarat area + 2.5 hours
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Application Date: January 25, 2023 at 4:38 pm Name: Montana McRae Contact Number: 0419162986 Email: montana.mcrae@icloud.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Eventing, Show, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: Friesians, German Riding Pony, Gypsy Cob, Paints, Pintos, Welsh Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 4 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
I had 6 months of riding lessons when I was 8, then intermittently going to day camps and trail rides until I started lessons again at 13, after 1 year I leased a tb gelding and was left to my own devices so I didn’t progress, I then ended the lease after 9 months and bought a paint mare and agitated at a place with an on site coach and had regular lessons on my mare, but I progressed too quickly and she was getting old and wanting to slow down, so I moved her on. Now I am looking fo my next horse. I am not a nervous rider, I can handle bolts and kicks, but it would be better to not have a horse that acts up like that. Dream Horse: My dream horse would have a big, goofy personality with a positive, willing attitude to ridden work. The type that follows you around the paddock and just wants to be with you. Walk, trot, canter, established with a soft and supple way of going in the bridle. No vices, quirks are ok as long as they are not too much. Riding Ambitions: I would love to do a bit of everything, low level dressage, jumping, XC, trails, beach riding, go out to the occasional show. I’m not super competitive. Notes: found horse
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Application Date: February 4, 2023 at 3:37 pm Name: Rochelle Hicks Contact Number: 0417727060 Email: grhicks131@icloud.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Beginners, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Paints, Standardbred, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 14.2 to 16.2 Age: 14 YO to 19 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Beginner with 6months of lessons. 13 y/o daughter who is learning fast. Confident to keep going. Only had riding lessons and this would be her first horse for paddock riding, pony club and trail riding. Dream Horse: Well mannered around 15-16hh. Any colour. Preferring quarter horse or thoroughbred. A horse who is content with a beginner would be great. Riding Ambitions: Bridie is keen to ride everyday and progress with weekly riding lessons. Notes: 2/6 – sent quite a few horses haven’t been to ride yet. 13.3-15hh ^=6k for second daughter – sent a horse she liked ? havent heard back Found own horse, but offered to help with other daughter ? havent heard back 15.2.23 – sent email, and spoke on phone last week. located COFFS Harbour. 4 hour drive radius. child is RAW beginner. will need ultimate beginners mount. okay with older horse will continue weekly lessons
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Application Date: February 7, 2023 at 10:31 pm Name: Sara Fitzgerald Contact Number: 0412272881 Email: sara.haigh@internode.on.net Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Other Breeds, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 7 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
Grew up with my ponies and pony club from 12. Evented and hunted my 2 horses through 16- 30. Pleasure riding from 30-35. Break with kids 35-45 . Flat work, leisure riding 45-60 on my daughters horse and last 5 years on one of our racehorses. Always ridden thoroughbreds 15.3 -16.1 Dream Horse: Gelding ( love chesnuts!) 15.3-16.1 Riding Ambitions: My current horse is gorgeous, I love him to bits but he is anxious and a windsucker with ulcers when being worked. He needs lunging and ground work to settle before riding and I am getting too old to be doing this just for pleasure riding. He has SIJ issues from racing so if I work him to keep him settled he gets sore which is not fair on him. I would like to be able to do adult riding school/ classes and trail rides and generally just have some relaxed and fun safe riding around our property and at local clubs. Needs to be NOT in constant work to be calm although I usually like to ride 2-3 x a week when possible. Educated quiet safe gelding NO shying 2/6 – Sent multiple horses in the last two weeks, has been very busy and is yet to view or follow up on any of them. 1/5 – sent a few horses, looked at Bailey wasn’t the right horse. 15.2.13 – sent email and Ella spoke on the phone
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Application Date: February 15, 2023 at 10:58 am Name: Nicole Burling Contact Number: 0407220456 Email: niclin99@hotmail.com Location: Western Australia |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Western Australia |
Riding History:
Rode from age 10 – 25 and progressed to low level eventing then had a break from riding until late 40’s. Dream Horse: Calm, safe and affectionate nature and no vices. Riding Ambitions: Low level dressage and jumping (maybe) are my ambitions. safe, quiet, reliable, cuddly/affectionate refunded – difficult search in Tassie 15/2/ 23 – Sent email & text. awaiting call back. height 14hh – 15hh – a little bigger if needed age: 6 -16 open to a little younger if quiet and well exposed. Gelding, Trial horse preferably, or multiple rides off property. ARC, SHOW, PC, competition experience ideally. or younger horse with well established outing experiences Located swan valley, WA. ideally a couple of hours – up to 6 hours for the right horse. nothing sight unseen. may fly in future. horse without separation anxiety as will only be with one other horse. Budget – 10k – 12k- explained that may need more. Alex Edwards & Louise crosby – DO NOT BUY FROM caused issues in the past.
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Application Date: February 16, 2023 at 1:38 pm Name: Vanessa Grace Contact Number: 0427596520 Email: vgrace3@icloud.com Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Beginners Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 7 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 50000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
Getting back into riding after a 25 year break . Did pony club , beach and trail riding and an endurance ride. Dream Horse: Temperament is everything. Kind quiet trust worthy. 14 to 15 hh . Gelding only . Solid build . Absolutely no arabs or thoroughbreds.. trail riding safe Unicorn Riding Ambitions: Trails , beach riding and pony club . Does not need lunging and riding down . Something to be loved very much 3/3 – horse found by friend that they know. will return as client if doesn’t work out 16/2 – sent text and email. await phone call
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Application Date: February 22, 2023 at 7:26 pm Name: Rebecca Berry Contact Number: 0466 720 323 Email: Rebecca.berry.18@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, HRCAV, Performance, Performance Ponies, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Show, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Pony, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Gypsy Cob, Paints, Palouse, Pintos, Ponies, Welsh Height: 13.2 to 15.2 Age: 7 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: 15000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have always ridden but mostly pleasure and trail riding early on. It’s not until about 6 years ago that I got into doing HRCAV, lessons, clinics and competitions. I would consider myself an intermediate but nervous rider due to a fall I had when I was 15 where I broke my back and have never quite gotten over the nerves fully. Dream Horse: Ideally wanting a gelding bur would consider non-marey mares. 14-15hh would be ideal, can fit on ponies as small as 13.2hh as long as they are solid enough to take up my leg. Age of 7-14 ideally. Budget of 12k ideally, for something absolutely perfect I might be able to stretch an extra 1-2k but would prefer not to spend over 12k. Open to breed but no Standardbreds, TBs or Arabs. Would consider crosses of these. I would love a horse that looks good and moves well to be a bit competitive and that jumps nice and calmly and is confident out of trail rides and in new environments. Obviously safety comes above all, but for my budget I don’t want an absolute donkey. I need a horse that is ok to be ridden just 1-2 times a week without getting fresh and needing lunging before getting on. I need a horse who has the basics well established, they need to be able to travel in a frame, be balanced in all paces, get the correct canter lead etc. I do need a horse that will stand still and behave while tied up and that will float well (on a straight load float) as I travel most places alone, I really do need a safe, reliable, trustworthy and sound new best friend. I also need a horse located within 2 hours of Seymour as I have bulging discs in my back which makes long drives hard. I would only be available to view horses on weekends unless it’s very local (within 30 minutes of Seymour) I might be able to go a week night/day depending on my work schedule. Riding Ambitions: I want to continue to better my riding. I am wanting to work up the levels a bit in HRCAV, currently level 5 jumping and level 4 dressage/showing. Also wanting to enjoy some trail riding and obstacles. Notes: Vet checking horse on 8/3/23 – whitey of sam’s deal height 14 – 14.3 breed: NO TB, NO STB, no Arab, located: Seymour – happy to travel 2 hours, budging discs in back Looking for level 5 ARC pony previously has had a couple of horses not pass vetting
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Application Date: March 4, 2023 at 2:04 pm Name: Dianne Denton Contact Number: 0429995596 Email: dianne.denton1@gmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Endurance, Pleasure, Show, Team Penning, Trail Riding Breed: Arabian & Arabian Derivative, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Morgan, Other Breeds, Paints, Pintos Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 3 YO to Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
– ridden since a child – first at a trail riding school Dream Horse: – 14.2 to 15.1 Riding Ambitions: – looking for safe and easy Notes: 1/5 – sent lots of horses, very worried about itch. willing to look to QLD shortly 14.1 – 15.1 not much taller. current horse 14.2. 4 years old up, current horse 28. life long home. No TBS/ NO stbs no horses with the QLD ITCH preferably an established horse. current horse is Arab, open to anything would love a coloured horse, locted 3 hours north of Sydney.. son lives Canberra can travel down that way. arability to view nearly most days. price: under 15k ideally. prefer gelding absolutely not wind sucking. really worried about the itch. 7/03/23 – email, ebook and text sent waiting phone call
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Application Date: April 2, 2023 at 1:38 pm Name: Nikki McPherson Contact Number: 0402202791 Email: nikki@g-tech.net.au Location: Queensland |
Disciplines: Eventing, Interschool, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Other Breeds Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 7 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Queensland |
Riding History:
Confident novice rider who gets weekly lessons in dressage, Showjumping and cross country is seeking to purchase an all rounder to compete at low levels eventing, Showjumping and dressage days and also would like to start competing at Interschools. We recently purchased the “perfect pony” and after a paddock injury and numerous vet visits, scans, X-rays etc we have had to spell him indefinitely so are looking for a second Galloway/horse for my 13 year old daughter to have fun on and compete on! Geldings only She is a kind rider with good hands, developing a good riding seat but can be unbalanced if they stop suddenly at jumps. Great at listening to directions and incorporating feedback into riding. Just needs an honest little horse
Dream Horse: Pony club, combined training, Low level eventing, showjumping Geldings 1/5 – seen a couple of horses not suitable. enquiring after time in VIC
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Application Date: April 3, 2023 at 10:43 pm Name: Miranda Chitty Contact Number: 0406267577 Email: mchitty1708@icloud.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, HRCAV Breed: Height: 15 to 17 Age: 5 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Im 37 years old, started riding when I was 5. I had a break from riding when I had kids but have been back riding for the past 2 years. I have recently been graded level 3 in dressage. I am part of the Adult riding clubs, attending monthly rallies at 2 local clubs, clinics and competitions. I do not do jumping, due to a previous fright years ago with a silly horse. I ride 3 times a week, like to ride at different places for experience. I have weekly lessons with 2 different instructors. Dream Horse: Easy going, easy to take out, good to C/S/F, no B/B. Riding Ambitions: I want to improve my riding ability through clinics, lessons and competing. Brent Kelly is my farrier and he suggested I contact Nicky for some support through this process. I currently own a TB who is pretty amazing. In saying this he has his TB moments when I first get on he bucks for about 3 mins then is ok. Sometimes looses his shit at random objects but he is safe and I trust him 100% Notes: 5/4/23 currently grade 3 Dressage. Doesn’t Jump. Ideally wouldn’t Located in Seymour. mare or gelding 5 -13 year old. needs to be a low risk on a vet check. ideally a chunky cross breed horse. looking to spend up to $15K, located in Vic preferably. within a couple of hours of Seymour 1/5 – vet checking James & looking to purchase him if all well
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Application Date: April 4, 2023 at 3:21 pm Name: Kobi Steedman Contact Number: 0413519005 Email: kobi.steedman@gmail.com Location: Queensland |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Eventing, Interschool, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13 to 15.2 Age: 7 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Queensland |
Riding History:
13 year old novice rider, been to riding schools for a few years and get fortnightly lessons with a trainer currently. Not a complete beginner, can walk, trot, canter confidently in and out of arena. Just learning to jump and progress from a pony to a larger horse Dream Horse: Not fussed on breed but no TB or OTTBs. Gelding preferred. Quiet and kind, reliable, friendly. Would be paddocked with one other QH gelding who is a big loving teddy bear. Riding Ambitions: Pony club, trails & progression to Interschool & beginner show jumping Gelding Ava – 145cm & 30kg. new to horse owning. 13 -14.2 max. Travel radius: 2-3 hours travel. Lives in Coonminya 4311 Really adamant on wanting something registered. price $10K, maybe up to 12K. 5/1 – purchased OTTB against our advice. through a program. unfortunately seller now not in contact. have sent check in message.
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Application Date: April 4, 2023 at 8:11 pm Name: Keirston Whelan Contact Number: 0431429336 Email: keirst73@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Beginners, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Clydesdale, Paints, Palouse Height: 15 to 16 Age: 10 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I’m a nervous beginner learning on school horses. Bc I haven’t had the chance to connect to one horse I remain nervous 50 year old . I’ve been having lessons weekly for around two years, but due to having MS my core strength needs some work. Dream Horse: – loves attention (I will hug often) Riding Ambitions: Trail, lessons in an arena…. I would like to think that one day I could maybe do a grade 6 event? But not a priority, just trailing with confidence . Notes: 10.7.23 Foxys owners kept making excuses to go view – Might miss this one and go back to drawing board 30.6.23 – Viewing MMR Horse (Foxy) on the 8th going to see 1/5 – Sunday next weekend 2/6 – Saw Sundae didn’t pass vetting and decided against purchasing as she felt the risk was to great.
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Application Date: April 25, 2023 at 8:34 am Name: Amanda Ferrie Contact Number: 0425247170 Email: mandy@swifttransport.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, HRCAV, Performance, Schoolmasters Breed: Arabian & Arabian Derivative, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 6 YO to 11 YO Asking Price: 7500 to 50000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Began riding at 5, had lessons until I was 10 then had my own pony then horse until I was 20 doing PC, shows etc (up to grade 3). Worked briefly as a rider for a hunting stable & at a riding school in my 20’s. Had a XC fall & this put me out of riding for a while. Then came uni, business and kids & before I knew it years and years went past without horses! I’m now 42! After a huge break I started dressage lessons at the beginning of 2022. Bought a 16.3hh 5yo WB in late 2022 who has been too much horse for me & I haven’t enjoyed the big baby horse moments (he’s quite spooky). I’m completely devastated about my decision to sell him but we are not the right fit for each other. His green baby moments & nervousness has rattled my confidence with him & that’s not what he needs :’( I’m wanting to find a horse with some more miles & education. Something more proven & more of an allrounder I can feel safe on and on the ground with. Dream Horse: My dream horse would be around 16hh ish around 8 with an amazing smoochy temperament, plenty of exposure, a solid education on the flat. Beautiful ground manners. Happy & brave to enjoy ARC one day, a trail the next, dressage lessons, a dressage day here & there, clinics & low level jumping. A really fun, safe horse with ability & flash enough to do some low level comps. I enjoy learning more about dressage so lovely movement & working in a soft frame will suit what I prefer to ride. Not a kick along but not hot, the happy medium. Steady in the contact & not too heavy on the hands. Beautiful ground manners & used to busy environments (I’m at a very busy large agistment / riding school centre & I don’t want this to be an issue). A real best friend type that will be happy to be spoiled by myself & my family. I ride 4-5 x per week currently , but I’d definitely prefer a horse I don’t need to lunge down to get on. My budget is up to around $28k , I am happy to pay for the dream horse that will keep me safe. I’ve had 3 of my own geldings & a lease gelding, strangely never had a mare, love geldings but open to a non-marey mare 🙂 Riding Ambitions: HRCAV, clinics, weekly dressage lessons, dressage days, trails, low level jumps & potentially a little XC. Not going to the Olympics but this is what I’m hoping will be my dream horse after waiting many years for this, so something really special that I can adore would be fantastic. Horse will be kept in 5 star full care agistment with endless love, coaching, body work & everything it could ever need. Notes: welcome email sent 27/4 5/1 – Current horse has lots of baby moments, very spooky. horse coming up for sale this week. Height: ideal world, 16hh but happy to go 15.2 if chunky. up to 16.2. preference towards Gelding, will look at a non marey. located: black rock in Melbourne. Bangholme. Oolong Park. current level: Novice dressage, used to ride grade 3 PC. Budget $25K for horse plus extras breed: Open, prefer not TB, burnt a couple of times.
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Application Date: May 16, 2023 at 8:04 am Name: Tahnee Dewhurst Contact Number: 0408053153 Email: tahnee.dewhurst@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Eventing, Pony Club, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: Australian Stock Horses Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 7 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: 10000 to Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
13yo old girl. Dream Horse: Stockhorse Riding Ambitions: Pony club, show jumping, eventing, trail Notes: 2/6/23 – Tahnee has gone and vet checked a horse that she made an offer on pre signing up to match my ride they initallly refused her offer but have now accepted it. We are just waiting too see how the vetting goes and will confirm if this is successful or not.
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Application Date: June 18, 2023 at 8:46 pm Name: Gail Pritchard Contact Number: 0433158928 Email: gailpritchard0@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Eventing, Off The Track, Performance, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 4 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Rode extensively as a child from 5-15 years old doing pony club. Stopped riding at 15 years of age and took it up again when I turned 30 and did eventing (80cm), showjump 95cm. Haven’t ridden for 6 years and wanting to get back into it. I am now 50 and looking to do trail riding, adult riding club, and low level jump (maybe). Dream Horse: No dirt, no spook, easy going, kind nature, forward but not strong, easy to bring back if needed. Riding Ambitions: Trail riding, adult riding club and maybe low level eventing. Fun, easygoing, safe Lurched a green OTT from an eventing person happy – although found outside of MMR but did get a lot of horses sent through 1/9/23 – Still waiting on Vet check – hopefully this coming week Instructor found horse in NSW – Waiting for Vetcheck 10.8.23 – Booked to view Jersey (TB Gelding) on 15/8/23 26.7.23 – Booked to see 2x Geldings on the 1st at same place (Pinto and Appy) 20.7.23- Liked Whitey but wasnt happy with vet check O didnt want to budge on price – Back to the drawing board (Has looked at a few different horses) 30.6.2023 – Toppy Got Sold Sight Unseen, Looking at a different horse tomorrow 18.6.23 Making Initial Phone call 24th onwards Daughter will also Ride horse (More to start with) Has competed up to Pre Nov Eventing May only get ridden 1-2 a week during school term
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Application Date: June 28, 2023 at 12:35 pm Name: Michaela Turner on behalf of daughter Kaitlyn Turner Contact Number: 0423104422 Email: michaela.turner2015@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Interschool, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Show, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 10 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: 7500 to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Kaity is a novice rider off lead having lessons with Lyndsay Batt-Rawden (LBR equestrian) and Pony Club once a month. Mother is experienced rider helping to coach. Dream Horse: Good ground manners happy to have kids catch, groom, lead, clean hooves, rug and fuss over each day. Registered. Handsome (bling) gelding with white blaze and socks. No chestnuts. Prefer Welsh D or QH for hunter class. No bigger than 15H. No bolt, wind suck, rear, biting or kicking. Riding Ambitions: Kaity loves dressage the most and wants to show and compete. Looking for a school master to bond with and have success together. Currently at Pony Club but wants to progress to interschools etc. Notes: Stopped Replying to Messages – 4/3/24 20.7.23 – Another person saw Prom 1st and took first dibs, they having another test ride this week. will hear back by the weekend
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Application Date: June 30, 2023 at 7:28 am Name: Hailey Spokes Contact Number: 0418195807 Email: haileyweedon@icloud.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14 to 15 Age: 7 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Haven’t been around horses full time since young years. Have been going to weekly lessons for over a year now to gain confidence back. Can handle on ground, tack up, walk , trot and care for horse. I’d almost say my riding skills are back at novice stage. Dream Horse: I would love to find my new best friend who is happy to look around farm, go on trail rides. Horse ideally to be cattle, dog and roo proof. Preferably a gelding around 14h , someone who loves affection and is super gentle on ground and under saddle. I would prefer no TB , have had bad experience and lost a lot of confidence. Riding Ambitions: Gain more confidence and eventually be able to gallop across the paddocks. My balance has come back so just love to keep working on that. Gentle all rounder 30.06.2023 – Went a Viewed Montana – Absolutely Loved him and put a deposit Down 🙂 Recommended Vet but She was happy to continue without one 30.6.23 – Viewing SH x Clydie Montana Tonight
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Application Date: July 15, 2023 at 5:47 pm Name: Kate McGregor Contact Number: 0421097618 Email: ktmcg@me.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Beginners, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 16.2 to 17.2 Age: 10 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Finn is 16 and new to riding this year. He is a confident rider with a natural seat and soft hands. Dream Horse: He is looking for a kind and reliable horse to start his horsemanship journey. Ideally a tall heavy horse type as he is 6’3″ and a lean 90kg. Riding Ambitions: Finn is looking to do ARC, clinics, trail riding and camping. schoolmaster kind reliable 1/9/23 – Bought Bello – Happy with his vet check – Some small niggles but they are happy to deal with them. Picking him up on the 6/9/23 24.08.23 – vet check pending Bello 10.08.23 Dumbledoore fell through much greener and younger than they thought – back to drawing board 26.7.23 – Booked to see WB x Gelding on 29/7/23 – Wasnt overly keen 25.7.23 – Morgan Gelding was an asshole – NO GOOD
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Application Date: July 20, 2023 at 2:02 pm Name: Angie Coffey Contact Number: 0414717368 Email: angie01@netspace.net.au Location: Queensland |
Disciplines: Beginners, Dressage, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Andalusian/PRE, Australian Stock Horses, Cleveland Bay, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Curly, Gypsy Cob, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Morgan, Other Breeds, Paints, Percheron, Pintos, Trakehner, Warmbloods, Welsh Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 4 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate Location: Queensland |
Riding History:
14hhWelsh pony – jumping, pony club – 2 years Dream Horse: I realise my dream horse doesn’t come along often and may take a while to find but I am happy to wait until the right one comes long. I am looking for a horse who is willing to give everything asked of him, exceptionally quiet that loves people and is happy to be ridden by any level of rider in any setting and can adapt accordingly. Has done miles of trails on his own or in company and can be ridden by a beginner rider and then go out and enjoy teaching me the ropes in dressage and not change in temperament. Dressage schoolmaster with all the buttons and education that is not sensitive or easily offended if I don’t quite get things right. Non spooky, brave, literally bombproof, confidence builder. Quiet and solid enough for my beginner husband to ride occasionally. Must have a kind, unflappable nature and can adapt to any level of rider. Not girthy, no bite, buck or bolt, Good to shoe, float etc. Ok to be paddocked/stabled alone. Enjoys lots of attention, brushing and loves his humans. Will be kept on our own property for a forever home. Riding Ambitions: I am loving learning dressage and want to continue my education so a dressage schoolmaster who has all the buttons but is not too sensitive/easily offended if I don’t get things quite right. I will be trail riding quietly on a loose rein on my own from time to time. Must also be quiet enough for my beginner husband to ride occasionally. Notes: 28/9/2023 – Dressage Coach found a horse. Passed Vet Check and Picked up 26/07/23 – Looking at WB Gelding on 29/7 20.07.23PHONE Consult- NO SPOOK – Happy if it takes a while as she knows its a hard find. Currently riding Warmblood at her lessons Educated – Leg aids not kicking – Leg yields, Extended Gaits etc. A calm Relaxed rider, relaxed hands and can calm a horse an anxious horse.
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Application Date: July 26, 2023 at 10:51 am Name: Sherie Kennedy Contact Number: 0417842748 Email: jimmy10rose@hotmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Campdrafting, Cutting, Pleasure, Show, Trail Riding Breed: Other Breeds Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 5 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
I have been riding for most of my life. Since I now have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I would ride once/twice a week. There will be times I will need a break from riding due to my disability. I attend a campdraft around once a month. I am an intermediate rider but since my horse accident last year and sustaining a head injury I have lost alot of confidence thus needing a horse I can truly trust and feel safe. Dream Horse: I am looking for a registered Quarter Horse or Australian Stock Horse cross Quarter Horse. Needing a horse that is Very safe, quite, does not shy, a calm horse that is not anxious at events, no vices and good in the mouth. Needs to be a confidence building horse, calm, not sensitive, good to shoe, easy to load onto a 2 horse float and travel well. A horse that is happy to be ridden by themselves, does not have to be ridden all the time and is good after a break and never pigrooted. A horse that is well trained has campdrafted and shows initiative with cattle. A horse that has cutting training could be perfect. This horse is to be educated and ready to put on my float. I am not after the blue ribbon in any event just a horse that will allow me to enjoy riding and competing again. The horse needs to be located in NSW and I will not buy with out riding the horse first. My budget is $20 but possible $25K Riding Ambitions: I would like to return to do some campdrafting and cattle training days. I would also like to have a go at cutting but I have never done cutting just campdrafting. I ride on our property for leisure and also muster cattle. Most riding I will do on my property is done alone. I do have another horse so there will be a paddock companion. Safe in every aspect!! Gave Refund – Very Hard Woman to get along with MUST be in NSW
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Application Date: July 28, 2023 at 10:48 am Name: Karen McDevitt Contact Number: 0438697489 Email: mcdevittkaren55@gmail.com Location: Australian Capital Territory |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Pleasure Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to Age: 5 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Australian Capital Territory |
Riding History:
I am 56 and have been riding on and off since I was 12. I ride for fun and like to try different things. I have done PC, ARC, clinics, jumping, sporting, small events, camps and trail riding. I have not ridden for years, due to having unsound horses and do not have the confidence I used to have. Dream Horse: No specific breed, must be able to carry my 75kgs and height of 173cm. My favourite horses have been mares, but I am also open to geldings. I am looking for a brave and kind horse for trail riding and ARC. It needs to be able to go riding alone. I do not want any behavioural issues and it needs to be able to get along with my mares. Riding Ambitions: Trail riding, ARC, small events and rides. I am not competitive and just want a horse to have fun with. Notes: LOVED the TB Gelding – Bought him and Picked him up 2/9/23 Really Likes the Black TB – Waiting on X-Rays Went back and rode Black TB Vet check for the 18/8/23 10.8.23 – Relooking at TB Gelding on 12/08/23 28.07.23 – Booked in to See OTT tomorrow Was Riding for as long as she can remember before having kids – then had a break for her kids – started riding again then fostered some more kids so had to stop riding now is back riding again. No buck, rear, bolt etc, May consider a windsucker if is controlled by a collar. Has lots of horse friends, will be joining Adult riders and getting lessons again once she has found her match. Ideally no further than 3 hours – but may go alittle for right horse. Budget is $10,000
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Application Date: August 4, 2023 at 5:39 pm Name: Karen Barson Contact Number: 0419384057 Email: k.barson@bigpond.net.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, HRCAV, Schoolmasters Breed: Warmbloods Height: 16.2 to 17.2 Age: 6 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Pony club Dream Horse: 16.3 Riding Ambitions: Ride at home and have regular lessons Quiet non fuss Budget up to $35k Wants the Old looking Warmblood – Happy to Look at Warmblood x TB – Doesnt like the clydie x’s movement Stopped Replying to Messages – 5/3/24
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Application Date: August 6, 2023 at 8:26 pm Name: Janelle Moore Contact Number: 0437 457 930 Email: nell138@outlook.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Campdrafting, Challenge, Companion, Pleasure, Show Breed: Australian Stock Horses Height: 14 to 15 Age: 5 YO to 10 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Pony Club & riding g at home on a farm. Have ridden Dressage competitively. Keenly interested in Australian Stockhorses. Family used to breed them. Dream Horse: A good tempered horse that doesn’t bite, kick, bolt, buck or rear. More whoa than go. Not overly green. One that has a lovely kind eye. Attractive enough to show. Not girthy & doesn’t need working down. Must be reliable after a spell. Like he was only ridden day before. A 5 star knowledgeable & loving home will be provided. Riding Ambitions: Trail & pleasure riding. Gymkhana Club & Branch Level stockhorse showing. Australian Stock Horse showing at Country Ag Shows. Notes: Picking Up SH Gelding on the 10th/9 – for a 2 weeks Trail Sent through a few with NO replies or fedback
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Application Date: August 11, 2023 at 3:16 pm Name: Madeleine Stark Contact Number: 0411397582 Email: maddieellie87@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Pleasure, Polo, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I rode a bit as a child/teen, doing weekly lessons. Then took a long break for about 7 years due to work and uni requirements. I started riding more consistently about 18 months ago now. Dream Horse: 14-15.2hh (maybe slightly more) Riding Ambitions: Basically will be used as a pleasure horse and some pony clubbing. I would also like a horse that is trustworthy enough that I could put my total beginner friends on too. Notes: Purchased a polo pony and very happy with our help Looking at Morgan on the 26/08/23
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Application Date: August 26, 2023 at 9:05 am Name: Kate Kitson Contact Number: 0417770636 Email: akkitson@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage Breed: Australian Stock Horses, German Riding Pony, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 4 YO to 8 YO Asking Price: 20000 to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have been riding all my life in showing and dressage. Now I am mainly focussed on dressage. I had a break while I had my children. Since then, I have been back riding for the past 10 years. Before I retired my horse, I was competing HRCAV L2 moving to L1. I am not 100% confident rider but gain confidence when I know the horse well. The last two horses have been quirky chestnut mares, so I can manage a few problems. Dream Horse: Age – 4yrs to 8yrs Riding Ambitions: I hope to buy a horse to have forever and to build a strong relationship with. I would like to continue regular lessons and compete regularly. Ideally have a horse at the same level as my riding or a little below, so that I can educate and we can move up the levels together. Notes: Client had friend sell her a horse
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Application Date: September 6, 2023 at 5:47 pm Name: Annabelle Contact Number: 0466966067 Email: annabelle_suter@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Eventing, HRCAV, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Cross Breed, Warmbloods Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 7 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 20000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Consistent lessons on school ponies and horses as a child to late teen. In the later years I helped work green and younger horses for the school. I took a break from riding during uni and started back with lessons in 2020. In 2021 I owned my first horse but have not been able to do a lot with him due to paddock injury and rehabbing and eventually decided to retire him Dream Horse: – extremely sensible and safe Riding Ambitions: Mostly pleasure and a way to keep fit, relax, and de-stress with a focus on flatwork and trails. Small comps and rallies and adult riders. Low level eventing if horse is suitable. Notes: Stopped Replying to Messages – 4/3/24
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Application Date: November 21, 2023 at 9:40 pm Name: Jade Contact Number: 0423512242 Email: jrosewarndaws@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 7500 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
My daughters have been having weekly lessons for approx 18 month. They are novices, but at the more experienced end. Dream Horse: I want a safe horse but who has enough go that there is room for my girls to grow and gain confidence. Riding Ambitions: Pleasure, pony club. Whatever they like Notes: 31/1/24
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Application Date: December 6, 2023 at 4:04 pm Name: Val Vicic Contact Number: 0437404840 Email: valvicic08@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Show, Trail Riding Breed: Cross Breed, Thoroughbred Height: 15.2 to 16 Age: 7 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: 7500 to 5000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Returning to riding after a long break (15 years) Dream Horse: A quiet, safe and easy horse that I can take out to various venues eg ARC, Low level showing and a bit of trail riding. Riding Ambitions: I would like to do some Ag Shows, Novice Dressage, As well as some trail riding. Gelding REFUNDED – Very Hard to please. Sent multiple suitable horses whom she believed werent the description she was after
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Application Date: December 13, 2023 at 1:24 pm Name: Heather Cambridge Contact Number: +61427770623 Email: puddingcat.cambridge@gmail.com Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Dressage, Eventing, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: Thoroughbred Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 8 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
I’m rising 67 and been back riding for 15 years. I have a TB unicorn who I ride at Novice/Elementary dressage and 80cm SJ and 65cm ODE. He’s 18 and completely fine but I would like to start looking for my next horse. Dream Horse: 15 to 16hh TB or TB type, gelding preferred. Any colour. Age up to 14. Honest quiet and quality horse with good basics that I can build on and some life experience. Suitable for an older person to handle and float without help. Happy to join a little herd of 4 retirees. No buck rear or pigroot into the canter (I hate this, sorry) Forward thinking and good work ethic for arena work. Riding Ambitions: I want to keep riding at my current level for as long as possible. I’m in it for participation not winning. I love my regular flat and jumping lessons and beach rides. Notes: Got Given a TB Mare to trial off a friend. Fell in LOVE with her and decided to keep her and train her up
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Application Date: February 11, 2024 at 12:21 pm Name: kara Contact Number: 0424608246 Email: kara2371@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, HRCAV, Schoolmasters Breed: Andalusian/PRE, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Paints, Percheron, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 7 YO to 11 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Owned horses most my life, however require something quiet, competed up to elementary trained medium. Currently graded 2 with grade 5 show jumping. Dream Horse: Quiet gelding, easy to do everything with as a ride by myself. Something unflappable. Good to float on angle load. Something that’s had a few outings happy to take up the levels. No pre-existing medical conditions. Good to rug )no halter, float, clip catch. Something that just wants to be with his human. Get on and go type without having to lunge. Forward but not super sensitive, soft into contact. Mr Reliable. Riding Ambitions: I would like to continue competing arc; I don’t compete a lot. I have weekly dressage lessons, continue with pole work and low level jumping have tried a bit of 3pe would possibly like to continue this. Easy on the trails. Notes: Stopped Replying to Messages – 4/3/24
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Application Date: March 23, 2024 at 4:28 pm Name: Natasha Elliston Contact Number: 0409561766 Email: tash36@live.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Eventing, HRCAV, Pony Club, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Natasha-rode from 4yrs to 18yrs, then had @ 25yrs off then back to riding about the last 4 years..Riding Gr 4 HRCAV Dream Horse: An all rounder that we can take out and about and have fun on..Enjoys lots of attention..Kind.. Riding Ambitions: Natasha-low level eventing (grade 4) Safe allrounder FOUND 26/4
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Application Date: June 17, 2024 at 3:40 pm Name: Amy Skowronski Contact Number: 0413912753 Email: afearnleysander@yahoo.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Stock Horses, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Friesians, Gypsy Cob, Morgan, Paints, Palouse, Percheron, Ponies, Welsh Height: 13 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I am in my forties. i rode as a kid/teen (english style). always just for pleasure and have always been quite nervous. I’ve started back in lessons recently and am still building strength, finding balance and working on my confidence. The pony/horse i’m looking for will be suitable to also lead my beginner daughter (8 ) and ideally also have her ride off lead once she is a bit more capable. Essential they can also handle the pony/horse on ground as it will be a much loved family member. Dream Horse: Solid pony/small horse between 13-15hh (give or take), so long as it can carry a 62 kg adult. As unflappable as possible, doesn’t feed off rider’s nerves but is calm and consistent. Not too forward or too sensitive to aids, must be forgiving while i re-learn the ropes and for my daughter when she’s handling/riding him/her. Ideally between 10-16 years. Excellent ground manners, not pushy. can be ridden alone or in company and won’t bolt if other horses go ahead. Affectionate, friendly nature – enjoys being brushed etc. My absolute ideal would match all the above and by a gypsy cob! But open to any breed that matches criteria. Riding Ambitions: I want to ride for pleasure in the arena (re-learn basic dressage, possible very small jumps but not essential) and go for trail rides. I might possibly get involved in ARC. My daughter, once her skills have improved will most likely get into pony club (but might be with a different pony if this one can help her learn the basics but isn’t suited to pony club). would consider an older horse, but my budget would be reduced to reflect age. unicorn unphased bomproof family mount Currently Put on Hold 18/9
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Application Date: August 18, 2024 at 2:56 pm Name: Natalie Pryor Contact Number: 0433 337 708 Email: natalie@championparts.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pleasure, Pony Club, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 14.2 Age: 7 YO to Asking Price: to Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
14 YO first horse owner. Still very much a novice rider. This will be a first horse, rider has very good foundations with a balanced seat and kind with reins. Dream Horse: Pony Riding Ambitions: On-going lessons in arena – to keep rider learning Notes: Pony Found 24/9th
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Application Date: October 10, 2024 at 9:38 am Name: Alex Permewan Contact Number: 0438614698 Email: alex@bunglemedia.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Endurance, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Other Breeds Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Plenty of trails, mustering and just pleasure riding around the farm Dream Horse: Age – 8 to 16 Absolutely no spook or shying, buck, rear, bolt etc Safe for my young children to learn to ride on Responsive but not too forward moving Riding Ambitions: Just want to pleasure ride, trails, farm riding, riding in groups, teach my kids, but mostly build my confidence back up again after a fall Maybe some adult riding club would love to join Trail Riders of Vic Ultimate goal is to do the Snowy River ride Notes: |
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Application Date: December 24, 2024 at 2:53 pm Name: Rebecca Bentley Contact Number: 0433921290 Email: rebeccakatemarshall@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Eventing, Showjumping Breed: Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: to Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Very competent but coming off a 15 year break Dream Horse: – 15-16.2 hands Riding Ambitions: Get back into riding and then competing (low level) Notes: |
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Application Date: September 22, 2021 at 8:00 pm Name: Jane Edwards Contact Number: 0408059750 Email: ewertwards@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pleasure Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: to Age: 10 YO to 20 YO Asking Price: to No Max Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have had horses for 51 years and can provide a very experienced and loving home. I have managed ponies with laminitis and weight issues. Dream Horse: I am looking for a first pony for my 5 year old granddaughter to learn to ride and her 3 year old sister to have a sit on. The pony can be any breed or colour, temperament is the key, the pony can be older but I would prefer a pony under 20 if possible. Riding Ambitions: I would like to be able to lead the pony at the walk and trot for the 5 year old and eventually for her to learn to ride independently. I have a fenced Menage so this can be done safely. I would like the girls to be able to brush the pony and to be safe around the pony while learning all the rules and correct handling. Bombproof, safe with children 24/oct just sent a pony from horse deals advertised a minute ago. Jane having this one vetted. Currently getting one vetted. Spent time searching through shetland sales aus, pony sites, no luck. Sent her one nikki sent through but in tamworth NSW so no interest. 5/10 jane declined black pony and limited her search to Vic only 4/10 sent jane black shetland pony. Quiet paddock pony wanted , super safe, lead rein shetland Spoke to Jane. Really nice and experienced horse owner. Pony for 2 yr old and 5yr old, to walk and trot around on , on and off lead.
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Application Date: September 22, 2021 at 10:28 pm Name: Christine Mark Contact Number: 0403366530 Email: panorama_landscapes@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Pony, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Other Breeds, Paints, Pintos, Ponies, Standardbred, Welsh Height: 14 to 16 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have a 12yr old confident beginner/novice and a 15yr old novice/intermediate both have done long trail rides lots of holiday programs and we have a 12h pony that we are leasing as a short term who is a bit tricky to ride so they are gaining lots of experience my 15yr old also has ridden friends horses but we have moved to a 65acre property and are looking for our first horse Dream Horse: 14h-15.3h standard breed, stock horse quiet but will do 3paces easily, responsive but not go, easy to catch,shoe etc just nice manners good around dogs,cows, sheep Riding Ambitions: We would like a horse just for a leisure, ride on the farm, occasionally trail riding and on roads something that u can pull out of paddock and jump on Quiet first horse 15/1 sent christine gumtree horse 9/1 sent christine 2 horses, one sold, 5/1 sent christine an email to see if she will consider updating her search parameters and consider upping the budget at all. 23/12 sent happy christmas text 5/12 sent ebook via email. 18/11 – sent text not much on market, height range in high demand. Thinking of them.
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Application Date: September 22, 2021 at 10:56 pm Name: Kay langfield Contact Number: 0499455882 Email: kay.langfield@gmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 9 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 2000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Rode my quarterhorse as a pleasure horse until I retired him after 4 years due to arthritis. I was sold a thoroughbred mare by a friend as suitable for a novice – she bolted and broke my collar bone 2 years ago. Now I’m riding a friends Welshie on loan to build my confidence and trust I horses Dream Horse: Sane sensible sound Riding Ambitions: To have fun – I’m not interested in serious competitions Sane sensible chilled 16/3 ring Kay beginning of July 2022. currently having lessons to improve her riding. 3/11 Kay has found a riding school with horses so she is going back to lessons to improve her riding and save more money. Then she can look for a “better” horse. Pause the search for 6 months please. 16/10 messaged kay to let her know nothing has coming up as yet but we are searching our hardest, also informed her the video she was sending me by email has not come through as yet. After ringing sunny is unsuitable. Kay has decided that temperament is the only thing that matter, height, breed, age, sex are irrelevant. Sent kay Sunny the QLD horse from horse deals to ask her her opinion. Sent ad and video. Called kay sat 2nd october just to say hi and remind her to send some photos and they havent found anything suitable as yet.
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Application Date: September 23, 2021 at 9:16 am Name: Sasha Holland Contact Number: 0422994359 Email: sasha@primeps.com.au Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Breed: Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
We are looking for a family horse and best friend I am in my mid 40s and rode for many years – as a child to late teens, I rode competively in the ring/dressage. I am getting back into riding and having lessons to get me ride fit. I am a confident rider. My 8 year old daughter is a beginner and currently in lessons, she is being taught properly in a round yard, no reigns, then no saddle for her balance etc she can now rise and sit trot off the lunge comfortably, stop, start and turn. She will be proceeding to canter after the holidays. Dream Horse: See below – A mare that we could later breed would be a bonus, so good bloodlines. Although gelding also fine. Riding Ambitions: Looking for a patient “been there and done that” pony my daughter is quite tall and is growing like grass so that is why we are looking for pony around 15hh ( a touch smaller could be ok) Clearly needs to be safe/sound and something that she may use for interschools when she begins high school – she has showed some interest in dressage. Please note this will not be a competitive home per say, we are simply looking for a horse that has plenty of experience/education as I enjoy an educated ride, due to my show days and a pony can help my daughter continue to gain confidence and skill – maybe ex show/dressage that maybe ready for an easier life, with weekly rides in the arena/trail, tonnes of love & attention. Notes: oct 29- sending Sasha horses every day pretty much! Oct 8- Vet checking one next week. Tuesday onwards in QLD
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Application Date: September 23, 2021 at 9:28 am Name: Suzie Wilks Contact Number: 0413833896 Email: suziewilks@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 2000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
My daughter has been riding on and off since was was 4 . She is 10 now and very tall . Dream Horse: A pretty kind horse that loves aeration and people. Back with a blaze and 4 white socks ( the dream ) then bay then chestnut . A horse I can trust to teach me and keep me safe . 14.3 -15 .2? I am a tall 10 and a half year old. Riding Ambitions: ( from Ruby who is 11 in April ) First horse to begin pony club with for the first time , trial ride with my mum and new horsey friends out side our house in Main Ridge Start shows and learn to canter properly with out a lung group in a large steam and to canter over jumps! I want to do a water jump one day . Safe ,friendly ,pony club ,pretty , been there done that ! 2/6 – still on holidays ? not sure struggles to reply ro anything. still looking 26/2/23 – ?? Hugo viewed and vetted 20/4 – spoke to suzie, due to health issues she would like to postpone the search until mid end may. She would like us to search for an allrounder trail riding horse for her family to enjoy. Under 15, yrs, 15-16hh , family pet. 28/2 – created a watts ap group for suzie and ruby and touched base to say hello. 14/2 – sent Suzie the older Clydie mare. She mentioned she was looking for more trail riding horses for friends – but it is a mare. 1/2 sent suzie a ripper but she was too slow to reply and so missed out. Still waiting on copper to become available. 24/12 sent suzie happy christmas message.
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Application Date: September 23, 2021 at 2:03 pm Name: Leah Contact Number: 0414419786 Email: lgulam@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Harness, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 15 to 15 Age: to 14 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Grown up and ridden all my life. Grandfather used to breed. Spent some time living in city where there was little activity but living on acreage again for last 3 years and currently own 2 horses for pleasure. One OTT and one Cob cross which was purchased for pleasure harness but proving to be unsuitable. Dream Horse: Feel like I’m searching for the impossible ! Looking for a horse for pleasure harness driving. If broken to saddle that would be a bonus but not a deal breaker. Something between 14.3 and 15h needed to fit my Jinker and Buggy. Not fussed on Breed as long as ready to drive and good ground manners and suitable to paddock with my OTT mare who is friendly but can be bossy/nippy at feed time. Have post an rail fencing so no windsuckers either. If we are talking dream horse I would describe a good looking Black gelding at requested height. But have been looking for quite some time so as long as ready to go, friendly and good manners I am flexible. Riding Ambitions: I only ride for pleasure so something suitable to drive every week and if broken to saddle then will be ridden on average once a week as well. Harness 9/2 LEAH BOUGHT WILSON from Utopia 7/2 sent leah a hello message, checking to see if she wants to expand her parameters at all. 2/2 sent leah a notice that Utopia performanvce horses are back in action. She is waiting on a horse called Thor who is 15hh to come on the market. 24/12 – happy christmas text Have sent leah a text message each week. Sent her an ad from utopia performance horses just to keep in the loop, but the horse was to big. Called 2 nd october to say still looking, no match ther than the black gelding as yet.
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Application Date: September 23, 2021 at 7:58 pm Name: Melia Courtney Contact Number: +61407550662 Email: meliacourtney@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16 Age: to Asking Price: to Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Not Specified Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
82 year old man just up to plodding around now. Dream Horse: Very quiet, no spook no shy and will stand still while dad clambers on. Riding Ambitions: Dad just wants a quiet horse to walk around the paddocks and walk out in the bush Quiet 24/10 sent horse – bought horse Sent melia aus stock horse but was too small. Really needs 15hh to help her dad get off with his hip. Called 2nd October. Told her Tiz is back at shory park and that he is having his first ride on Monday and either myself or nikki will be in touch
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Application Date: September 27, 2021 at 4:25 pm Name: Olga Connolly Contact Number: 0417554760 Email: connolly.o.t@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Andalusian/PRE, Australian Stock Horses, Clydesdale, Cross Breed, Friesians, Standardbred Height: 16 to 17.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Looking for my husband Paul. He has done some trail riding and a bit of riding around the farm. He is soft and gentle with all animals and, while tall and fairly athletic, is not heavy. Dream Horse: Paul needs a friendly, no fuss, safe mount that will become his friend. Experienced, bom-proof, horse that enjoys a trail ride, cuddles and treats. Something that will be happy to bum around a paddock a lot of the time, and then be pulled out and go for a (low speed) adventure somewhere. Must be easy to catch, float, rug, do feet and teeth. Does not need to be super pretty or athletic or classically educated, just needs to be easy, level headed and happy to plod along. Riding Ambitions: Paul’s main goal is to be able to feel safe around his new furry friend. And to be able to take him to cool places and ride on the trails. Notes: 29/10 – search on hold at the moment whilst they work out if the ones they have might suit. 5/10 touched base with olga, she has been in difficult signal. any type suitable for beginner trail riding and multiple riders
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Application Date: September 29, 2021 at 2:34 pm Name: Lucy Cochran Contact Number: 0431220412 Email: lucy.m.cochran@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Eventing, HRCAV, Trail Riding Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Cleveland Bay, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16 Age: 4 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I started riding at age 9, got my own horse at age 12. I was very competitive at Pony Club in everything (games to showing to grade 3 eventing). At 18, I got an OTT and evented level 2. then stopped riding. I returned to riding in my early 30s and had an OTT and a 16.3hh WB who I evented HRCV grade 3 on. I sold him 7 years ago. This year, I have started riding again under instruction on my friend’s WB doing mainly dressage. This has stopped in lockdown though as I live in Melbourne. Dream Horse: 15.2-16hh – nice movement and a love of jumping. Must be good out on trails and rarely refuse jumps. Bonus points for brown or black horses and ones that are a bit smoochy! The dream is the horse has had some exposure or success at events but I am beginning to give up hope of that. Riding Ambitions: I am looking to do a bit of everything. I will be under instruction and will be able to get a trainer to help if the horse is a little green. My ambition is to do ARC, trail riding, low level eventing and straight dressage. I am not a nervous rider but I don’t want a horse that bucks or bolts. The odd pigroot is ok. Bad ground manners ok. Horse must load on the float well. Notes: 9/10 lucys horse passed vet and is being transported to victoria on tuesday 12th. Nikki to call/message and discuss a potential partial refund
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Application Date: September 29, 2021 at 3:14 pm Name: Lisa Tolmie Contact Number: 0410641342 Email: lisatolmie1@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Eventing, HRCAV, Interschool, Off The Track, Performance, Performance Ponies, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Paints, Percheron, Pintos, Ponies, Standardbred, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods, Welsh Height: 14.2 to 16.2 Age: 8 YO to Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Been riding since I was a kid. Currently level 2 hrcav dressage and 65cm jumping. I’m nervous rider since having my kids. Dream Horse: Something quiet enough that doesn’t need to be ridden every day. Happy to trail ride down the road one day quietly, go to riding club the next and then do a comp the next 🙂 no fuss, quiet. Not fussed on age breed gender as long as it’s quiet , sensible. Riding Ambitions: Hrcav dressage, low level eventing, trail ride. Don’t want to go to the Olympic – want to feel safe and have fun with something super safe and sensible. Quiet oct 29- speaking to Lisa daily sending her options Nikki has a horse coming up she sold 5 years ago. Lisa keen to wait for this one and not really hear about any others.
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Application Date: September 29, 2021 at 4:40 pm Name: Melissa Law Contact Number: +61413332966 Email: moucey73@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 12 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I rode when I was little (PC) and then a significant break. I had a standy that I rescued as my first horse back. I have since had a Welsh x ARP and ride quite often on my property (covid) I have been to several ARC rallies and a few shows. Dream Horse: Not too tall. About 15.2 Max. Does not have to be the best looking horse on the lot, but its a MUST, that he/she be able to go on a trail ride and low level ARC. A good confidence builder… Riding Ambitions: Eventually be confident enough to go to more comps, but firstly just enjoy the company of myself and my horse. Bring the joy back to riding again…. Notes: Sent melissa nice paint. Nikki called. She bought it!!
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Application Date: October 7, 2021 at 7:18 am Name: Claire Skeen Contact Number: 0437468217 Email: claireskeen5@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Eventing Breed: Height: 14 to 15 Age: 10 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 2000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Ridding on and off until 11 joined pony club at 13 and compete in all aspects. Age 18 left pony club and compete in grade 5 open eventing at age 23 sadly had to retire my horse I had since I was 17 and haven’t ridden since Dream Horse: A quiet sensible horse that is straight forward to saddle up and easy to get on that is established and brave willing jumper doesn’t have to be show quality or the prettiest horse understanding as I’m not the most balanced rider Riding Ambitions: To mainly ride at home and go to the odd eventing competition at grade 5 level but I don’t care if I don’t place just so long as I can get around the cross country course safely I have enough ribbons for a life time from my old horse budget will grow the longer it takes don’t care about waiting Ring between 8:00 and 8:15 in the morning and 5.10 and 5:30 at night due to work hours can email during the day 12/11 – sent a message to say hi 20/10 Hi Claire, Thanks so much for enlisting the help to find your new mount! We are thrilled to be able to assist you. We will start the hunt immediately and you will be started to send options that may suit! With your budget obviously being a touch lower, I think more the older style with plenty of experience and calm nature but slightly winding down may suit? Hopefully similar to what you were thinking. Please shoot through or feel free to call anytime – we will text / email options as we discover them. You will hear from either myself, Nikki or my co-worker an Match maker extraordinaire Heleni (H) will be in contact soon, Many thanks,
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Application Date: October 7, 2021 at 7:41 am Name: Lisa hardie Contact Number: 0418625044 Email: lisa-hardie@hotmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Other Breeds, Thoroughbred Height: 15 to 16 Age: 4 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 3000 to 2000 Sex: Rider Level: Advanced Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
I have been riding since I got my first horse at age 17 now 57 Dream Horse: My dream horse would be a younger version of Gilbert Riding Ambitions: Would like to continue to compete at dressage ( Would like to get back up to alest novice level) Gelding/ mare Has not paid so moved to unsuccessful 7/11 Messaged lisa – not sure why a delay in application form showing up here. Will call her tomorrow
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Application Date: October 8, 2021 at 12:38 pm Name: Luisa Salvo Contact Number: 0432349640 Email: luisasalvo@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Trail Riding Breed: Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Friesians, Gypsy Cob, Morgan, Percheron, Standardbred, Welsh Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 10 YO to 20 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Weekly lessons last 4-5 years. No regular last two years due to Covid-19. Dream Horse: Bombproof Riding Ambitions: Weekly lessons Bombproof 7/3/23 – going to see bruce Friday, and lolita Saturday 16/2/23 – recomenced search – having a phone call catch up oct 13 – have sent Luisa 2 or 3 to consider. She wants very comprehensive videos if she cannot view in person (fair enough). Happy to buy sight unseen but video must be clear. Budget – would look up to $20k if it was perfect! Doesn’t like Appy eyes (worried about blindness). Ideally just pleasure riding, may expand to ARC if she finds a proper no fuss unicorn. – She’s in metro and would like to ride (Can only go 15km from home). But has friends in regional or would be happy if we could view too. So VIC only. But happy for sight unseen if friend could possibly ride. Lovely lady but has had quite the spook so proper unicorns only, realistically a beginner who is scared to canter.
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Application Date: October 10, 2021 at 11:42 am Name: Sue Bradley Contact Number: 0439468332 Email: suebrad_65@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Beginners, Endurance, HRCAV, Schoolmasters Breed: Height: 14 to 16.2 Age: 6 YO to 25 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Rode as a teen for a couple of years, then rode again in my early 30s for a couple of years. Mostly trail riding and pleasure. Dream Horse: Confidence builder Riding Ambitions: I am a mature age rider looking to regain my confidence in trail riding and some ARC, pleasure riding and natural horsemanship. I am also interested in endurance rides. Confidence builder 10/11 sue found herself a horse messaged 1/11 about ryder horse riding trails horses coming up for sale. oct 22 – sent sue an endurance arab advertised in horse deals.
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Application Date: October 13, 2021 at 3:42 pm Name: anthony mckeown Contact Number: 0408370451 Email: anthony@homeinnovations.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Off The Track, Pleasure, Ranch Horse Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Australian Stock Horses, Thoroughbred Height: 16 to Age: 5 YO to 10 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
“Was a experienced rider “ Dream Horse: easy to handle Riding Ambitions: Moving from Melbourne to farm at Terang in December Notes: 23/4 – sent Anthony a ASH on Horsedeals and checked in. 24/12 – have sent anthony a few and had no reply. sent him a christmas message to enjoy the break. 3/11 rang to check we are starting the search now – yes we are – ready to go.
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Application Date: October 15, 2021 at 6:14 pm Name: Sue Pearson Contact Number: 0408519021 Email: smckpearson@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Clydesdale, Cross Breed, Other Breeds Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 9 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
We have owned our own stock horse gelding that my daughter rode for over 10 years and he has now semi-retired. In that time I had the some lessons on him, but not consistently. He is not a beginners horse and is very sensitive to aids with a very soft mouth, so I am not a complete beginner in the sense that I know how to be a quiet and gentle rider without hanging on the mouth or flapping my legs about, but I have not done much out of the walk so am definitely still a beginner. In the lessons we worked mainly in the walk to establish good seat and leg aids, good riding position, gentle hands/aids, and how to get the horse listening and working calmly. I do not have a lot of riding experience outside of these lessons. I have been handling him and caring for him the whole time we have owned him, so am at an intermediate level for handling and experienced in caring. He is generally a quiet and easy horse to be around (hence intermediate rather than experienced), although can get pushy when food is involved, and also can get nervy when not in work. Dream Horse: I am looking for a unicorn and would love a horse that will take care of me in the saddle and enjoys interacting with people. This horse will be a member of the family and we will be a forever home for the right fit. It must have trail experience, both alone and in company, as I plan on doing a lot of trails. The alone part is very important, as I will often be trail riding alone, and need a horse who is comfortable doing that. As I am a beginner, more woah-than-go would be preferred, and must not be known to bolt on trails (even if the other horses take off), or be spooky. I will also be having flat lessons to improve my riding, so the horse must have a good basic education. While the more education the better, I have no plans on climbing the dressage levels so it’s not necessary to have high level dressage education or anything like that. As long as the horse is more educated than me, I will be happy. One more thing that is very important for me, is that the horse will not be in work 5 days a week. I need a horse who will be okay without consistent work, and who’s temperament doesn’t change if they haven’t been ridden in a week. I need to be able to hope on for a plod down the road, or a little work in the arena without the horse being too hot. Ideally, we would be paddocking the new horse without our gelding. So a horse that is sensible when paddocked together would be great, but we do have room to paddock separately if we had to, so not a deal breaker. No OTT or green horses as I don’t have the experience. Must be good to catch/shoe/float/teeth, and no bite, buck, kick or bolt. Must be sound. I would prefer no windsuckers. Must be good around farm machinery/dogs/traffic. I have put 14.2hh-15.2hh, if closer to 14hh would prefer a stockier breed as I am tall (5 7 but light). I would prefer a gelding, but am definitely open to a mare if she ticks all the boxes. As for breed, I am not set on anything in particular, but would love something with the temperament of a QH or clydie. I would prefer no TBs, arabs or breed that are known to be a bit hotter/require more consistent work. Little managable quirks and personality is welcome, as long as the horse is safe. Safety is my biggest priority. Overall, I need a horse that has been there, done that. Already had the miles put in and exposure. I don’t want a dressage superstar, or anything flashy, just a good honest horse who is happy to have a beginner learn on it. Riding Ambitions: I am a mature woman rider who is a beginner so my ambitions are quite low. I want to do a lot of trail riding, as there are some great places from my front door, and I want to have flat lessons. I will be having lessons to improve my riding abilities, so the horse must have a solid basic education as I do not have the experience to further this myself. I want a pleasure riding horse, where I can enjoy the trails and improve my own abilities, while also having a great companion. I have no plans to compete, to jump, or to show. On average, I will probably be riding 1-2 times a week. We have recently purchased our own property, and the horse we end up finding will be very loved and cared for. I am located in Kyneton/regional VIC, and am willing to travel anywhere in VIC, COVID restrictions allowing, to view a horse. I am not comfortable buying sight unseen. beginner; trail riding 5/1 – sue getting wilson from mitchell park vetted. 24/12 – sent sue to horses yesterday but both are unsuitable. Sent sue a chrsitams message 21/10 called sue and left a voice mail and a text message.
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Application Date: October 17, 2021 at 11:01 am Name: Lynette Fulton Contact Number: Email: nette_m@icloud.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pony Club, Show, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13.2 to 15 Age: 8 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: 5000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
My 10yo son is a confident beginner/novice coming off a small pony (11.3hh). He has been riding for about 4 years, attended Seville Pony Club for 3.5 years (Grade 5), taken part in low level Dressage and CT comps (in the ribbons) and has attended Brenda Mitton Eventing Clinics. Has a growing interest in jumping and also enjoys trail riding. Has had limited experience riding larger mounts, so will be supported by private instruction to help him make the transition. Dream Horse: Looking for a partner in crime – 13.3hh (stocky) – 14.3 hh mare or gelding, 8 – 16 years old. Allrounder type with a bit of exposure/experience to support a junior rider. Confidence builder (probably more whoa than go). Don’t mind a little aged as long as sound and free moving. No vices, no wind suckers, no laminitic ponies (very grass-rich region). Should enjoy jumping (Grade 5/4). Should be happy to receive love and attention from kids. Would love a Welsh-type, but not fussy. Prefer 12k budget unless tack included – can stretch a bit for special candidate. Riding Ambitions: Mount to be suitable for PC, low level comps including XC, the odd show and trails. Rider likes to have fun but is ready for more technical instruction. Confidence builder, children’s mount. Lynette bought love bug from Mitchell Park 29/10 – sent Lynette Roman local horse. keen to check it out over weekend. Just waiting to hear back from seller on availability.
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Application Date: October 17, 2021 at 3:19 pm Name: Ali and Dave Sandy Contact Number: Email: ali.sandy@bigpond.com Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Dressage, Pony Club, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13.2 to 14.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 3000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
We are looking for a new pony for our 12 year old granddaughter. She has been riding since she was 7 and currently has a lovely 12hh mare who she is sadly out-growing. She has weekly lessons with a very good instructor and regularly attends Pony Club rallys. She is a competent but not hugely courageous rider. She currently jumps 50cms in competitions and is training at 60cms. She has done numerous Pony Club shield competitions, some dressage competitions where she did the Prelim 1A test (she won a second place in this a few weeks ago at a local comp) and a few ODEs although she finds the cross country rather scary still! Dream Horse: We are looking for a pony 13.3 – 14.2hh . We want a pony that has had plenty of experience with pony club and shows and that is safe, reliable and kind. It needs to be able to jump and also do some simple dressage. Also, to safely go for outrides to the beach and in the bush. We would prefer a gelding but are happy to consider a mare if it is the right pony. We would also prefer something no younger than 8 years old and preferably not much older than 16 years as it will eventually get passed down to our younger granddaughter. Riding Ambitions: Our granddaughter wants to continue to improve her riding and start jumping a bit higher. She is also quite interested in dressage and would be happy if her new horse could take her a bit further with this too. Most of all she wants to continue to have fun with her pony at pony club rallys and local competitions and be able to safely ride on the beach or in the bush. Pony Club 24/12 29/10 – spoke to Alison> keen for more footage on Geelong chestnut one. We will go view. Quoted her $100 to view as close to home, explained any more would be travel costs included.
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Application Date: October 25, 2021 at 4:39 pm Name: Angela Merrett Contact Number: 0434144927 Email: angela.kirwan@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Australian Stock Horses, Gypsy Cob, Paints, Pintos Height: 14 to 16 Age: to 20 YO Asking Price: 100000 to Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
12yr old Daughter has been riding for the last couple of years. Has been to pony club on and off since the age of 6 Takes fortnightly lessons (where covid allowed) Dream Horse: Quiet Riding Ambitions: Pony Club, rail trail, outings with friends in the bush. Would love a non anxious happy plodder. I think something every mother hopes for. Notes: 25/ 1 – application paused / closed. ongoing health issues with Charlie. – Mum Angela so very grateful of everything tho. expressed her greatest love for what we have done and how we have supported 3/1/23 – seeing Zara – vet checked booked in 21/12 – looking to pass on Bear not sound. 24/ 11 ADDIT No standies, will consider exceptional TB, but ideally still wants a chunky horse type. 7 + year old updated budget to 15K maxed out Novice rider level 4 PC 27/6 – search on pause. Angela would like a chunkier gelding woth a quiet nature and is going to work on a 15,000 budget given the market. Keep in otuch every month to see how she is progressing. 28/3 added Kate to the search group. 21/3 sent angela the grey in winchelsea 28/2 – created a watts ap group for the three of us with Angela. Sent her flo from the match my ride stock page, might be too forward though. 14/2 – sent Angela the details on cuddles. Might be worth a ride. 5/1 – sent angela copper from advertised on the match my ride stock page. 24/12 – sent angela happy christmas message
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Application Date: October 29, 2021 at 2:18 pm Name: Sarah Contact Number: 0433429393 Email: sarahegrigg.89@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Paints Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I haven’t had an extensive amount of time in the saddle. previously owned a thoroughbred 8 years ago, for 2 years, and did most of my learning on him. Went to pony club, had riding lessons. 2 years ago I leased a riding pony to gain my confidence back. had him for 12 months. Prior to any of this, I went on a few trail rides. Dream Horse: My dream horse is a chunky, quiet, fuss free pony. Easy to do anything with and be around other horses. Doesn’t have to be ridden daily, and is confident enough to trail ride on its own. an ideal family horse to ride out with my 5yo daughter and is affectionate. Riding Ambitions: I would love to pursue the western riding pleasure discipline, ride out on trails regularly, have riding lessons frequently, go to Adult Riders Club, ride in the arena and also go down to the beach in the warmer months. My mum and partner would also like to be able to learn on it and have lessons. Breed preference ideally; Quarter Horse, Sex preference ideally; Gelding. Price max would be around $7k. If searching outside Victoria, transport costs would need to be included within the $7k limit. 21/3 sent sarah a message to see if she is ready to ramp up the search again. 28/2 – created a watts ap group for all three of us as I never had and sent her the QH advertised on match my ride page. 24/12 – sent sarah a christmas message. 1/11 Spoke to sarah. Ideal dream type is 15hh QH for trail riding. Not a beginner but lost confidence through a fall and hasnt ridden in 12 months. Under 15 years old. Located boronia, happy to view within VIC and potentially sight unseen. Agistment ready to go. ARC but only level 5.
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Application Date: October 29, 2021 at 3:29 pm Name: Josephina McDonald Contact Number: 0400363292 Email: josephina@hallsgaplakeside.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Beginners, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: to Age: to Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I am a beginner but my husband owns racehorses that live on our property. My daughter and I are looking to start trailing riding (she’s 18). She’s done a number of trail rides and have done lessons but probably stopped about 3 years ago. I haven’t ridden much at all. Dream Horse: Just something that is easy going. Not easily spooked by dogs, kangaroos or other things as we live in the Grampians. One that will enjoy longer rides and is fit enough to do so mostly for trail riding not looking to compete. Riding Ambitions: My daughter is looking to do agriculture or potentially look into equine studies and would love to improve her horsemanship and just be able to ride, mostly on trails. beginner, easy-going 5/12 found josephina a Standie , she went to try it and purchased it 1/11 called and left a message. Messaged Josephina to let her know I will be in touch soon to discuss her application further.
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Application Date: October 30, 2021 at 9:05 am Name: Graeme Clarke – buying for daughter jess Contact Number: 0418382956 Email: graeme@projectclothing.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage, Eventing, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15.2 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
hi im jess im 13 – i have ridden for 4 years – 3 years lesson, i year leasing a pony. i do pony club and can jump 95cm. Dream Horse: eventing horse – for x country, SJ and dressage Riding Ambitions: i would like to get to level 1 eventing we are not in a rush – happy to wait for the right match. ideally early 2022. 21/3 – they have found a horse which is being vet checked this week. Toucj base later in the week to see if they need help processing the vet check. 3/3 – added kate to the watts ap group 28/2 – nikki has sent them huntley – just waiting on the video footage. Started a group to include us all in the search. 24/2 – sent https://horsezone.com.au/category/205/Thoroughbred/listings/99855/Temperament_and_Talent.html 18/2 – sent Graeme Huntley – he is keen to view just waiting on footage. 3/2 – checked in to say Belle is ready to view. 25/1 – sent one ‘sam’ from horse deals that is still available and close to described. I got some footage of it sent to me. 9/1 sent them a horse advertised on MMR stock page 24/12 – sent them a happy christmas message and said we look forward to starting the search in the new year. 30/10 – messaged Graeme to let her know I will be in touch soon to discuss her application further.
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Application Date: October 30, 2021 at 2:44 pm Name: Bridget Caruso Contact Number: 0418597775 Email: Bridget.Caruso@education.vic.gov.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16.2 Age: 6 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Evita is 14, turning 15 on Christmas Day, she is 170cm and weighs around 56kg. She has been riding since she was 6 years old, however a simple whole body shake off her first pony resulted in a broken arm and loss of confidence. She has been on her current 12hh welsh A for the past 7 years and is very confident on her. Evita has also ridden our old TB mare at home in the arena and out on trails around the farm although we had to put her to sleep a few months ago. These are the only two horses Evita has really ridden and she does get nervous on unknown horses. Evita has completed at Ag shows, dressage, showjumping and HT on her current pony (all grade 5). She occasionally gets nervous out on cross country and may pull up to have a walk mid cross country course which usually results in her being eliminated. Her pony can put in the occasional pig-root and spin when a tractor passes, both of which she is happy to handle as she knows the pony, but usually she does not like to ride anything unknown who would do the same. Dream Horse: We would like a sound, fun, easy and straight forward been there done that type with plenty of PC and competition experience and no dirt. Needs to be good to hop back onto after a few weeks off and easy for a young and sometimes nervous teenager to do everything with. 14.2hh – 16.2hh, 6 – 16 years old. Any colour / breed. Pony Club experience to Grade 3 preferred. Prefer Victorian location or Vic / NSW boarder location as we do not wish to buy sight unseen. Riding Ambitions: Evita would like to have a bit of a go at everything pony club offers. She would like to move up the grades with horse trials, showjumping and dressage as she develops confidence. She will have lessons, attend clinics and do some trail riding. Notes: 1/11 spoke to bridget. Located in Swan Hill. True second pony 14.2h-15.2 with experience at grade 3 level. Daughter not a fan of having to kick along. Must try before they buy so vic only. 30/10 – Messaged Bridget to let her know I will be in touch soon to discuss her application further.
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Application Date: October 31, 2021 at 10:21 am Name: Chelsea Pickering Contact Number: 0411496978 Email: picko12@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Companion, Pleasure Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 11 YO Asking Price: 7500 to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Pleasure riding Dream Horse: Quiet but still with life and get up and go Riding Ambitions: Pleasure. Concern over suitability of thoroughbred 17/12 – sent trevor a message congratulating on new horse. Offered them a free lesson at SP since we didn’t find him a match. He was happy. 18/11 – Sent message letting them know I have a really quiet stock horse that may suit arriving next week. Will touch base after a ride.
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Application Date: November 2, 2021 at 1:41 pm Name: Natalie Damevski Contact Number: 0405593326 Email: ndamevski@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Other Breeds, Paints, Pintos, Warmbloods Height: to 15.2 Age: to Asking Price: to 4000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Have always done leisure and trail riding. Looking to share a horse with my 8yo daughter who is only a beginner currently getting private lessons. Dream Horse: Would be a bit of a goof.. must love cuddles and lots of attention. Must be very sound and no buck or rear. Gentle and easy to shoe, catch & float. Riding Ambitions: Pleasure and trail riding Notes: 5/1 natalie purchased buddy 24/12 natalie tried buddy at Mitchell park and is very keen on purchasing. 8/12 Natalie has increased her budget to 8-9000 5/12 – natalie is going to invest in some riding lessons to up her confidence level after being bucked off another horse I sent her to view. She is interested in one at Shory Park so will be in touch with nikki. Sent her the Ebook tonight. 3/11 – poor woman tried a horse which reared up and bucked her off. Her and her 8 yr old sdaughter are a bit scarred after this.
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Application Date: November 8, 2021 at 9:18 am Name: Sandra Cork Contact Number: 0438161973 Email: sandracork@yahoo.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Endurance, HRCAV, Interschool, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to Age: 7 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I am an older person (late 40’s) returning to riding. Dream Horse: Has to be a pleasure to have around – enjoy lots of attention from the whole family – be able to be handled by beginners. Riding Ambitions: Pleasure , ARC, trail riding, clinics, weekly lessons to improve my riding. Notes: |
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Application Date: November 10, 2021 at 9:06 pm Name: Jessica Beattie and Jen Tunley Contact Number: 10 Email: jessf@rocketmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: to Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Have already sent email to Nikki regarding history Dream Horse: Have already sent email to Nikki regarding wish list Riding Ambitions: Both me and my friend Jen will be riding the horse 1-2 times a week – paddock riding, arena flatwork, trail rides along the road – a little bit of jumping and dressage if possible. It would not let me put mobile number in the required section – 0438302113 Notes: 28/12- came to ride Issy at SP and sold pending vet check tomorrow.
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Application Date: November 16, 2021 at 8:17 pm Name: Charlotte Hunter Contact Number: 0488001094 Email: hunteracovr@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 7 YO to Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Ride and owned horses when young. Purchased horse after many years 7 years ago(Floyd – Cremello)first year trail riding, low level jumping and flat work, had bad fall after year then struggled for further 6 years. Dream Horse: Calm relaxed friendly good with other horses or on own. No spook, buck, rear or dominance. Impeccable manners. Riding Ambitions: Wanting 2nd horse to Trail ride with ability to lead 11yr old daughter Mare or gelding 2/12- horse passed vet check flying colours. Off market Pally with Nikki’s friend. Going to have a 2nd ride next week to confirm but looks to be a match! Charlotte has a beautiful farm, weekly lessons, happy with a little forward but no dirt. Lovely hands, good position – fairly confident rider but wanting something ‘easy’.
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Application Date: December 3, 2021 at 5:19 pm Name: Karen troester Contact Number: 0423739665 Email: karen.troester@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Breed: Height: to Age: to Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Rode school horses for 12 years in Germany between the age of 8-20. Mostly dressage. Started back in January 2021 with a riding school, Jolong park, where I ride 3 times a week. I bought a OTTB in June but unfortunately he bucked and was difficult to handle on the ground. Sold him to a horse trainer who said that he is suitable only for a very advanced rider. Dream Horse: Quiet and forgiving when rider makes mistakes. 15.0 to 17.0hh. I am ok with all breeds, as long as the temperament is ok. Age up to 18. Not green. No bucking or rearing. Riding Ambitions: Arena in lessons, very light jumping, trail rides on property. Notes: 21/3 – karen has purchased the horse she was trialling. 24/2 – sent Karen this one https://www.horsedeals.com.au/listings/beautiful-wb-gelding-4b474d23-091a-411c-8ffa-451d5637a590 19/2- karen tried cuddles and loved her but missed out too slow. 15/1 – vet checking WB I found. 24/12 – sent karen a happy christmas message.
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Application Date: December 5, 2021 at 8:22 pm Name: Abby Sangiorgio Contact Number: 0409366929 Email: absta@hotmail.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Andalusian/PRE, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Friesians, Percheron Height: 16 to 17 Age: 6 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I’ve ridden since I was 3 ! However as a mum now I’ve had the last 20 years off and lost confidence . I’ve ridden occasionally in the last 12 months and getting more confidence each time! Dream Horse: I’m really looking for a Clyde cross or something heavy as I’m a bit larger and 6 ft tall. Riding Ambitions: Pleasure riding, trails and lots of horsemanship ground skills! Just looking for a unicorn to regain confidence on and enjoy as a life long best friend. Notes: 19/1 – ABBY contacted us and has found a horse thorugh a friend she has allready purchased. 15/1- Got our name down on Wizard from Reform Equestrian.
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Application Date: December 10, 2021 at 8:49 pm Name: Pippa Henderson Contact Number: 0402522881 Email: pippa.henderson@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Endurance Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15.2 to Age: 5 YO to Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
First introduced to horses in my late teens following high school graduation. Did some very basic trail riding and riding around the farm. First time owning and purchasing a horse in April this year – bought a re-trained STB after working with them in my veterinary training at university and falling in love with the breed – got to know each other and increased our workload to look at competing at low level endurance events (20km / 40km) after being introduced to the sport by a work colleague. Was riding alone on the roads and doing regular 10km training sessions alone to build up fitness. Unfortunately he has damaged collateral ligaments in one of his front feet and is on rest for the next 6-12 months with a guarded prognosis back to riding. Now getting regular lessons from the coach at my agistment to learn how to sit and ride properly and build a well formed foundation for riding on an awesome warmblood mare who is a dream to ride. Dream Horse: Quiet and easy going with; cars (even ones who zoom past), dogs, tractors, sheep etc – over 15.2 hands as I am tall (around 170cm) Happy to be alone or in company on trail rides (ie no separation anxiety) Suited for endurance, but also happy to dabble in adult riding club events and other things (ie arena work, round yard work, small jumps just for fun while riding etc). But also with suitability/potential to increase in workload if desired (ie 80km endurance rides). A horse with a great conformation (straight legs, no previous tendon injuries) that will tolerate a workload well as well as enjoy the endurance side of things (ie not too lazy) Riding Ambitions: – Endurance riding (20km initially) with hopes to increase to 40km and 80km Endurance focus 1/2 horse in nsw passed the vet to an acceptable level and pippa has transferred the money 25/1 booked a vetting for the horse in NSW that pippa tried. Vetting is booked for 31st jan 9/1 followed up on one for pippa, sounds really promising, She is going to view it on thursday and take for a ride. 6/1 spoke to pippa on the phone, small animal vet, keeps her horses on agistment. Sending me videos of her riding tomorrow. She sent me a horse I have followed up on, going to send the owner the video as owner seems pretty switched on and go from there. 24/12 finally heard back from pippa who has been to busy to call back. have sent her happy xmas message and will email her the ebook now.
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Application Date: December 13, 2021 at 11:08 am Name: Heather Stewart Contact Number: 0408377461 Email: stewart.heather@gmail.com Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Schoolmasters, Show Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 5 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 15000 to Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
Rode (competitively at PC and HOTY/ official dressage) from age 8 to 18, and from 13 – 18 worked at a riding school, taking trail rides and eventually teaching lessons (flat and jumping). After a few years break I started riding again at 30 (6 years ago). My last three horses have been young/straight from the breakers. Dream Horse: Seeking a reliable horse to compete in dressage and showing, hopefully something I can also take to the occasional adult riding club rally or beach ride. While I am competent to handle young horses and acrobatics under saddle, my preference would be not to have to as my confidence has taken a hit! Horse still needs to be in front of the leg and suited for state HOTY level showing and should at a minimum be training novice dressage. Non spooky (within reason!) Riding Ambitions: Over the next 3-5 years I would like to continue showing, and progress a horse to Elementary dressage as well as re-gain some of the joy in trail riding/riding outside an arena! Notes: 28/2 – sent heather a message. 14/2 – sent heather this – still no replies https://www.horsedeals.com.au/listings/beautiful-wb-gelding-4b474d23-091a-411c-8ffa-451d5637a590 3/2 – sent heather Jess Tanish’s WB x TB. $25k she might take $22k
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Application Date: December 15, 2021 at 6:17 am Name: Jemma Contact Number: 0425002256 Email: jemmalovatt@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Interschool, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Show, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Gypsy Cob, Ponies, Welsh Height: 13 to 14.2 Age: 6 YO to 19 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
My 8 year old daughter has been riding for 6 years. She has lost all her confidence and would like a more whoa than go pony . She enjoys horsemanship clinics, shows ,jumping, trail rides, pony club and riding club Dream Horse: Pony gelding between 13 to 14.2hh been there done that. Don’t mind if it’s older than plus as long as it’s happy to go. She is not a fan of riding ponys as they are forward Riding Ambitions: Just after a mother’s dream pony where she can do everything on her own and I can sit back and watch. My daughter is gentle and pony will be going to a 5 star home with a massive sand arena and round yard. There is lots of wonderful bush trail rides around the property for my little girl and pony to explore . Notes: 31/1 bought billy from Shory Park
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Application Date: December 17, 2021 at 11:47 am Name: Ashlyn Hiscock Contact Number: 0417012718 Email: ashlynhiscock@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16 Age: 7 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: 2000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Finley is a 13 year old boy who has been riding since he was 4 and attending pony club and weekly riding lessons during this time. He is currently on a 13’3 school master. This year Finley was selected as a reserve for Team Vic in Tetrathlon for the PCA Nationals, he has also been competing in showjumping up to 75cm and needs the next horse to progress. Dream Horse: ~ Calm friendly temperament Riding Ambitions: Finley is keen to excel in showjumping through the grades competitively. showjumping, school master, calm 19/1 had one vettwed at mitchell park which passed. 9/1 sent ashlyn a possible, 3rd in line but keen to view tuesday if still available. 24/12 sent ashlyna happy christmas message and informed her that nikki would be in touch with her with some more information regarding the paint horse, which they like event though its $14000
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Application Date: December 19, 2021 at 12:28 am Name: Nikki McPherson Contact Number: 0402202791 Email: nikki@g-tech.net.au Location: Queensland |
Disciplines: Eventing, Interschool, Performance, Performance Ponies, Pony Club, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 6 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Queensland |
Riding History:
Horse is for my 11.5 year daughter / it will be her second horse. First unicorn arrived February this year but now has sacroiliac issues and can’t be jumped. Isla has been riding on and of for 5 years. Her chief instructor for pony club describes her as a very confident beginner. Her current horse is a 15.2 Arabian x ex endurance with the sweetest nature and really looks after isla Dream Horse: Anywhere from. 14.2 to 15.3, prefer gelding. Any breed as long as the right match for isla. Lighter colour or chestnut or palomino. Preferably between 7-12 years of age. Good to float, shoe, wash and something her novice parents can handle as her chief assistants and a horse that loves cuddles, kisses and attention. Horses are Isla’s therapy for her anxiety so one that will be kind would be nice Riding Ambitions: Currently jumping 30-50 showjumping and cross country. Hopes to progress to at least 80-90on second horse Prefer geldings but will consider mare if not marey 21/6 nikki found spirit, booked a flight, tried it, just sorting logistics and vetting 11/5 asked us to pause the serach again due to persona reasos. nikki has a chest infection from the covid and isla has found alease horse for the next few months or a year. Drained enthusiam. will be in touch when they need help again. 7/2 sent a check up message to see how they are progressing with COVID. 3/2 still out with COVID so unable to view horses at this stage. 26/1 – ALICE back on the search. turns out not a broken collarbone 12/1 – on hold, daughter has broken collarbone
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Application Date: December 23, 2021 at 11:21 am Name: Jen Goldrick Contact Number: 0407100449 Email: jengoldrick@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 5 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I had horses growing up, mainly standardbreds and am now getting back into riding. I did not have lessons as a teenager, so would describe myself as a novice although confident. I have been enrolled in weekly riding lessons for about a year now and will continue to build on my riding skills with my new horse. Dream Horse: My dream would ideally be a very sweet natured pretty horse who loves his/her people. Calm and quiet, as an older rider I don’t want to a horse that bucks, bolts, rears etc. Between 15.2-16.2, although really open to any suitable height. I am 75kg and 170cm tall. Some schooling would be an asset. Possibly prefer gelding, although open to a good natured mare. Riding Ambitions: I would like to be able to ride a few times per week, trail riding, ARC, low level dressage and maybe a little bit of jumping. I am keen to build on m riding skills so would like to try lots of different things. All rounder, sweet natured, pretty 7/2 SOLD ON THE ASH in melton 24/12 – sent jen a welcome message and a happy christmas message and en email with nikkis ebook.
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Application Date: January 5, 2022 at 2:59 pm Name: Alice Sweeting Contact Number: 0421101224 Email: alice.sweeting89@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pleasure, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16.2 Age: 5 YO to 20 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I grew up with horses, learning to ride at age 5 and competing my ponies mainly on the flat in the show ring, a little jumping and pony club. Growing up on a big property we did however do everything, including jumping bareback, mounted games etc! I’m now 32yo and getting back in the saddle after 15 years off. I’ve been having weekly lessons since November 2021, on a 16.2hh WB dressage schoolmaster who can be a bit lazy/ behind the leg but I can push him along into an active trot. I can steer, trot and canter in small circles in the arena, plus ride out on (mostly flat) trails. I’ve also ridden a variety of different horses over the past month, including a few quiet OTTB and bigger ponies. I’m 157cm and 49 kg so hopefully that helps with options! Dream Horse: Kind, quiet and fuss-free! Easy to handle on the ground, c/s/f is a must. Must be happy to be ridden once a week, occasionally up to three times, but very even-tempered so doesn’t require consistent work. Ideally, established paces on the flat and happy to be ridden mainly in the arena, also out on the trail with friends or solo. Riding Ambitions: Well 32yo me is very different to 12yo me! Right now, I’m looking for a pleasure horse that is happy to be ridden mostly in the arena on the flat and out on the trails occasionally, with other hoses or solo. I wish to continue my own lessons so a horse/ bigger pony that is happy to be ridden in the arena, trotting and cantering (a lot!) in circles. My riding school has a dressage focus, so something very low-level here too would be nice but I have no desire to compete! Just to ride out calmly and enjoy having a horse again! Pleasure; Schoolmaster 3/2 alice found a horse which has been vetted but not through MMR 1/2 vet checking a horse she has found herself through her instructor. 18/1 sent alice a stock horse in melton, she is booked to go and see on friday. Alice headed off to ride griffin at cargill tyson and loved it but they sold it to someone else who didnt want it vet checked. 9/1 spoke to alice on the phone. Straight forward level 3/4 dressage horse that trail rides. 6/1 sent a welcome email with ebook. will call tomorrow.
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Application Date: January 9, 2022 at 1:47 pm Name: Lisa Clark Contact Number: 0409215922 Email: lisaandronnie@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Western Show Breed: Other Breeds, Paints Height: 14 to 15 Age: 8 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I’m am looking for a horse for my 11yr old beginner. He has ridden before and has had lessons. He helps care for our horses but i would still classify him as a beginner. Dream Horse: We are looking for a super safe sound western pleasure trained gelding (will look at mares if non-marey mares) to be part of our family. Registered with either the AQHA or PHAA. Under 15hh that is not herd bound, good to catch and loves to be doted on. Riding Ambitions: At this stage we are looking at doing club level shows until he has gained more experience. Notes: 5/4 sent lisa a check in message sent lisa a messenger to see if she would join watts ap. Checking in https://www.horsedeals.com.au/listings/reining-trained-mare-752d7b9f-ba5c-4f9e-b5f9-d628523a2318 28/2 sent lisa a messenger to check in. 22/2 – sent lisa a messenger to stay we are still searching. 9/2 sent lisa a messenger message to stay we are still on the hunt 15/1 sent lisa one but not registered, she is only interested in looking at registered as they want to show. 9/1 acknowledged receipt of lisa’s application form and requested video via messenger. will call tomorrow.
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Application Date: January 15, 2022 at 2:29 pm Name: Rebekah Brown Contact Number: 0419385556 Email: rebekahruthbrown@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Clydesdale Height: 16 to 17.2 Age: 10 YO to 17 YO Asking Price: to No Max Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I was a horse owner and experienced all rounder rider as a teenager. I am now 50yo and have just started doing trail rides and some basic lessons to get my confidence up – with a 30 year absence from riding. Dream Horse: I am 6ft and 95kg, professional busy mum. I am after a gentle giant, that would be called bomb proof. Does not spook, a horse that has been there and done that and well trained, and a horse looking to be well loved and to become part of my family. A horse my 10 yo daughter would feel confident around and could jump on at times (she is having lessons at present and I will get her a horse in next 6-12 months). Ideally a Clydesdale cross that is bigger than 16H, and has no health issues. The horse has to have no problems with farriers, dentists, floating, being retrieved from paddocks etc. Riding Ambitions: I am seeking a pleasure and trail riding horse. I will continue doing riding lessons on this horse for a while. I found an excellent full-care agistment place that I plan to keep the horse at (where my 10yo does her riding lessons). Notes: Had to refund $350 as she found her own quickly.
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Application Date: January 17, 2022 at 8:47 pm Name: Kate McDowall Contact Number: 0417444971 Email: katemcdowall308@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have previously evented to grade 3, so I have horse experience and confidence once I have established a bond with the horse. But given I have not ridden much in the last year (due to having a baby 4 months ago) I need something that is quiet and and is not going to knock my confidence getting back into riding. Dream Horse: I am on the look out for an quiet allrounder t to plod around the farm/ trail ride ( solo and in company) for a while but then I might look at getting into ARC. Not looking for a serious jumper, just lower level dressage and popping over a few small fences here and there. Riding Ambitions: Trail riding – alone and in company Notes: 14/2 – purchasing Ace the WB – very happy. 2/2 had two lined up for kate. one has fallen through, if the horse andrea is trying today doesnt work out for her then kate is interested in getting to nikki to view on her behalf. 19/1 sent kate a welcome email and the ebook
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Application Date: January 20, 2022 at 8:55 pm Name: isla mullan Contact Number: 0414870351 Email: islamullan2@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage Breed: Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 6 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 15000 to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
-Riding since i was 6 Dream Horse: -6-13yo Riding Ambitions: -I would like to go all the way in dressage and hopefully ride in the young rider classes. Notes: 21/3 – added kate to the group, checked in to say hi and see if she would like anymore information on the horses nikki sent her over the wekeend. 16/2 – Isla has COVID so can’t view for 7 days. Jess Tanish has said she will accept $20k for her WB so now an option.
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Application Date: January 22, 2022 at 5:41 pm Name: Andrea Chittick Contact Number: 0439276292 Email: andrea.j.chittick@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, HRCAV, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I rode a lot as a kid mainly trail riding. I worked for t3 years in a racing stable, i only rode slow work. Dream Horse: Quiet, paint or quarter horse.solid build quiet but reasonable school probably only needs to know correct leads. bombproof for trail rides but brave enough to try working equitation and obstacles Riding Ambitions: to work my way up in working equitation but if we get on well i would also like to try some low level ARC and dressage lessons but mainly working equitation with som cattle work thrown in kind 7/2 spoke to grace and followed up on the two horses. i didnt think that either sounded very suitable. 7/2 following up on two listed with a lady called grae on Facebook. Also sent andrea a pinto I will chat with the vendor about tomorrow. 26/1 spoke to andrea on the phone. Overweight older lady (50’s) who has barely ridden for the last six months. Had a younger horse who got the better of her. Has been riding a friends. Gets nervous when trying horses as she doesnt like riding infront of people.
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Application Date: January 24, 2022 at 12:09 pm Name: Katie Beresford Contact Number: 0427420414 Email: katie@katiedeveau.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 12 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 3000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
The horse is for my daughter Charlie who is 14 and has been riding for 18 months. She currently has a coach (Angela Hays- Karelia Riding) and has been with Angela for 9 months. She is leaning basic dressage, jumping and horse care. She has attended four camps with this riding school including dressage and show jumping. Dream Horse: Charlie needs a schoolmaster. Well educated and forgiving and eager to please. Charlie doesn’t want problems to fix as she hasn’t got the skills. She needs a confidence booster. Her dream horse is her best friend- not light grey as her last horse was and she is a bit traumatised from the experience. Riding Ambitions: Charlie wants to work with horses for her life. She struggles with school as she is very dyslexic and suffers sensory overload. Charlie want to study equine therapy and also compete in dressage and other competitions. She wants to own her own property and use horses to help people to flourish as people and as riders. Prefer gelding 24/2 – purchased and LOVE Barb ! Happy match 7/2 sent a watts ap to katie to touch base and let her know er are still looking 24/1 nikki spoke to her briefly.
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Application Date: January 26, 2022 at 7:28 pm Name: JoAnne Christodoleas Contact Number: 0405969419 Email: joanne.christo@icloud.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pony Club, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15 Age: 5 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Rider is Aella. 11yr old girl. Riding since 3. Member of pony club. Grade 5 eventing, E grade jumping. When pony wasn’t injured (kissing spine) rode 4x week. Also spends 4-5weeks a year at horse camps riding Clydesdale cross horses so has been on many different horses. Very good rider but not confident on anything that pulls or has any shit in them. Needs quiet horse Dream Horse: 14-15hands Riding Ambitions: Grade 4 eventing Notes: 9/4 – picked up mate. Sent them an email requesting feedback and a review. 5/4 jo looking at getting mate vet checked. 21/3 – restrict search to VIC only and concentrate on 14.2hh 3/3 added kate to jos match my ride search group 28/2 followed up wth jo to see if they had made the visit to mildura to see summers pony. 9/2 FOLLOWED UP ON if jo made contact with summer 7/2 sent jo summer halls pony anzac 27/1 – spoke to jo about her daughter aella. setting up a watts ap group.
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Application Date: January 29, 2022 at 6:48 pm Name: Vivienne Turnor Contact Number: 439431485 Email: turnorv@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage, HRCAV, Pleasure, Schoolmasters Breed: Arabian & Arabian Derivative, Ponies, Welsh Height: 14 to 14.2 Age: 10 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 4000 to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Riding own horse 15 years Arabian gelding at dressage clinics Dream Horse: 14 – 14.2 Arabian Gelding about 15 years old with good groundwork & experienced at dressage or adult riders Riding Ambitions: Resuming riding after 5 years gap Happy to attend clinics and lessons with R+ riding coach not looking at competing at this stage Notes: 14/2 – viv vet checking little arab nikki sent her 10/2 – Sent viv this and she’s keen on it for more details. have left a message with vendor https://www.horsedeals.com.au/listings/brilliant-allrounder-part-arab-pony Sent Viv this (above budget) but to get feedback. 31/1 spoke to viv on the phone. Located mornington but happy to travel 2/3 hours or to albury where she goes on work. weekends easier than weekdays.
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Application Date: January 30, 2022 at 1:05 pm Name: Sandra Cork Contact Number: 0438161973 Email: sandracork@yahoo.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Endurance, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Standardbred Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: to Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I am 48, stopped riding when I had my son 15 years ago and started riding again in the last 2 years (interrupted by COVID). Dream Horse: Primarily has to be a pleasure to have around with excellent ground manners and who likes attention from the whole family. Riding Ambitions: ARC/Trail riding/clinics/lessons/obstacles/low level fun stuff. Notes: 11/4 sandra sent the WB gelding at shory park. 5/4 updated sandra on horses we had been discussing. 21/3 checked in with sandra, asked her if she would consider expanding the height range up or down. Also added kate to the search group. 7/2 sent sandra a message to check in. Followng up with monivae park standard breds on a few they have coming through. 2/2 spoke with SAndra on the phone. Actual budget is close to $10,000. this is her first horse. She just wants to do it right and get something she can enjoy.
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Application Date: January 30, 2022 at 7:04 pm Name: Sue Gleeson Contact Number: 0407680316 Email: farm@spencerthomas.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13.2 to 15 Age: 10 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Level 3 ARC. Ridden for years. Current horse sadly not sound (Ringbone) probably need to be retired but will stay with me forever Dream Horse: 14.2hh approx gelding 10yo or older. Plenty of experience at PC/ ARC/ trails, Quiet all rounder for older small adult rider Riding Ambitions: Level 2 ARC (Maybe L1). I don’t jump Quiet, reliable 28/2 sue informed us she has found her own perfect match. 28/2 – sent a text message to sue to check in and say we are exploring some options. 14/2 – sue keen to see Cuddles Wednesday 31/1 called. Located in Hamilton, happy to travel 4 hour radius of that. Older light weight, small lady looking for a nice allrounder specialising in dressage. Must float well. MUST BE A GELDING AROUND 14.2hh. More interested that the horse has had lots of outings rather than extensive comp experience. Loved the look of billy.
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Application Date: January 31, 2022 at 8:42 pm Name: Alex Reid Contact Number: 0401310938 Email: aj.reid126@gmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Eventing, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
I am a novice/intermediate rider, at a novice dressage level but fairly new to jumping. Have had many lessons on fairly green OTTBs. I am a capable rider but do occasionally get nervous, so I need a horse who won’t take advantage of that or misinterpret it for excitement. Dream Horse: – 15.1-16.1hh My perfect horse would be 8-10yrs, 15.2/15.3hh, Elementary trained and comfortable eventing up to 1m. They would also have a comfortable trot/canter. Riding Ambitions: Wanting a horse for equal parts novice/elementary dressage, low-level (EvA) eventing, and trail riding, along with the occasional bareback ride and liberty work. Doesn’t need to be super competitive, just safe and responsive as I plan to compete more for fun and self-improvement than to win ribbons. Notes: 11/4 – alex sent WB at shory park. her local riding school is closing down so she is considering her options there also. 21/3 alex been sent multiple options, just not quite there yet. 28/2 sent alex a message saying we will chase footage of huntley. Told her following up on a few options. 16/2 FINALLY spoke to alex, super hard to get hold of, tried koby at shory park, loved the paces and conformation but found him argumentive. 12,ooo budget sent a welcome email and complimentary e-book
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Application Date: February 13, 2022 at 6:26 pm Name: JENNIFER ASHLEY Contact Number: 0417009737 Email: jen@imagerider.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, HRCAV, Performance Ponies, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Showjumping Breed: Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 7 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Started at 30 yo in 1989 when I immigrated to Australia from USA. Since I’ve had years of natural and traditional horsemanship training and regular dressage lessons. Have done low level EA and HRCAV comps and pleasure riding. Dream Horse: Petite older lady rider looking for a large pony or small horse to do low level EA dressage, HRCAV, small jumping, trail riding and generally to have fun on. Must haves: Experience (any one or more): If no EA or HRCAV, ridden experience at shows and outings to different and busy environments equally acceptable. Height/Age/Sex: Any candidate must be SANE SOUND SENSIBLE & SAFE. No: The home: Riding Ambitions: EA Prelim to Novice. HRCAV grade 3. Working Equitation. Notes: 21/3 – vet check scheduled for Bob on 22/3 15/3 – jennifer scheduling a vetting for Bob. 28/2 – created a waats ap group including all three as I couldnt see i had started one. 15/2- spoke to jennifer on the phone. had a bad accident, broke wrist off a clydie cross, doesnt want to purchase another clydie x. 14/2 – rang left a text and sent a welcome email
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Application Date: February 17, 2022 at 8:54 pm Name: Emmeline Contact Number: 0409865495 Email: emmelinerawson@yahoo.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Western Performance Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13 to 14.2 Age: 6 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 15000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Have had horses all my life Dream Horse: Buckskin gelding Riding Ambitions: Looking for a confidence booster that I can enjoy, that is quiet and well educated for farm flatwork and clinics Notes: 21/6 emmaline sourced herself a 13.2 brumby gelding. she is going to lease it first and get back in contact if it doesnt work out. 13/5 – emmlaine now looking for two kids ponies for a 3yr old and 5yr old. 21/3 – Emmaline would like to postpone her search until May due to some fencing issues taking the money out. 3/3 told emmaline about pally coming up in VIC. 28/2 – sent a message to touch base. 21/2 spoke to emmaline, really nice woman, hasnt done much riding, wants smaller, current horse is 16hh to big. Want to take part in horsemanship clinics, liberty, trail riding. Can get nervous. Happy to buy sight unseen if we test ride it for her. 20/1 – emailed emmeline to say hi, set up watts ap and sent her the ebook
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Application Date: February 18, 2022 at 12:23 pm Name: Tanya Burford (daughter is Heidi who’s is 11) Contact Number: 0412001701 Email: tburford75@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Had a pony when I was young and currently having lessons to increase my confidence as I’m 46 now. My 11 year old daughter has had lessons for the past 2 years so we are looking for a gelding to ride together with the mare that we currently have. Dream Horse: A horse that catches us, friendly, barefoot and no feet issues, hassle free personality, non spooky, loves some jumping for pony club, not too forward, stops really well, loves trail riding, loves kids, doesn’t mind tractors and motorbikes. Riding Ambitions: Keen to go to Neerim pony club with my daughter and so some jumps and beach, forest and trail rides. We will only be riding about twice a week. Notes: 21/3 – booked in to see louie at Mitchell Park Farm tomorrow at 10.30am. 3/2 tanya would prefer to search for horses more around the 14hh mark. Added kate to the search. 28/2 messaged tanya, sent her more video footage of flo and followed up on one advertised in horse deals for her. 21/2 – spoke to tanya. search area three hours from mentone/neerim. Barefoot, 15 hh gelding for light riding 1/2 week, mainly trails, some pc. Must ne able to live with mares, no seperation anxiety. 20/2 sent the ebook with a welcome email, asking to set up watts ap and end us some video.
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Application Date: February 19, 2022 at 2:38 pm Name: Connor Contact Number: 0458471596 Email: connorkaempkes@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Polocrosse, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 6 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 4000 to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I am a confident beginner rider. Nearly 12 years old. I have been having weekly arena lessons with an instructor at Acheron Hill Horseriding for about 6 months but with a few breaks for lockdowns and summer holidays. Also done a one-day clinic at Avoca Park. I have ridden a few different school ponies, and friends horses and horses I’ve trialled but haven’t been right for me . I can walk, trot, canter, have done poles and small jumps in the arena (up to 50cm). Have had a few paddock rides on friends horses and one short trail ride. Dream Horse: Australian Stockhorse around 15hh quiet and friendly to handle, confident trail riding in the bush and safe for a beginner around sheep and cattle and motorbikes. I would prefer a black but burnt buckskin and chestnut are also some of my favourite colours. Riding Ambitions: Keep learning to ride. Ride my horse around our farm by myself, go trail riding with other people. maybe try polocrosse or campdrafting. Mum’s mobile 0418532724 (Jennifer Wood) Notes: 11/4 connor tried sharon the polo pony at Yaloak and has decided to purchase. Resent the ebook as requested and checking horse transport has been arranged. 5/4 sent connor, sharon, greg keytes horse for sale but it is proced at $10,000 so waiting to hear if that is out of budget. 21/3 – jennifer sent us some more vidoe footage of connor. Really need to send some options for connor. 28/2 sent connor/jennifer a message to say we are still on the hunt sent connor the ebook with a welcome email. asked for the start of a watts ap group and some current video
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Application Date: February 21, 2022 at 10:23 am Name: Alison Sandy Contact Number: 0409567169 Email: ali.sandy@bigpond.com Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Dressage, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Advanced Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
I have been riding off and on since I was 10. I had my own pony/horse until I was 18 and then went to college, got married, had children etc. I started riding again in my early 30s and since then have always had my own horse. In the last 10 or so years I have been having regular dressage lessons with a qualified instructor. Dream Horse: I am looking for a horse to do some low level dressage on – up to elementary is ideal – as well as trail riding. The breed is not as important as temperament – I want a willing, calm and experienced horse who is not over-reactive to different situations. A horse that has had lots of exposure to different situations is ideal. Riding Ambitions: I would like to compete for fun in some low level local dressage competitions as well as to trail ride in the bush and on the beach with my husband. Mostly my ambition is to keep riding safely for as long as possible (I am 69 this year) and to continue with my regular dressage/flat lessons. Dressage 21/3 – been sent multiple options. Chasing footage of the queenstown horse for her. 28/2 found alison a horse in yass, nsw which may suit pending the outcome of another viewing today. 21/2 spoken with alison, asked her to set up a watts ap, it was just via text last time. 15-16hh elementary level dressage.
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Application Date: February 21, 2022 at 4:12 pm Name: Sharon Cheeseman Contact Number: 0497149935 Email: sharoncheeseman71@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 15 to 17 Age: 7 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Jacinta, 14 year old female, been in Pony Club 6 months, weekly lessons 1 1/2 years, trail rides. Also, currently leasing an unrideable horse learning ground work. We purchased 1st horse (Percheron x Appy) mid last year. Rode/cared for him for 2-3 months. She fell off 7 times (spooking, horse shy), on 8th time, concussion. He was sent to 2 trainers, was told by both he wasn’t trained well, and on-sold to appropriate home. Dream Horse: Appy, ASH, Cross breed Arab, QH, 15hh plus (Jacinta is 5’6), calm but can still go. A horse that is her best buddy (with herd mentality in mind). No thoroughbred unless amazing. Riding Ambitions: No competitions at this stage. Jacinta would like to use horse for her current lessons at Jolong Park and Pony Club (at Jolong Park). Would like to be able to do trail rides (in groups) and ride in arena with other horses. Has enjoyed low level jumps, so would like to do a bit more of that. Horse would be housed at Jolong Park, which is a busy-ish agistment. Notes: 21/3 shaorn keen to see the stock horse in katamatite nikki sent her 28/1 sent sharon a message sying we have not quite found the match for her daughter as yet. 22/1 tried calling Sharon – left a message. Sent ebook and welcome email
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Application Date: March 2, 2022 at 10:49 pm Name: Sally Laudet Contact Number: 0410248447 Email: sally.lauder@me.com Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 9 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 15000 to 1000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
I am in my late 40s & from the UK and grew up riding. My mum ran a riding school so I had my own ponies, two older smaller ponies and then I had a 13.2hh 6yr gelding Sparky and we grew up together, pony club, hunting, and show jumping at shows and winning lots of rosettes. All my ponies were honest, a bit naughty from time to time but genuine. I had a particular bond with Sparky – we trusted each other and he rarely put a foot wrong. He was especially precious as my parents were divorced, he was my therapy. I then had a mare who was lovely. In the end we sold her when I hit my late teens and didn’t have the time to commit due to exams. It was heart wrenching. I then went to University etc. I’ve since ridden every opportunity I’ve had – friend’s horses, riding holidays. When we first arrived in Australia I leased a 19yr schoolmaster eventer who was awesome. I did dressage lessons and trail rode him. I leased him fir about 6mths until I got pregnant. In the last two years I have been having pole clinics with an instructor on school horses. I started riding a young warmblood who I fell in love with and was going to buy him but he turned out be really green on our first trail ride (very looky with rearing) and we had a nasty accident. This was late November 2021. Long story short – Wrong horse, wrong time, wrong place. Also I do think the instructor / seller mismatched was more interested in selling him rather than working out if he was the best fit for me. Regardless of that I consider myself a competent, confident rider but probably a bit green from missing so many years of adult riding. Dream Horse: Just the usual unicorn!! I’m 165cm & around 62kg so around 15.2hh, 10yrs+, experienced, honest, genuine. Enjoys fun solo trail rides and competent jumper. Nicely put together, absolutely no rear, buck, bite or bolt. Easy to handle and no vices. Forward going, not a plodder but not a loose cannon either. If I had to choose I’d say more whoa than go but I don’t want to have to push it forward constantly. Riding Ambitions: In the first instance, trail riding, trips to beach, clinics with an instructor, then maybe look at show jumping/eventing or hunting. No set ambitions really other than to really enjoy trail riding. I really dislike dressage and only school by necessity. Notes: 11/5 sally asked to pause the search 5/4 touched base with sally to see if she wanted us to follow up on any for her. Sent her a show horse type to see if the show horse bling fitted her criteria. 21/ 3 – sent sally a few options. curently her sun has covid. sally is exploring sight unseen so we can send her options outside of south australia. 3/3 sent sally a welcome email with complimentary ebook.
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Application Date: March 20, 2022 at 4:13 pm Name: Anna Agius Contact Number: 0405379468 Email: claudia.agius@ymail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pony Club Breed: Height: 11 to 12.2 Age: to Asking Price: to Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Anna has had lessons on and off since she was five years old. She is now 7 turning 8 in August. She is trotting and cantering but has only just started little jumps. Dream Horse: Seeking a schoolmaster pony for an almost 8yo beginner, capable and neat rider. Riding Ambitions: As above Notes: taking billy to pony club on the 24th of april. 5/4 anna has had a test ride on billy and is going to take him to pony club in the next few weeks. 28/3 – to clarify Claudia is anna mother (tanyas sister), budget is around $10,000 but flexible. Claudia is not horsey at all so needs us to steer her in every direction. Claudia does not ride but would like to learn. Pony will be kept on agistment. Anna eill have regular lessons. 21/3 – created the watts ap group for Anna. Emailed her the ebook. Will have a phone conversation this afternoon.
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Application Date: March 26, 2022 at 8:10 am Name: Maggie Jones Contact Number: 0402081591 Email: maggiemareejones@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to Age: 8 YO to Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Adult rider getting back into it, having ongoing lessons. Riding friends’ horses. Haven’t owned a horse since I was 18, now 34. Can get nervous. Trail riding, no comps to date. Dream Horse: Tolerant of rider making mistakes, losing balance and giving confusing signals. Happy and safe to go out on trails and new environments and be sensible, honest kind, good ground manners. Safety above everything else Riding Ambitions: Trail riding maybe some ARC Notes: 11/6 back on the search but only 2 hours radius from phillip island 21/4 – maggie is back on the search. Horse may stay with her instructor initially to cement the bond. 29/3 – Had a chat to Maggie on the phone. Located Bass coast, near phillip island, search area is a 4 hr drive from her home location. Limited to viewing on weekends and the occasional wednesday. Maggie has been looking for over a year now. Maggie has multiple sclerosis leading her to have balance issues on the ground and also when trotting. she requires a horse that is clam when she looses her balance and does not react. Her budget if firm at $5000 or $6500 if includes tack and gear. Explained difficult within her budget and may need to look at older horses. Ideally 16-17 would be her max ut will consider older. Maggie is 165cms and 70 kilos, doesnt feel great on 15hh, ideally 16hh and no upwards limit, 17hh is fine. 28/3 – called maggie and left a messge. Sent her an invite to join watts ap. Sent welcome email with ebook.
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Application Date: April 20, 2022 at 6:59 pm Name: Corinne Contact Number: 0448866200 Email: corinne@madameflavour.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Eventing, Interschool, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 7 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
It’s for my 15 year old daughter. She has riden on and off for years- the neighbors pony . More regular lessons the last 12 months as I agist at Jolong Park. She has a little anxiety, can doubt herself until she knows the horse.. We bought her first horse this time last year who turned out to have back issues. Dream Horse: An all rounder schoolmaster that she can start her jumping eventing journey on and take to pc days, clinics etc Riding Ambitions: She is 15 ( 5 foot 8) and keen to start to jump and event taking regular lessons. Notes: 11/6 bought a horse and successfully vet checked. 21/4 sent a welcome email, will call her 22/4.
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Application Date: April 26, 2022 at 4:27 pm Name: peta Contact Number: 0402867774 Email: russo@iprimus.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Eventing, Pleasure, Pony Club, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 6 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Bonnie has been riding 5 years she is 14 years old but after a nasty accident 2 years ago has lost a little confidence and can be a bit nervous which tends to pass onto the pony Dream Horse: 14.2 to 15.2 ? Riding Ambitions: would love to compete at horse trials , show jumping or just hack out at the river or at home Notes: 11/6 has a viewing booked in on sunday 19th at 3 pm. Kate to confirm closer to the date. 27/4 – had a chat to peta. Up to $10,000, two hours radius shepparton although possibly further. tues/thur and sun ideal to view. Horse wil live at home with two others, be ridden twice a week, mostly in the arena. Would prefer to kick on. 26/4 – sent a welcome email – will call 27/4
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Application Date: May 1, 2022 at 4:38 pm Name: Amy Contact Number: 0400531765 Email: amy_stewart1985@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: to Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Horse we are seeking is for 11 year old daughter. Has been riding since she was 1 years old. Capable riding and handler, however lacks confidence and suffers anxiety. She is also autistic. Dream Horse: Genuine quiet and safe all rounder for a special girl. That can and will do it all. Riding Ambitions: To continue building confidence and progressing through to competing in broad range of activities. Notes: 2/5 – maybe stretch budget to $15,000 if needed. Peyton needs a best friend to help her with her issues. Live in leneva which is five mnutes from wodonga. Prefer 6 hours search radius. Only really availble to view on Sundays. Horse must be weight appropriate for peyton, so can go smaller if stockier breed. 2/5 called and left a text. Sent welcome email
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Application Date: May 15, 2022 at 8:26 pm Name: Cathy Marmo Contact Number: 0416631011 Email: cathrinemarmo@yahoo.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Breed: Height: 13 to 14 Age: 10 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Been riding for only 12 months with almost weekly lessons
Dream Horse: Just for my 12-year-old daughter to be able to ride around in paddock, roads, and trail riding …as we live in the mountains of Mitta Mitta Victoria. Notes: 21/6 – cathy found herself one, arriving on 1st July. 11/6 checked in with cathy so see if any search parameters can be changed. Pony will be living all on its own. no other horses so must be happy with that. 16/5 – sent welcome email and ebook. Will call tomorrow.
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Application Date: May 27, 2022 at 12:51 pm Name: Eliza Smith Contact Number: 0477277833 Email: adsmith55@hotmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 12.2 to 14.2 Age: 10 YO to 25 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
See below Dream Horse: Gus Pony -12.2H to 14.2H Proven mustering and pony club pony for a seven year old boy. Who has ridden independently since he was 5 and loves the canter command. Has messy unbalanced hands that we will work on over the next year. Attended two jamborees under seven jumps E grade 45cm currently rides a 12H 22 year old grey with cushings and cancer who is just starting to get over the canter command and knocking up mustering in the hills. I’m looking for the first ridden with the gears of 2nd ridden a educated patient schoolmaster with a big default stop. We live on a 10,000 acre cattle station, ponies are ridden out mustering most weekends they muster 200 head of cattle at a time and see deers, pigs, kangaroos in hill terrain. So no shy or nervous behaviour and nothing strong behind cattle. Arena ponies won’t work for us. Horses are kept shod, rugged and fully body clipped in spring ready for the pony club season from September to January. It gets down to -10 here so they are normally fluffy by July. They can run alone or in company whatever they prefer they are paddocked at my back fence checked daily but not stabled. Not matey and ties up to the float all day. Happy to cop someone running up the back of them at pony club, goes to sleep in troop line, teams of four experience a bonus. Safe if not ridden all the time he gets busy playing footy in winter. Mum is horsey happy to lunge or canter out on a Friday before competition but absolutely no dirt tolerated. Aged is fine experienced home in keeping the greats going. Including corrective shoeing, cushings. As long as price reflects this. This pony will do its days out in my family many nieces and nephews to take over. In it’s twilight years can be used as a leadline forever. Would love to ride before we buy but have brought sight unseen before with success. This horse won’t be advertised and we will have to convince the owners we will love him forever which I can do. Can provide references and videos in need. Have one in my paddock for my nine year old girl just need one more …the elusive unicorn! Budget will reflect proven videos. Up to $15,000 Colour, looks not fussy safety is the most important just don’t like arabs otherwise open to them all. Not in a rush understand this could take us a while to find. I’ve looked and brought twice and got it wrong so thought I would ask a pro😊 Riding Ambitions: See above Notes: 27/5 Mother Eliza, very horsey and experienced. Will jump on anything around 13hh and give it a go. Angus the kid has just turned 7. Eliza says the videos whichare 6 months old make him look better than he is. the two poinies she has bought have been too much for him and really exposed hes not ready for that second pony type pony. The dream height is 13-13.2h. Realistically unless a uncicorn 14 hh to big.
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Application Date: May 28, 2022 at 5:50 pm Name: Kate ferguson Contact Number: 0408578321 Email: katchasam@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage, Eventing, Interschool, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Australian Stock Horses, Clydesdale, Cross Breed Height: 15 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
For my daughter charli: attended All things brumby school from the age of 7, was incredibly confidant and happy with riding, then we made the mistake of buying our first horse (a stock horse x qtr horse mare) who was a horrible turd! She would roll when ever charli tried to ride her, constantly bite her and push her around and finally kept trying to kick her. After that charli’s confidence was non existent (we should of sold her way before we did). We then brought our current qtr horse mare Ruby, who is mega sweet and wonderful but doesn’t like jumping and about 6 months ago started reversing when charli tried to jump her. Unfortunately charlis confidence is now not great! She has jumped to 60cm and want to go higher, however with Ruby’s aversion to jumping (and puddles) it’s made it very hard to progress Dream Horse: 15-16hh, don’t care about the breed, would prefer something a bit chunky. Riding Ambitions: Eventing (dressage, jumping and XC) Notes: spoke to kate 30/5. Based in ballarat and happy to view anywhere in VIC (potentially nsw as well).
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Application Date: May 29, 2022 at 8:18 pm Name: Catherine Smit Contact Number: 0418855673 Email: catherinesmit82@hotmail.com Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Eventing, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 20 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
Ridden now as an adult for 18 months. Broke my pelvis in 3 places from a fall off a horse in March 2021. Been back riding since august 2021 on a school horse who keeps me extremely safe Dream Horse: School master in all disciplines. Low level is fine as I’m not going to break any records, just have fun with a safe and sound equine partner Riding Ambitions: Low level eventing Notes: 30/5 spoke to catherine. get hers gallbladder removed on 6th june so we can start a search before then or during her recovery must be 1 hr radius of hanndorf so her instructor can try it.. when shes better happy to view in SA and VIC. she lives in hanndorf. 14.2 if chunky, no bigger than 16h. true beginners horse.
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Application Date: June 4, 2022 at 4:08 pm Name: Hannah Jennings Contact Number: 0467231930 Email: hannahjennings509@gmail.com Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pleasure, Ranch Horse, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Pony, Australian Stock Horses, Brumby, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Gypsy Cob, Morgan, Paints, Percheron, Pintos Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 9 YO to 19 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
Always had a bombproof 15.2 Appaloosa and he was old I had him until he passed then had four years off riding and got another near bombproof standardbred who has taught me lots and I’m now looking to retire him after I’ve had him for 6 months and he has shown me the ropes of getting back into riding! I enjoy trail riding, the odd stockmans challenge, riding out alone and hunts every now and then. Dream Horse: Coloured if possible, Or anything that looks a little quirky is what I love! But super quiet, forgiving and safe. Something anyone could jump on and isn’t matey at all. Something suitable that in a hunt if I decided to hold back he would be okay with a group running off from him. Prefer a gelding but non marey mares are okay too! Must be good on farms! Exposed to everything. An absolute been there done that type with absolutely no buck bolt or bite and no spook or look! Riding Ambitions: To keep going at what I’m doing which is trailing out by myself and taking my new horse to the beach, hunts, trails and horsemanship clinics. Notes: 27/6 hannah found her own horse to buy through a friend.
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Application Date: June 8, 2022 at 12:13 pm Name: Cristy Fader Contact Number: 0417362500 Email: cfader@fader.com.au Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Show Breed: Warmbloods Height: 16 to 17.2 Age: 5 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 20000 to 5000 Sex: Rider Level: Advanced Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
Competitive show rider, competing at Royal level. Confident but not gutsy Dream Horse: Over 16hh, Riding Ambitions: Royal level showing Budget $35k 2/6 – Still looking budget of $45K 5/1 – vetting horse today. 3/1 HNY message sent 24/11 NO TBS
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Application Date: June 16, 2022 at 7:58 am Name: Bek Harper Contact Number: 0433114752 Email: Rebekah.h@carelliconstructions.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 16 Age: 3 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Own 4 horses, 3 now retired due to age and injury. Dream Horse: Horse that we can share for Pony club and ARD and trail riding. Riding Ambitions: Pony club Notes: Bek going away until the 7th July. Check in on her return. Wont be able to view until they get back. 19/6 daughter – ruby – is coming off a 13hh pony so will scale the height back to 14-15hh. Mum isonly 5’3. They live near hastings/ Mornington peninsula and are happy to travel vic wide for the right horse. can view any day but wednesday around school hours. Horse will be at their property and ideally will be paddocked with others but could live alone. Any age or breed. Pretty firm on $7500 – was going to chat to her husband so see if any more. Bek is currently getting qualified in equine therapy.
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Application Date: June 19, 2022 at 1:39 pm Name: Kerry Thomson Contact Number: 0438302127 Email: olgum@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to Age: 4 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 7500 to Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Most of my riding was approx 15 years ago when I worked for Wandin Riding Academy working horses and teaching children to ride. More recently I ride my daughters riding ponies (but they are too small for me. I have owned horses for most of my life from Welsh ponies, Standard Breds to Thoroughbreds – I’m fine with the horse having some quirks. Dream Horse: My dream horse will be quiet, reliable and do some dressage at home with me (really would like the horse to already work in a frame). This horse would be quiet enough to put my teenage daughter on (lunge if required) and be more whoa than go (preferably but not essential). The horse will need to put up with a little bit of imbalance while I get my muscles back. Riding Ambitions: I would like to do some dressage at home (undercover arena) and riding around our farm. Maybe some low level ARC or pony club. To be honest I hoping this horse builds my daughters confidence (and she ‘steals it off me’). I’m happy for the horse not to be ‘perfect’ and have some quirks. Notes: 2/6 – Kerry struggles to reply to a lot of messages when horses sent. has been sent a nice WB within budget. just got back from holiday, horse needs to be safe for young teenage daughters to ride. 7/3/23 – sent multiple horses, replays to some and not others horse must be over 15hh – 16hh wouldn’t consider smaller, have sent previously but they are all tall MUST be suitable for her novice teens to move onto and ride at times open to age, Sex and breed. happy with a nice TB BUDGET can now go to 10K Current issue: Flooding 20/6 – emailed kerry, will call tomorrow 21/6 spoke with Kerry. Budget is firm at $7500. They are based on a farm in swan hill. Really limited on viewing time as she works full time and has three teenage kids. Horse is primarily for her 15 year old daughter who is a bit timid with the horses. Kerry will also ride this horse and keep it for herself if the daughter looses interest. Number one priority is quiet. Would love something that works in a frame but not a deal breaker.
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Application Date: June 20, 2022 at 6:05 pm Name: Theresa Contact Number: 0405185635 Email: theresa.nepia@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13 to 14 Age: 8 YO to 10 YO Asking Price: 5000 to 1000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Only riden on paid trail rides. Dream Horse: Looking for a horse for a 11 year old beginner daughter Riding Ambitions: Be able to ride in farm paddock beach, trails Notes: 3/3/23 – unable to get in contact for months. have paused application 25/ 1 – sent lots of stuff no reply whatsoever ?? can’t get onto her at all 13 -15hh FIRM BUDGET $5,500 max Vic based only 20/6 have emailed, will call tomorrow 21/6 Theresa and Hawea (daughter) have bought 7 acres in Portland and are moving there in December and want a pony. Hawea has had several rides whilst on holidays and loves it. Not currently riding. Hawea can steer and stop unaided but pretty basic. Pony will be leadline at the start. She is currently 155cm and growing. Happy to go with aged. Budget firm at $5000.
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Application Date: July 8, 2022 at 7:39 am Name: Lauren Pearson Contact Number: 0434227324 Email: acespace@outlook.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Eventing, HRCAV, Interschool, Performance, Schoolmasters, Show Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Ponies, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15 to Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Open and HRCAV Showing and dressage 20+ years. Competed up to Royal/HOTY level. Competent rider, but presently lacking confidence. Dream Horse: WB or WB x Riding Ambitions: Main focus is showing and dressage, but something that would kindly pop around 60-80cm SJ/XC would be a bonus so I could broaden my horizons a little bit (but not essential) Notes: 8/7 – sent welcome email. Will call later Lauren found herself a horse the day after she signed up.
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Application Date: August 4, 2022 at 9:57 pm Name: Sue Green Contact Number: 0408 096 385 Email: suegreen21@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 16 Age: 7 YO to 19 YO Asking Price: to 4000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
First pony at 9yo, pretty much self taught. Basic rider, rode for pleasure until early 20s, returned to riding 5 yrs ago at 46yo. Trail riding, some formal lessons with EA level 1 general coach, couple of horsemanship clinics, work full-time time & agist so only ride on weekends when I can Dream Horse: Safe, sensible, easy to handle especially to float. Don’t care about colour or looks, must be ok to pull out of paddock & go after a spell. Happy to ride alone or in a group, tolerant & happy to be loved. Prefer gelding ( paddock mate will be a 9yo mare). Not looking for a standie. Older horse is fine as long as sound. Riding Ambitions: Trail riding ..wanting to do some overnight rides in the future. Looking to improve my skills with more formal lessons & horsemanship clinics, and possibly try some new things. Not looking to compete in any discipline Notes: 7/8 sent welcome email with e book and watts ap instructions. Will call tomorrow.
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Application Date: August 7, 2022 at 2:23 pm Name: Debra Contact Number: 0404409590 Email: debrajohn@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Eventing, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 3000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
We are serching for my daughter’s first horse. Georgia has been riding school ponies for 7 years. Currently she’s riding once a week at Wallington Park Equestrain centre. When riding the schoolies Georgia is an intermediate rider and has a good understanding of horses. The class is jumping 20-45cm but she has jumped up to 75cm in the past. She has been taught basic dressage and has done a few tests within the school. They also do an hour of theory each week to learn about caring for horses. She would now like to move forward to do pony club and eventing and therefore needs to move onto her own horse Dream Horse: We would like a well behaived quiet horse that is willing to please. One that can jump and has been to Pony Club and Events. Preferably something from the age of 8-15yo. 14.2h to 15.3h would suit Georgia best. No nasties or unhealthy habbits, an easy keeper (as in food) would be nice but we’re not too fussy about that Riding Ambitions: Georgia would like to attend pony club and events. She would like to jump more consistently and higher (80cm to 100cm eventually). Wants to improve on dressage, jumping and possibly a little bit of cross country. safe, calm, sent ebook and welcome email 7/8. spoke with Debra on the phone 8/8. they are currently living in highton/geelong. horse will be kept in inverleigh until somewhere closer to home has availability. georgia 13 wants to join PC and do lots of jumping. Grade 5/4 unicorn . No room to move on $5000, that the absolute max. Can be a mare or gelding, 14.2-15.2. Can be aged but they looked at one recently who was 20 and decided that this was too old. they have been trying TB’s as thats what has been available within their price range. can view weekends or weekdays after 4.30pm.
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Application Date: August 24, 2022 at 9:10 pm Name: Prue Curtotti Contact Number: 0404113563 Email: prue.curtotti@yahoo.com.au Location: Australian Capital Territory |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Show, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Australian Capital Territory |
Riding History:
I was a show jumper and trail rider up until I was 15 years old. In 2018 I started riding again. I started lessons and have been have lessons sporadically due to COVID. I started trail riding at a local riding school a year ago. I have a trail ride each week. I can walk, trot and canter (when I am confident with the horse. Dream Horse: A 14 – 15hh black / very dark bay who is quiet with a little sass but no dirt. A horse who can cope with me if I get a little nervous or unbalanced. A horse who likes trail riding (alone or with company) and doesn’t mind being plaited and washed for the show ring (for fun). Riding Ambitions: I want this horse to help me gain confidence for an OTTB I am having retrained. I would like to trail ride and go into show classes at our local ag shows. Notes: sent email with ebook
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Application Date: August 30, 2022 at 8:07 pm Name: Jorja Lillecrapp Contact Number: 0409616658 Email: jorjalillecrapp@gmail.com Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Beginners Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
I’ve done about 10 riding lessons, I can walk and trot, and am learning to canter, however I have more experience on the ground. Dream Horse: My dream horse would be one that is willing to give anything a go, and that is friendly and easy-going. Riding Ambitions: I’d really like to continue learning more about riding and gaining more confidence both on and off the ground. Later on I’d like to learn to jump. Notes: emailed 4/9 13/9 – steph chatted to jorja.
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Application Date: September 1, 2022 at 12:39 pm Name: Tara Kechagias Contact Number: 0488651320 Email: tara.e.kechagias@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Companion, Dressage, Eventing, Interschool, Pony Club, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
This horse is for my daughter Ivy. She is 11 years old and is currently taking lessons at Jolong Park. She has been riding for ~4 years and is described as a confident beginner. She has only ridden school horses and the odd trail ride. Dream Horse: Our instructors have recommended a gelding no younger than ~ 8 years old. As new horse owners (with intent to utilise Jolong facilities and care until we know what we’re doing), we’d like a horse that is gentle and currently in work. Ivy is ‘the animal whisperer’ in our family (the chook, dog, cat & cockatiel all love her). Riding Ambitions: Ivy would like to ride in Interschools and is particularly interested in show jumping. Ivy is also interested in dressage and would like to attend Pony Club. Notes: ? maybe purchased one. if not now considering 13-15hh emailed 4/9
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Application Date: September 2, 2022 at 9:15 am Name: Kirby bernardo Contact Number: 0432641304 Email: kirbybernardo@outlook.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Paints, Standardbred, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 16 to Age: 3 YO to Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I rode for years when I was younger, popping over poles and general arena work. I have since had 13th are off and just began lessons again at a school. For 2 months I have been riding a 16hh OTT mare to relearn how to ride and try different disciplines. I will continue to do lessons once I have my own horse to continue learning as well. Dream Horse: I am looking for a quite 16hh or taller, must be sound on trails and used to noise, other animals and children. I would prefer a stocky or WB but open to TB if it was bombproof. Ideally a buckskin but I know how hard they are to come by. So colour doesn’t matter, just preferably not chesnut. Gelding over mare. Riding Ambitions: I want to continue learning different disciplines and have a pleasure horse that could come along as I learn. Most importantly I want a sound trail partner who I can take to the national parks near me Notes: emailed 4/9 spoke to kirby 5/9. lives in clyde north, will keep her horse locally at a friends. Primarily floating to trails on the weekends. Search area 3 hr radius max. works mon to friday. has had 7 horses lined up to view and they have all bee sold by the time she has been able to view. This will be her first horse, needs to be quiet and nuffy proff. Could go to $15,000 ideally with gear. Sges never even tried a horse before so we will need to go over the process when we get her a viewing and guide her every step of the way.
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Application Date: September 2, 2022 at 2:40 pm Name: Anita Killmier Contact Number: 0402 739 827 Email: anita.killmier@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Paints, Pintos Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 10 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I am a 66 yo and have not ridden in over 30 years. Wanting to get back into it. Previously grew up with horses but I was never interested in the show ring. My sister owns Chalani Australian Stock horse stud in SA and I rode as a teenager with a small amount of pony club, a few clinics and mainly pleasure riding. Cousin is Dr Kerry Mack Grand Prix dressage and owner of Mayfield Farm in Whittlesea. I bred my 4 horses but last one passed in 2009. Dream Horse: I am after 2 horses. Riding Ambitions: I have done a substantial amount of trail riding esp in the high country and this is what I want to get back into. I have bought 10 acres in Cherokee (base of Mt Macedon) but am there on weekends only till I retire. Horse will NOT be in regular work so must be able to hop on and ride preferably without lunging first. Nice comfortable ride over all paces, soft mouth, willing but no bolt buck, kick or shy. I will be joining the Kyneton Trail riding group and possibly an Adult riding club in Gisborne. Will take a few lessons to brush up skills and see how the body holds up! Notes: emailed 4/9 5/9 – anita has not touched ahorse in 30 years. Ive told her we will help her try and find somewhere close to macedon to ride and get back in the saddlre.
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Application Date: September 2, 2022 at 11:00 pm Name: Emily Dunbabin Contact Number: 0401653567 Email: emily_mrc@hotmail.com Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Performance, Performance Ponies, Show Breed: Andalusian/PRE, Australian Pony, Australian Stock Horses, Baroque, Cleveland Bay, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, German Riding Pony, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Morgan, Other Breeds, Percheron, Pintos, Ponies, Thoroughbred, Trakehner, Warmbloods, Welsh Height: 14 to 15 Age: 3 YO to 10 YO Asking Price: 20000 to 5000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
Eventing to 1* in a past life. Dream Horse: So looking for a mount that will do Pony dressage. The big horses in stressage are way too boingy for me. Riding Ambitions: Like to represent Tassie in the Pony Dressage state squad. Show hunter small Galloway with bling Purchase Nobu 21/12 – vet checking pony of Sam’s 24/11 OPEN TO AGE to 10 likes the paints, buckskins, colour types, flashy bays & chestnuts ect Called 7/9 Looking for straight dressage pony 14-15HH 3-10 yo happy to have something green broken as long as straightforward and established good foundations willing to travel AUS wide, can view anytime. can’t go supersede due to hip bursitis, capable rider doesn’t mind forward just not hot. open to most breeds prefer not hot riding ponds or Arabs. 20K budget including travel costs around $1500 to Tas. Happy to pay extra vetting on top of this figure tho. . emailed 4/9
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Application Date: September 4, 2022 at 6:53 am Name: Fiona Moore Contact Number: 0459673189 Email: moorefiona67@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Show Breed: Arabian & Arabian Derivative, Australian Stock Horses, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 4 YO to 10 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have been riding for 51yrs. Competed with wins at elementary dressage and level 1 hrcav. I like to do a bit of hrcav showing and have won champion level ribbons. I used to enjoy jumping and eventing but don’t have the nerve for this anymore. I do like to still pop over little jumps for something different to do than ride around an arena all the time. Dream Horse: I have my dream horse but she is unsound. Looking for her replacement- pretty with eyecatching movement. Potential to get to medium level dressage. Forward moving but sane and not spooky. Easy to do anything with on ground or in saddle. No separation anxiety. 100% sound. Good to float. Riding Ambitions: I want to have a horse that could take me to medium level dressage. I want to learn flying changes. I want to win an open rider class at a show. Notes: emailed 4/9 5/9 spoke to fiona who sounds very competent and knowledgeable. She has four paddock horses that she has bought and are now unsound, even though they have had full vet checks. She lives in grovedale and keeps her horses in connewarre. Would like to restrict the search to 2 hours radius of geelong. Maybe a little further for the right horse butdefinately no interstate travel.
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Application Date: September 4, 2022 at 11:34 pm Name: Haylee Tickner Contact Number: 0478137836 Email: haylee-jane@live.com.au Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Pleasure Breed: Appaloosas, Arabian & Arabian Derivative, Australian Stock Horses, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Friesians, Gypsy Cob, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Paints, Warmbloods Height: 15 to 16 Age: 7 YO to 17 YO Asking Price: to 7500 Sex: Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
Between 2002-2008 consistently rode horses. Between 2008-2011 sporadically did lessons and trail rides. 2011-now a few lessons but nothing consistent. Dream Horse: A quiet horse that loves attention pays and cuddles and can bring out the best in each other. Riding Ambitions: To regain my confidence, refresh my skills and then improve them are learn basic dressage. Notes: called 7/9
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Application Date: September 10, 2022 at 3:15 pm Name: Jen Jardine Contact Number: 0433442208 Email: jenjardine8@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Show, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 5 YO to 9 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Ride growing up the had kids. Back riding again for about 8 years. I enjoy HRCAV showing and dressage and would love to trail ride too. Dream Horse: Calm temperament with no sensitivities to sound etc. able to take to new places without being hot and stressed. Between 14.2 to less than 16 hands. Less than 10 years.. Balanced. Minimal quirks. Something that I could compete in open shows and has EA dressage potential. No Clydie crosses, TB’s or Standardbreds. Relaxed enough for a trail ride on our own. Riding Ambitions: Compete in Open shows and EA dressage. Initially will do HRCAV though Notes: steph – 12/9 Currently doing novice/elementary. on 10 acres yarra valley, stables, loose boxes, equirope electric fencing, 10 acres. Temperament number one. Happy to look interstate but would rather Vic.
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Application Date: September 16, 2022 at 6:05 pm Name: Carol Rangi Contact Number: 0439112729 Email: rangi.carol@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, Eventing, HRCAV, Interschool, Performance, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 3000 to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, Not Specified Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
riding since very young (4 or 5) Dream Horse: Proven experience in ARC, Pony Club, eventing, show jumping Riding Ambitions: Adult Riding Club Notes: 21/12 – horse purchased. awaiting transport to VIC steph called 21/9
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Application Date: October 11, 2022 at 11:39 am Name: Michele Lumsden Contact Number: 0425817037 Email: michelekate0301@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, HRCAV, Off The Track, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: to 15 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Not Specified Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Started riding as 10yr old, lots of pony club, showing, state level PC dressage. Last horse was a thoroughbred owned him for 16 years. Ridden infrequently over last 20 years. Started back with regular weekly lessons at Jolong Park in last few months. Dream Horse: Prefer Gelding Riding Ambitions: Firstly to be riding fit, with regular riding and lessons Notes: Michele has recently signed back up. We found her a quiet OTT from Lou Abbey and he has not settled into the busy life at Jolong. So she is now wanting an educated schoolmaster. VERY quiet and proven off property – something older fine. She will be ok if it doesn’t vet perfectly I think. Just need great easy nature – especially at Jolong as its a mad house! Budget around $25-30K sent email to michele 14/10 – in lessons walk, trot and canter. not a nervous rider.
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Application Date: October 13, 2022 at 4:24 pm Name: Leanne Norman Contact Number: 0434554145 Email: ljnorman5@hotmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Coloured Breeds, Paints, Pintos Height: 14 to 15 Age: 8 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 15000 to 7500 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Looking for my 13 year old daughter. Dream Horse: Must have wonderful. ground manners . Nice and soft.. We are not competitive. ..! We Are into natural horsemanship and trail riding. Riding Ambitions: At this stage is to gain confidence and have fun.. Diamond in the rough. 🥰 sent email to leanne 14/10
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Application Date: October 16, 2022 at 6:42 pm Name: Claire Wilson Contact Number: 0458829689 Email: clairewilson.cwc@gmail.cm Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 9 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: 2000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I started riding from scratch 2 years ago and fell in love with it. I am working on EA Prelim dressage A test and have scored 61% for 2 tests so far so I am still working on basic skills such as maintaining contact and developing my seat. I have also taken part in 2 jumping shows at 50cm and managed a clear round for each of the them. At the moment I have lessons 3-4 times a week, 3 flat lessons and 1 jumping/poles lesson.. My new horse would be agisted on my instructor’s property so there will be someone to help me with lessons and general care. Dream Horse: A gentle, reiiable easy going horse that enjoys dressage (and possibly a bit of low level jumping. I’m looking for a kind and friendly soul mate that would stay with me forever. He/she should be around 15 hands to 15.2 hands (My hight is 5ft 2 so a smaller horse would suit). Riding Ambitions: I want to progress from the preliminary level to Elementary or even much later Medium dressage level. I have a long way to go. But hopefully with hard work that can happen. Prefer a gelding but would consider a reliable mare 25/1 – vetting a horse Friday that we found. 3/1 – seeing horse at end of week for second ride used to ride in singapore but started October 2020 from scratch, learning ‘proper’ dressage. currently riding 16hh warmblood x welsh. Riding with Janet Wheeler.
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Application Date: October 18, 2022 at 4:15 pm Name: Norina Sesti Contact Number: 0415499039 Email: ntsesti@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: to Age: to Asking Price: 7500 to Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Mainly Trail Riding however did some riding lessons many years ago. I can go through the paces but not polished at all. Dream Horse: My dream horse is responsive and keen for a bit of a canter or gallop but also one which would be happy to mainly go on some quiet bush rides. Riding Ambitions: To grow and learn from the horse. Do not wish to compete or show at any time. This will be my first horse so may go to riding club. Would like a horse that can easily be floated if need be. Notes: 41 year old adult rider. Looking for a trail riding mount. Novice rider & owner. has on and off ridden over the last 20 years mostly trail riding. Doesn’t wish to compete at all.
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Application Date: October 19, 2022 at 8:26 pm Name: Zarnie Wirken (Parent Warren Wirken) Contact Number: 0487077219 Email: wazntankids@iinet.net.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Interschool, Performance, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Show, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14 to 16 Age: 5 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Has been riding a gypsu cob but is still a nervous beginner Dream Horse: patient quiet all rounder Riding Ambitions: pony club, showing, trail riding, learning to jump and having a best friend. Notes: Zarnie 11 nervous rider has been having lesson for 5 + years, despite this still needs beginner pony, she is quite tall tho. they live in Bendigo. willing to travel all of vic, southern NSW, bit of SA.
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Application Date: October 31, 2022 at 3:46 pm Name: Claire Daniels Contact Number: 0421088150 Email: clairegiles2007@yahoo.com.au Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to 16 Age: 8 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Looking for a first hose for my almost 13 year old daughter, Plus myself, who is coming back into riding after a break, although have been doing plenty trial rides recently. My daughter has been riding for almost 7 years, shes a very confident intermediate rider, jumping around 60 at the moment. Dream Horse: One that everyone is looking for I suppose, a good all rounder, been there done that. Good to catch, shoe, float etc, do love a bay! Riding Ambitions: Pony club at this stage Notes: 3/1 purchased buddy from short park BUDGET INCREASE 10K located Sutherland shire NSW. needs to be within 4 hours Claire is looking for a horse for her daughter Maisie 14.2 – 15.2, Maisie is only 5 foot tall and her mum is 5.4
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Application Date: November 6, 2022 at 2:21 pm Name: Richelle Duggan Contact Number: 0419137445 Email: richelleduggan7@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Off The Track, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Had horses as a child. Dream Horse: Solid and stable with a very calm temperament. Riding Ambitions: Causal riding. Paddock and trails. Notes: 7/3/23 – tried bruce,didn’t like. 15/2/23 – booked to see Bruce with Chloe Harris on the weekend 3/1 – ? Seeing cinnamon in Colac and maybe donkey as well. ADDIT – 25/1 she has been given contact numbers to go see both horses to arrange viewings as that is the request of owners 21/12 – will see cinnamon in Colac post the new year. located Colac having a couple of rides back during the Christmas period Richelle lives in Bannockburn, this was a gift from her husband for her birthday. they are moving to Colac in January. She can’t really purchase until Jan as she will be an hour + from her horse. She has two little kids. upon discussing application I told her that $5K will struggle to get a true beginners horse, she may have a small amount of flex in that to 6.5 ish she would prefer bin the 14hh mark – 15hh doesn’t mind mare or gelding happy to travel all over vic and ? maybe lower NSW Wagga area / or border SA.
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Application Date: November 29, 2022 at 9:06 am Name: Melanie Clark Contact Number: 0438643857 Email: clark.melanie.a@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: Clydesdale, Cross Breed, Other Breeds Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 7 YO to Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Seeking a new mount for my daughter Sienna (14yrs). Sienna has been riding since she was 4, we have owned several ponies. We sold her last13hh pony 2 years ago so we are seeking her first big mount. Sienna has attended pony club and has attended regular lessons. Sienna has a great relationship with her coach and she would be supporting us with her new mount. Dream Horse: Dream horse would be the mothers dream unicorn, easy to C,s,f. Must be a gelding. More woah than go, would be happy to plod along. No dirt and excellent ground manners. Not fussed on age and older is fine. Riding Ambitions: Sienna is very keen on dressage and wants to return to pony club and regular lessons. Sienna is a gentle rider but is not much into jumping or xc. She would love to do some dressage comps (low level). Mostly she wants a best friend to love and adore. Horse would be kept on our 5acre property in. The Yarra valley. Notes: 3/1 – seeing Harry later in week $6k 21/12 – seeing a horse on Friday 23rd in macceslfield. No leases at all Budget: 5,000 STRICT. odd occasional ride and riding school lessons over the last 2 years with covid. inconsistent riding for 2 years. she’s tall 5’7 & slightly bigger girl looking to do Pony club level ( seville pony club) graded 5 PC across the board. Doesn’t love jumping more dressage focused. Age: 7 – 18 year old maybe older Breed: Open to breeds, NO Arabs, TB’s, STB’s, Temperament is kay, no quirks, no buck, bolt, rear, nasties at all. Must have beautiful ground manners. travel range: 300km range, prefer state of VIC. will be in Deni 11th of December. Emailed welcome pack 30/11
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Application Date: December 4, 2022 at 9:59 am Name: Natasha Duna Contact Number: 0408529144 Email: natashaduna@outlook.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 15 Age: 10 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Off and on lessons at a riding school for the last 2 years Dream Horse: Safe, no vice buck or rear and not forward moving Riding Ambitions: Pony club, allrounder, pleasure riding Notes: 3/3/23 – bought Donkey ! from Colac. search over 26/2/13 – vet checking donkey a pony we found 5/12 Have purchased 2 horses in the past, second horse paid 7k was scammed and now have paddock ornament. pony club 300m off thier st. Feel comfortable at 10k if its everything they want. 13yo about 170cm. Happy to spend less (5k) and get an older horse that they have for 2/3 years, would prefer that then spend 10/15k on a horse that shes going to out grow in 2/3 years. No max age also happy to look at young, super open minded.. everything shes been on around 16hh has been flighty so being that high does worry her, happy to look aroun 15.3/16hh if super quiet. not too forward, no bucking or rearing but apparently gutsy if feels safe. No interstate, have to be absolute unicorn to travel more then 2/3 hours, For the perfect horse will drive more. Doesn’t have to have competition experience and doesn’t want to pay the extra $$$$$ for a horse due to competition experience etc, wants something cheaper that has just been training these disciples or going to pony club.
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Application Date: December 17, 2022 at 9:49 pm Name: Liz Marmo Contact Number: 0428568868 Email: lizmarmo2@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Breed: Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 10 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Grandson has been riding around 3 years now, started with weekly riding lesson ..then after 16 months Cody got his own horse … Amazing Amber ! Cody new horse needs to be a allrounder , Cody’s new horse needs to be a very gentle soul, as Cody is autistic and can be a nervous Rider. Dream Horse: Cody’s dream horse would be just a horse that is loving, willing to trust Cody, in his ability as a rider …both to become best mates, a team also no issues going out for to go out riding by their selves! Cody would like to go up to next lever of jumping at the moment cody can only jump 45cm as Amber to just not a jumper , also 18 years old . Cody doesn’t have a preference of colour or sex of his next horse. Riding Ambitions: He is a Novice rider, and at times, his anxiety can make him lose his ability, but he is quite a capable young rider. Open to breed… Just want safe and sensible Notes: application submitted and refunded – found a horse within 24 hours of application submission
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Application Date: December 20, 2022 at 7:07 pm Name: Steph Bower Contact Number: 0401821822 Email: stephbower@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage, Interschool, Pleasure, Pony Club Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 16 to 16.2 Age: 8 YO to 15 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Kenzie is 13 years old and has been having private lessons, once a week for 2 years. For the past 5 months while mum has been injured, she has also taken on working her mum’s horse 2-3 times per week (16.3hh WB X). Her first own horse though. Dream Horse: Well exposed (PC, ARC, comps) been there and done it all and not phased. Loves the arena and flat work. Friendly and affectionate. No high maintenance mares. Riding Ambitions: Starting pony club, dressage comps and trail riding. Or non marey mare! bought Lusty ! from Albury we found him 15/2/23 – Vet checked booked fir lusty in Albury 3/1 – saw a horse with Julie Middleton wasn’t quite suitable . Keep looking 21/12 – sent email + ebook + text will follow up phone call
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Application Date: December 23, 2022 at 12:17 pm Name: Serena tonuri Contact Number: 0468918429 Email: stonuri@me.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Endurance, Off The Track, Performance, Showjumping Breed: Height: 16 to 20 Age: 6 YO to Asking Price: to Sex: Gelding, Mare, Stallion Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
i started having lessons when i was little. i have ridding lessons 4 times a week and going over jumps and working on to improve my canter. i can canter by myself now Dream Horse: my dream horse would be a horse with no vices, a horse above 16hh, be able to compete in high level of show jumping, a horse that has no pre exisiting injuries, a horse that isnt hot, a horse that is good for the farrier, and dosent have any trouble loading in a float Riding Ambitions: i would like to eventually compete in high level show jumping and eventing Notes: |
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Application Date: December 24, 2022 at 10:23 pm Name: Claire Davidson Contact Number: 0407515773 Email: clairedavidson22@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Interschool, Pony Club, Schoolmasters Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 11.2 to 12.2 Age: 6 YO to 25 YO Asking Price: to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Experienced. Evented 2star now show Stockhorses at Royals and Nationals. My autistic horse mad daughter needs a pony to keep her safe and happy. Dream Horse: A beginner pony. More whoa than go. Happy to tie up all day and be brushed and played with. Will go to PC once child confident only low level. Size matters! Not too big (autistic thing she has going won’t ride a bigger pony!) no bigger than 12.2 Riding Ambitions: Grace wants to start trotting independently and then canter, head to PC and stay safe. More whoa than go. But has loads of love to share. Ugly ok. Notes: |
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Application Date: January 13, 2023 at 12:19 pm Name: Ella Ffrench Contact Number: 0491077353 Email: ella.ffrench@icloud.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Pleasure, Pony Club, Show, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: Andalusian/PRE, Appaloosas, Australian Pony, Australian Stock Horses, Baroque, Brumby, Cleveland Bay, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Friesians, German Riding Pony, Gypsy Cob, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Morgan, Other Breeds, Paints, Palouse, Percheron, Pintos, Ponies, Trakehner, Welsh Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 6 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 7500 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have been riding for 3 years previously at a riding school but only on quiet lesson horses, I know the basics walk trot and canter and can do small jumps Dream Horse: My dream horse would be a calm experienced horse that is willing to try anything and help me gain confidence and experience Riding Ambitions: I would like to try a bit of everything; dressage, show jumping, pony club, showing , pleasure ect. First horse 2/6 – going to ride a connie that Nikki Sent up on Sunday 4/6/23 waiting to see how that goes. we are really encouraging her to purchase a horse in the 14 hh region as she is a beginner rider and family aren’t horsey at all. 7.3.23 – recommence search Vet check for bruce in Thursday – didn’t want to buy him. moderate risk 14.1/2-15.2 NOVICE rider 1st horse. More beginner / novice $10k budget maybe a touch more if the right horse Ballarat area + 2.5 hours
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Application Date: January 25, 2023 at 4:38 pm Name: Montana McRae Contact Number: 0419162986 Email: montana.mcrae@icloud.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Eventing, Show, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: Friesians, German Riding Pony, Gypsy Cob, Paints, Pintos, Welsh Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 4 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
I had 6 months of riding lessons when I was 8, then intermittently going to day camps and trail rides until I started lessons again at 13, after 1 year I leased a tb gelding and was left to my own devices so I didn’t progress, I then ended the lease after 9 months and bought a paint mare and agitated at a place with an on site coach and had regular lessons on my mare, but I progressed too quickly and she was getting old and wanting to slow down, so I moved her on. Now I am looking fo my next horse. I am not a nervous rider, I can handle bolts and kicks, but it would be better to not have a horse that acts up like that. Dream Horse: My dream horse would have a big, goofy personality with a positive, willing attitude to ridden work. The type that follows you around the paddock and just wants to be with you. Walk, trot, canter, established with a soft and supple way of going in the bridle. No vices, quirks are ok as long as they are not too much. Riding Ambitions: I would love to do a bit of everything, low level dressage, jumping, XC, trails, beach riding, go out to the occasional show. I’m not super competitive. Notes: found horse
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Application Date: February 4, 2023 at 3:37 pm Name: Rochelle Hicks Contact Number: 0417727060 Email: grhicks131@icloud.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Beginners, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Paints, Standardbred, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 14.2 to 16.2 Age: 14 YO to 19 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Beginner with 6months of lessons. 13 y/o daughter who is learning fast. Confident to keep going. Only had riding lessons and this would be her first horse for paddock riding, pony club and trail riding. Dream Horse: Well mannered around 15-16hh. Any colour. Preferring quarter horse or thoroughbred. A horse who is content with a beginner would be great. Riding Ambitions: Bridie is keen to ride everyday and progress with weekly riding lessons. Notes: 2/6 – sent quite a few horses haven’t been to ride yet. 13.3-15hh ^=6k for second daughter – sent a horse she liked ? havent heard back Found own horse, but offered to help with other daughter ? havent heard back 15.2.23 – sent email, and spoke on phone last week. located COFFS Harbour. 4 hour drive radius. child is RAW beginner. will need ultimate beginners mount. okay with older horse will continue weekly lessons
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Application Date: February 7, 2023 at 10:31 pm Name: Sara Fitzgerald Contact Number: 0412272881 Email: sara.haigh@internode.on.net Location: South Australia |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Other Breeds, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 7 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: South Australia |
Riding History:
Grew up with my ponies and pony club from 12. Evented and hunted my 2 horses through 16- 30. Pleasure riding from 30-35. Break with kids 35-45 . Flat work, leisure riding 45-60 on my daughters horse and last 5 years on one of our racehorses. Always ridden thoroughbreds 15.3 -16.1 Dream Horse: Gelding ( love chesnuts!) 15.3-16.1 Riding Ambitions: My current horse is gorgeous, I love him to bits but he is anxious and a windsucker with ulcers when being worked. He needs lunging and ground work to settle before riding and I am getting too old to be doing this just for pleasure riding. He has SIJ issues from racing so if I work him to keep him settled he gets sore which is not fair on him. I would like to be able to do adult riding school/ classes and trail rides and generally just have some relaxed and fun safe riding around our property and at local clubs. Needs to be NOT in constant work to be calm although I usually like to ride 2-3 x a week when possible. Educated quiet safe gelding NO shying 2/6 – Sent multiple horses in the last two weeks, has been very busy and is yet to view or follow up on any of them. 1/5 – sent a few horses, looked at Bailey wasn’t the right horse. 15.2.13 – sent email and Ella spoke on the phone
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Application Date: February 15, 2023 at 10:58 am Name: Nicole Burling Contact Number: 0407220456 Email: niclin99@hotmail.com Location: Western Australia |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Western Australia |
Riding History:
Rode from age 10 – 25 and progressed to low level eventing then had a break from riding until late 40’s. Dream Horse: Calm, safe and affectionate nature and no vices. Riding Ambitions: Low level dressage and jumping (maybe) are my ambitions. safe, quiet, reliable, cuddly/affectionate refunded – difficult search in Tassie 15/2/ 23 – Sent email & text. awaiting call back. height 14hh – 15hh – a little bigger if needed age: 6 -16 open to a little younger if quiet and well exposed. Gelding, Trial horse preferably, or multiple rides off property. ARC, SHOW, PC, competition experience ideally. or younger horse with well established outing experiences Located swan valley, WA. ideally a couple of hours – up to 6 hours for the right horse. nothing sight unseen. may fly in future. horse without separation anxiety as will only be with one other horse. Budget – 10k – 12k- explained that may need more. Alex Edwards & Louise crosby – DO NOT BUY FROM caused issues in the past.
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Application Date: February 16, 2023 at 1:38 pm Name: Vanessa Grace Contact Number: 0427596520 Email: vgrace3@icloud.com Location: Tasmania |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Beginners Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 7 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 50000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Tasmania |
Riding History:
Getting back into riding after a 25 year break . Did pony club , beach and trail riding and an endurance ride. Dream Horse: Temperament is everything. Kind quiet trust worthy. 14 to 15 hh . Gelding only . Solid build . Absolutely no arabs or thoroughbreds.. trail riding safe Unicorn Riding Ambitions: Trails , beach riding and pony club . Does not need lunging and riding down . Something to be loved very much 3/3 – horse found by friend that they know. will return as client if doesn’t work out 16/2 – sent text and email. await phone call
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Application Date: February 22, 2023 at 7:26 pm Name: Rebecca Berry Contact Number: 0466 720 323 Email: Rebecca.berry.18@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, HRCAV, Performance, Performance Ponies, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Show, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: Appaloosas, Australian Pony, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Gypsy Cob, Paints, Palouse, Pintos, Ponies, Welsh Height: 13.2 to 15.2 Age: 7 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: 15000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have always ridden but mostly pleasure and trail riding early on. It’s not until about 6 years ago that I got into doing HRCAV, lessons, clinics and competitions. I would consider myself an intermediate but nervous rider due to a fall I had when I was 15 where I broke my back and have never quite gotten over the nerves fully. Dream Horse: Ideally wanting a gelding bur would consider non-marey mares. 14-15hh would be ideal, can fit on ponies as small as 13.2hh as long as they are solid enough to take up my leg. Age of 7-14 ideally. Budget of 12k ideally, for something absolutely perfect I might be able to stretch an extra 1-2k but would prefer not to spend over 12k. Open to breed but no Standardbreds, TBs or Arabs. Would consider crosses of these. I would love a horse that looks good and moves well to be a bit competitive and that jumps nice and calmly and is confident out of trail rides and in new environments. Obviously safety comes above all, but for my budget I don’t want an absolute donkey. I need a horse that is ok to be ridden just 1-2 times a week without getting fresh and needing lunging before getting on. I need a horse who has the basics well established, they need to be able to travel in a frame, be balanced in all paces, get the correct canter lead etc. I do need a horse that will stand still and behave while tied up and that will float well (on a straight load float) as I travel most places alone, I really do need a safe, reliable, trustworthy and sound new best friend. I also need a horse located within 2 hours of Seymour as I have bulging discs in my back which makes long drives hard. I would only be available to view horses on weekends unless it’s very local (within 30 minutes of Seymour) I might be able to go a week night/day depending on my work schedule. Riding Ambitions: I want to continue to better my riding. I am wanting to work up the levels a bit in HRCAV, currently level 5 jumping and level 4 dressage/showing. Also wanting to enjoy some trail riding and obstacles. Notes: Vet checking horse on 8/3/23 – whitey of sam’s deal height 14 – 14.3 breed: NO TB, NO STB, no Arab, located: Seymour – happy to travel 2 hours, budging discs in back Looking for level 5 ARC pony previously has had a couple of horses not pass vetting
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Application Date: March 4, 2023 at 2:04 pm Name: Dianne Denton Contact Number: 0429995596 Email: dianne.denton1@gmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, Endurance, Pleasure, Show, Team Penning, Trail Riding Breed: Arabian & Arabian Derivative, Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Morgan, Other Breeds, Paints, Pintos Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 3 YO to Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
– ridden since a child – first at a trail riding school Dream Horse: – 14.2 to 15.1 Riding Ambitions: – looking for safe and easy Notes: 1/5 – sent lots of horses, very worried about itch. willing to look to QLD shortly 14.1 – 15.1 not much taller. current horse 14.2. 4 years old up, current horse 28. life long home. No TBS/ NO stbs no horses with the QLD ITCH preferably an established horse. current horse is Arab, open to anything would love a coloured horse, locted 3 hours north of Sydney.. son lives Canberra can travel down that way. arability to view nearly most days. price: under 15k ideally. prefer gelding absolutely not wind sucking. really worried about the itch. 7/03/23 – email, ebook and text sent waiting phone call
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Application Date: April 2, 2023 at 1:38 pm Name: Nikki McPherson Contact Number: 0402202791 Email: nikki@g-tech.net.au Location: Queensland |
Disciplines: Eventing, Interschool, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping Breed: Australian Stock Horses, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Other Breeds Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 7 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Queensland |
Riding History:
Confident novice rider who gets weekly lessons in dressage, Showjumping and cross country is seeking to purchase an all rounder to compete at low levels eventing, Showjumping and dressage days and also would like to start competing at Interschools. We recently purchased the “perfect pony” and after a paddock injury and numerous vet visits, scans, X-rays etc we have had to spell him indefinitely so are looking for a second Galloway/horse for my 13 year old daughter to have fun on and compete on! Geldings only She is a kind rider with good hands, developing a good riding seat but can be unbalanced if they stop suddenly at jumps. Great at listening to directions and incorporating feedback into riding. Just needs an honest little horse
Dream Horse: Pony club, combined training, Low level eventing, showjumping Geldings 1/5 – seen a couple of horses not suitable. enquiring after time in VIC
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Application Date: April 3, 2023 at 10:43 pm Name: Miranda Chitty Contact Number: 0406267577 Email: mchitty1708@icloud.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, HRCAV Breed: Height: 15 to 17 Age: 5 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Im 37 years old, started riding when I was 5. I had a break from riding when I had kids but have been back riding for the past 2 years. I have recently been graded level 3 in dressage. I am part of the Adult riding clubs, attending monthly rallies at 2 local clubs, clinics and competitions. I do not do jumping, due to a previous fright years ago with a silly horse. I ride 3 times a week, like to ride at different places for experience. I have weekly lessons with 2 different instructors. Dream Horse: Easy going, easy to take out, good to C/S/F, no B/B. Riding Ambitions: I want to improve my riding ability through clinics, lessons and competing. Brent Kelly is my farrier and he suggested I contact Nicky for some support through this process. I currently own a TB who is pretty amazing. In saying this he has his TB moments when I first get on he bucks for about 3 mins then is ok. Sometimes looses his shit at random objects but he is safe and I trust him 100% Notes: 5/4/23 currently grade 3 Dressage. Doesn’t Jump. Ideally wouldn’t Located in Seymour. mare or gelding 5 -13 year old. needs to be a low risk on a vet check. ideally a chunky cross breed horse. looking to spend up to $15K, located in Vic preferably. within a couple of hours of Seymour 1/5 – vet checking James & looking to purchase him if all well
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Application Date: April 4, 2023 at 3:21 pm Name: Kobi Steedman Contact Number: 0413519005 Email: kobi.steedman@gmail.com Location: Queensland |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Beginners, Eventing, Interschool, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 13 to 15.2 Age: 7 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Queensland |
Riding History:
13 year old novice rider, been to riding schools for a few years and get fortnightly lessons with a trainer currently. Not a complete beginner, can walk, trot, canter confidently in and out of arena. Just learning to jump and progress from a pony to a larger horse Dream Horse: Not fussed on breed but no TB or OTTBs. Gelding preferred. Quiet and kind, reliable, friendly. Would be paddocked with one other QH gelding who is a big loving teddy bear. Riding Ambitions: Pony club, trails & progression to Interschool & beginner show jumping Gelding Ava – 145cm & 30kg. new to horse owning. 13 -14.2 max. Travel radius: 2-3 hours travel. Lives in Coonminya 4311 Really adamant on wanting something registered. price $10K, maybe up to 12K. 5/1 – purchased OTTB against our advice. through a program. unfortunately seller now not in contact. have sent check in message.
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Application Date: April 4, 2023 at 8:11 pm Name: Keirston Whelan Contact Number: 0431429336 Email: keirst73@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Beginners, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Clydesdale, Paints, Palouse Height: 15 to 16 Age: 10 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I’m a nervous beginner learning on school horses. Bc I haven’t had the chance to connect to one horse I remain nervous 50 year old . I’ve been having lessons weekly for around two years, but due to having MS my core strength needs some work. Dream Horse: – loves attention (I will hug often) Riding Ambitions: Trail, lessons in an arena…. I would like to think that one day I could maybe do a grade 6 event? But not a priority, just trailing with confidence . Notes: 10.7.23 Foxys owners kept making excuses to go view – Might miss this one and go back to drawing board 30.6.23 – Viewing MMR Horse (Foxy) on the 8th going to see 1/5 – Sunday next weekend 2/6 – Saw Sundae didn’t pass vetting and decided against purchasing as she felt the risk was to great.
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Application Date: April 25, 2023 at 8:34 am Name: Amanda Ferrie Contact Number: 0425247170 Email: mandy@swifttransport.com.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Dressage, HRCAV, Performance, Schoolmasters Breed: Arabian & Arabian Derivative, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 6 YO to 11 YO Asking Price: 7500 to 50000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Began riding at 5, had lessons until I was 10 then had my own pony then horse until I was 20 doing PC, shows etc (up to grade 3). Worked briefly as a rider for a hunting stable & at a riding school in my 20’s. Had a XC fall & this put me out of riding for a while. Then came uni, business and kids & before I knew it years and years went past without horses! I’m now 42! After a huge break I started dressage lessons at the beginning of 2022. Bought a 16.3hh 5yo WB in late 2022 who has been too much horse for me & I haven’t enjoyed the big baby horse moments (he’s quite spooky). I’m completely devastated about my decision to sell him but we are not the right fit for each other. His green baby moments & nervousness has rattled my confidence with him & that’s not what he needs :’( I’m wanting to find a horse with some more miles & education. Something more proven & more of an allrounder I can feel safe on and on the ground with. Dream Horse: My dream horse would be around 16hh ish around 8 with an amazing smoochy temperament, plenty of exposure, a solid education on the flat. Beautiful ground manners. Happy & brave to enjoy ARC one day, a trail the next, dressage lessons, a dressage day here & there, clinics & low level jumping. A really fun, safe horse with ability & flash enough to do some low level comps. I enjoy learning more about dressage so lovely movement & working in a soft frame will suit what I prefer to ride. Not a kick along but not hot, the happy medium. Steady in the contact & not too heavy on the hands. Beautiful ground manners & used to busy environments (I’m at a very busy large agistment / riding school centre & I don’t want this to be an issue). A real best friend type that will be happy to be spoiled by myself & my family. I ride 4-5 x per week currently , but I’d definitely prefer a horse I don’t need to lunge down to get on. My budget is up to around $28k , I am happy to pay for the dream horse that will keep me safe. I’ve had 3 of my own geldings & a lease gelding, strangely never had a mare, love geldings but open to a non-marey mare 🙂 Riding Ambitions: HRCAV, clinics, weekly dressage lessons, dressage days, trails, low level jumps & potentially a little XC. Not going to the Olympics but this is what I’m hoping will be my dream horse after waiting many years for this, so something really special that I can adore would be fantastic. Horse will be kept in 5 star full care agistment with endless love, coaching, body work & everything it could ever need. Notes: welcome email sent 27/4 5/1 – Current horse has lots of baby moments, very spooky. horse coming up for sale this week. Height: ideal world, 16hh but happy to go 15.2 if chunky. up to 16.2. preference towards Gelding, will look at a non marey. located: black rock in Melbourne. Bangholme. Oolong Park. current level: Novice dressage, used to ride grade 3 PC. Budget $25K for horse plus extras breed: Open, prefer not TB, burnt a couple of times.
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Application Date: May 16, 2023 at 8:04 am Name: Tahnee Dewhurst Contact Number: 0408053153 Email: tahnee.dewhurst@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Eventing, Pony Club, Showjumping, Trail Riding Breed: Australian Stock Horses Height: 15 to 15.2 Age: 7 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: 10000 to Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
13yo old girl. Dream Horse: Stockhorse Riding Ambitions: Pony club, show jumping, eventing, trail Notes: 2/6/23 – Tahnee has gone and vet checked a horse that she made an offer on pre signing up to match my ride they initallly refused her offer but have now accepted it. We are just waiting too see how the vetting goes and will confirm if this is successful or not.
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Application Date: June 18, 2023 at 8:46 pm Name: Gail Pritchard Contact Number: 0433158928 Email: gailpritchard0@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Eventing, Off The Track, Performance, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14.2 to 16 Age: 4 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Rode extensively as a child from 5-15 years old doing pony club. Stopped riding at 15 years of age and took it up again when I turned 30 and did eventing (80cm), showjump 95cm. Haven’t ridden for 6 years and wanting to get back into it. I am now 50 and looking to do trail riding, adult riding club, and low level jump (maybe). Dream Horse: No dirt, no spook, easy going, kind nature, forward but not strong, easy to bring back if needed. Riding Ambitions: Trail riding, adult riding club and maybe low level eventing. Fun, easygoing, safe Lurched a green OTT from an eventing person happy – although found outside of MMR but did get a lot of horses sent through 1/9/23 – Still waiting on Vet check – hopefully this coming week Instructor found horse in NSW – Waiting for Vetcheck 10.8.23 – Booked to view Jersey (TB Gelding) on 15/8/23 26.7.23 – Booked to see 2x Geldings on the 1st at same place (Pinto and Appy) 20.7.23- Liked Whitey but wasnt happy with vet check O didnt want to budge on price – Back to the drawing board (Has looked at a few different horses) 30.6.2023 – Toppy Got Sold Sight Unseen, Looking at a different horse tomorrow 18.6.23 Making Initial Phone call 24th onwards Daughter will also Ride horse (More to start with) Has competed up to Pre Nov Eventing May only get ridden 1-2 a week during school term
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Application Date: June 28, 2023 at 12:35 pm Name: Michaela Turner on behalf of daughter Kaitlyn Turner Contact Number: 0423104422 Email: michaela.turner2015@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Dressage, Interschool, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Show, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 10 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: 7500 to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Kaity is a novice rider off lead having lessons with Lyndsay Batt-Rawden (LBR equestrian) and Pony Club once a month. Mother is experienced rider helping to coach. Dream Horse: Good ground manners happy to have kids catch, groom, lead, clean hooves, rug and fuss over each day. Registered. Handsome (bling) gelding with white blaze and socks. No chestnuts. Prefer Welsh D or QH for hunter class. No bigger than 15H. No bolt, wind suck, rear, biting or kicking. Riding Ambitions: Kaity loves dressage the most and wants to show and compete. Looking for a school master to bond with and have success together. Currently at Pony Club but wants to progress to interschools etc. Notes: Stopped Replying to Messages – 4/3/24 20.7.23 – Another person saw Prom 1st and took first dibs, they having another test ride this week. will hear back by the weekend
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Application Date: June 30, 2023 at 7:28 am Name: Hailey Spokes Contact Number: 0418195807 Email: haileyweedon@icloud.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Pleasure, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14 to 15 Age: 7 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Haven’t been around horses full time since young years. Have been going to weekly lessons for over a year now to gain confidence back. Can handle on ground, tack up, walk , trot and care for horse. I’d almost say my riding skills are back at novice stage. Dream Horse: I would love to find my new best friend who is happy to look around farm, go on trail rides. Horse ideally to be cattle, dog and roo proof. Preferably a gelding around 14h , someone who loves affection and is super gentle on ground and under saddle. I would prefer no TB , have had bad experience and lost a lot of confidence. Riding Ambitions: Gain more confidence and eventually be able to gallop across the paddocks. My balance has come back so just love to keep working on that. Gentle all rounder 30.06.2023 – Went a Viewed Montana – Absolutely Loved him and put a deposit Down 🙂 Recommended Vet but She was happy to continue without one 30.6.23 – Viewing SH x Clydie Montana Tonight
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Application Date: July 15, 2023 at 5:47 pm Name: Kate McGregor Contact Number: 0421097618 Email: ktmcg@me.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Beginners, Pleasure, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 16.2 to 17.2 Age: 10 YO to 18 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 15000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Finn is 16 and new to riding this year. He is a confident rider with a natural seat and soft hands. Dream Horse: He is looking for a kind and reliable horse to start his horsemanship journey. Ideally a tall heavy horse type as he is 6’3″ and a lean 90kg. Riding Ambitions: Finn is looking to do ARC, clinics, trail riding and camping. schoolmaster kind reliable 1/9/23 – Bought Bello – Happy with his vet check – Some small niggles but they are happy to deal with them. Picking him up on the 6/9/23 24.08.23 – vet check pending Bello 10.08.23 Dumbledoore fell through much greener and younger than they thought – back to drawing board 26.7.23 – Booked to see WB x Gelding on 29/7/23 – Wasnt overly keen 25.7.23 – Morgan Gelding was an asshole – NO GOOD
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Application Date: July 20, 2023 at 2:02 pm Name: Angie Coffey Contact Number: 0414717368 Email: angie01@netspace.net.au Location: Queensland |
Disciplines: Beginners, Dressage, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: Andalusian/PRE, Australian Stock Horses, Cleveland Bay, Clydesdale, Coloured Breeds, Cross Breed, Curly, Gypsy Cob, Irish Draught & Sport Horse, Morgan, Other Breeds, Paints, Percheron, Pintos, Trakehner, Warmbloods, Welsh Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 4 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate Location: Queensland |
Riding History:
14hhWelsh pony – jumping, pony club – 2 years Dream Horse: I realise my dream horse doesn’t come along often and may take a while to find but I am happy to wait until the right one comes long. I am looking for a horse who is willing to give everything asked of him, exceptionally quiet that loves people and is happy to be ridden by any level of rider in any setting and can adapt accordingly. Has done miles of trails on his own or in company and can be ridden by a beginner rider and then go out and enjoy teaching me the ropes in dressage and not change in temperament. Dressage schoolmaster with all the buttons and education that is not sensitive or easily offended if I don’t quite get things right. Non spooky, brave, literally bombproof, confidence builder. Quiet and solid enough for my beginner husband to ride occasionally. Must have a kind, unflappable nature and can adapt to any level of rider. Not girthy, no bite, buck or bolt, Good to shoe, float etc. Ok to be paddocked/stabled alone. Enjoys lots of attention, brushing and loves his humans. Will be kept on our own property for a forever home. Riding Ambitions: I am loving learning dressage and want to continue my education so a dressage schoolmaster who has all the buttons but is not too sensitive/easily offended if I don’t get things quite right. I will be trail riding quietly on a loose rein on my own from time to time. Must also be quiet enough for my beginner husband to ride occasionally. Notes: 28/9/2023 – Dressage Coach found a horse. Passed Vet Check and Picked up 26/07/23 – Looking at WB Gelding on 29/7 20.07.23PHONE Consult- NO SPOOK – Happy if it takes a while as she knows its a hard find. Currently riding Warmblood at her lessons Educated – Leg aids not kicking – Leg yields, Extended Gaits etc. A calm Relaxed rider, relaxed hands and can calm a horse an anxious horse.
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Application Date: July 26, 2023 at 10:51 am Name: Sherie Kennedy Contact Number: 0417842748 Email: jimmy10rose@hotmail.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Campdrafting, Cutting, Pleasure, Show, Trail Riding Breed: Other Breeds Height: 14.2 to 15.2 Age: 5 YO to 13 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
I have been riding for most of my life. Since I now have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I would ride once/twice a week. There will be times I will need a break from riding due to my disability. I attend a campdraft around once a month. I am an intermediate rider but since my horse accident last year and sustaining a head injury I have lost alot of confidence thus needing a horse I can truly trust and feel safe. Dream Horse: I am looking for a registered Quarter Horse or Australian Stock Horse cross Quarter Horse. Needing a horse that is Very safe, quite, does not shy, a calm horse that is not anxious at events, no vices and good in the mouth. Needs to be a confidence building horse, calm, not sensitive, good to shoe, easy to load onto a 2 horse float and travel well. A horse that is happy to be ridden by themselves, does not have to be ridden all the time and is good after a break and never pigrooted. A horse that is well trained has campdrafted and shows initiative with cattle. A horse that has cutting training could be perfect. This horse is to be educated and ready to put on my float. I am not after the blue ribbon in any event just a horse that will allow me to enjoy riding and competing again. The horse needs to be located in NSW and I will not buy with out riding the horse first. My budget is $20 but possible $25K Riding Ambitions: I would like to return to do some campdrafting and cattle training days. I would also like to have a go at cutting but I have never done cutting just campdrafting. I ride on our property for leisure and also muster cattle. Most riding I will do on my property is done alone. I do have another horse so there will be a paddock companion. Safe in every aspect!! Gave Refund – Very Hard Woman to get along with MUST be in NSW
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Application Date: July 28, 2023 at 10:48 am Name: Karen McDevitt Contact Number: 0438697489 Email: mcdevittkaren55@gmail.com Location: Australian Capital Territory |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Pleasure Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 15 to Age: 5 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Australian Capital Territory |
Riding History:
I am 56 and have been riding on and off since I was 12. I ride for fun and like to try different things. I have done PC, ARC, clinics, jumping, sporting, small events, camps and trail riding. I have not ridden for years, due to having unsound horses and do not have the confidence I used to have. Dream Horse: No specific breed, must be able to carry my 75kgs and height of 173cm. My favourite horses have been mares, but I am also open to geldings. I am looking for a brave and kind horse for trail riding and ARC. It needs to be able to go riding alone. I do not want any behavioural issues and it needs to be able to get along with my mares. Riding Ambitions: Trail riding, ARC, small events and rides. I am not competitive and just want a horse to have fun with. Notes: LOVED the TB Gelding – Bought him and Picked him up 2/9/23 Really Likes the Black TB – Waiting on X-Rays Went back and rode Black TB Vet check for the 18/8/23 10.8.23 – Relooking at TB Gelding on 12/08/23 28.07.23 – Booked in to See OTT tomorrow Was Riding for as long as she can remember before having kids – then had a break for her kids – started riding again then fostered some more kids so had to stop riding now is back riding again. No buck, rear, bolt etc, May consider a windsucker if is controlled by a collar. Has lots of horse friends, will be joining Adult riders and getting lessons again once she has found her match. Ideally no further than 3 hours – but may go alittle for right horse. Budget is $10,000
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Application Date: August 4, 2023 at 5:39 pm Name: Karen Barson Contact Number: 0419384057 Email: k.barson@bigpond.net.au Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Dressage, HRCAV, Schoolmasters Breed: Warmbloods Height: 16.2 to 17.2 Age: 6 YO to 14 YO Asking Price: to 20000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Pony club Dream Horse: 16.3 Riding Ambitions: Ride at home and have regular lessons Quiet non fuss Budget up to $35k Wants the Old looking Warmblood – Happy to Look at Warmblood x TB – Doesnt like the clydie x’s movement Stopped Replying to Messages – 5/3/24
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Application Date: August 6, 2023 at 8:26 pm Name: Janelle Moore Contact Number: 0437 457 930 Email: nell138@outlook.com Location: New South Wales |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Campdrafting, Challenge, Companion, Pleasure, Show Breed: Australian Stock Horses Height: 14 to 15 Age: 5 YO to 10 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 5000 Sex: Gelding Rider Level: Novice, Intermediate Location: New South Wales |
Riding History:
Pony Club & riding g at home on a farm. Have ridden Dressage competitively. Keenly interested in Australian Stockhorses. Family used to breed them. Dream Horse: A good tempered horse that doesn’t bite, kick, bolt, buck or rear. More whoa than go. Not overly green. One that has a lovely kind eye. Attractive enough to show. Not girthy & doesn’t need working down. Must be reliable after a spell. Like he was only ridden day before. A 5 star knowledgeable & loving home will be provided. Riding Ambitions: Trail & pleasure riding. Gymkhana Club & Branch Level stockhorse showing. Australian Stock Horse showing at Country Ag Shows. Notes: Picking Up SH Gelding on the 10th/9 – for a 2 weeks Trail Sent through a few with NO replies or fedback
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Application Date: August 11, 2023 at 3:16 pm Name: Madeleine Stark Contact Number: 0411397582 Email: maddieellie87@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Pleasure, Polo, Trail Riding Breed: Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: to 15000 Sex: Gelding, Mare Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I rode a bit as a child/teen, doing weekly lessons. Then took a long break for about 7 years due to work and uni requirements. I started riding more consistently about 18 months ago now. Dream Horse: 14-15.2hh (maybe slightly more) Riding Ambitions: Basically will be used as a pleasure horse and some pony clubbing. I would also like a horse that is trustworthy enough that I could put my total beginner friends on too. Notes: Purchased a polo pony and very happy with our help Looking at Morgan on the 26/08/23
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Application Date: August 26, 2023 at 9:05 am Name: Kate Kitson Contact Number: 0417770636 Email: akkitson@bigpond.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Dressage Breed: Australian Stock Horses, German Riding Pony, Thoroughbred, Warmbloods Height: 15.2 to 16.2 Age: 4 YO to 8 YO Asking Price: 20000 to 10000 Sex: Rider Level: Intermediate Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
I have been riding all my life in showing and dressage. Now I am mainly focussed on dressage. I had a break while I had my children. Since then, I have been back riding for the past 10 years. Before I retired my horse, I was competing HRCAV L2 moving to L1. I am not 100% confident rider but gain confidence when I know the horse well. The last two horses have been quirky chestnut mares, so I can manage a few problems. Dream Horse: Age – 4yrs to 8yrs Riding Ambitions: I hope to buy a horse to have forever and to build a strong relationship with. I would like to continue regular lessons and compete regularly. Ideally have a horse at the same level as my riding or a little below, so that I can educate and we can move up the levels together. Notes: Client had friend sell her a horse
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Application Date: September 6, 2023 at 5:47 pm Name: Annabelle Contact Number: 0466966067 Email: annabelle_suter@hotmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Adult Riding Club, Allrounders, Beginners, Dressage, Eventing, HRCAV, Pleasure, Pony Club, Schoolmasters, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE, Cross Breed, Warmbloods Height: 15 to 16.2 Age: 7 YO to 16 YO Asking Price: 10000 to 20000 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
Consistent lessons on school ponies and horses as a child to late teen. In the later years I helped work green and younger horses for the school. I took a break from riding during uni and started back with lessons in 2020. In 2021 I owned my first horse but have not been able to do a lot with him due to paddock injury and rehabbing and eventually decided to retire him Dream Horse: – extremely sensible and safe Riding Ambitions: Mostly pleasure and a way to keep fit, relax, and de-stress with a focus on flatwork and trails. Small comps and rallies and adult riders. Low level eventing if horse is suitable. Notes: Stopped Replying to Messages – 4/3/24
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Application Date: November 21, 2023 at 9:40 pm Name: Jade Contact Number: 0423512242 Email: jrosewarndaws@gmail.com Location: Victoria |
Disciplines: Allrounders, Pleasure, Pony Club, Trail Riding Breed: NO PREFERENCE Height: 14 to 15.2 Age: 8 YO to 12 YO Asking Price: 1000 to 7500 Sex: Rider Level: Novice Location: Victoria |
Riding History:
My daughters have been having weekly lessons for approx 18 month. They are novices, but at the more experienced end. Dream Horse: I want a safe horse but who has enough go that there is room for my girls to grow and gain confidence. Riding Ambitions: Pleasure, pony club. Whatever they like Notes: 31/1/24
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Application Date: December 6, 2023 at 4:04 pm Name: Val Vicic Contact Number: 0437404840 Email: valvicic08@gmail.com Location: Victoria | Dis |